const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const c = @import("./c.zig").c;
const clap = @import("../clap.zig");
const win32 =;
// We should be able to run in 2 modes:
// embedded (we are given a window to run in) and
// floating (we manage the window we run in)
// Not sure if this works on most platforms,
// Stole from
// But only tested on MacOS (my sys76 doesn't boot anymore...)
/// Creates a WGPU Surface from a clap window struct
fn create_surface_from_clap_window(instance: c.WGPUInstance, window: *clap.clap_window_t) !c.WGPUSurface {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.macos => {
// We only support cocoa on MacOS, so yeah...
var layer = window.unnamed_0.cocoa;
return c.wgpuInstanceCreateSurface(
&.{ .label = null, .nextInChain = &.{
.chain = .{
.next = null,
.sType = c.WGPUSType_SurfaceDescriptorFromMetalLayer,
.layer = layer,
} },
.windows => {
// Only has win32
var hwnd = window.unnamed_0.win32;
const hinstance = win32.GetWindowLongPtrA(hwnd, win32.GWL_HINSTANCE);
return c.wgpuInstanceCreateSurface(
&.{ .label = null, .nextInChain = &.{
.chain = .{
.next = null,
.sType = c.WGPUSType_SurfaceDescriptorFromWindowHWND,
.hinstance = hinstance,
.hwnd = hwnd,
} },
.linux => {
// Unlike the other 2, linux has X11 and Wayland
if (window.api) |wapi| {
const wapi_slice = std.mem.span(wapi);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, wapi_slice, &clap.CLAP_WINDOW_API_X11)) {
// Do the display stuff
var display = c.XOpenDisplay(null);
var xwnd = window.unnamed_0.x11;
return c.wgpuInstanceCreateSurface(
&.{ .label = null, .nextInChain = &.{
.chain = .{
.next = null,
.sType = c.WGPUSType_SurfaceDescriptorFromXlibWindow,
.display = display,
.window = xwnd,
} },
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, wapi_slice, &clap.CLAP_WINDOW_API_WAYLAND)) {
var display = c.wl_display_connect(null);
var surface = window.unnamed_0.ptr;
return c.wgpuInstanceCreateSurface(
&.{ .label = null, .nextInChain = &.{
.chain = .{
.next = null,
.sType = c.WGPUSType_SurfaceDescriptorFromWaylandSurface,
.display = display,
.surface = surface,
} },
return error.UnknownLinuxXDGSession;
// SMADGE, we should support more OSes
else => return error.UnsupportedOS,
// This is just straight up tho.
fn glfwGetWGPUSurface(instance: c.WGPUInstance, window: *c.GLFWWindow) !c.WGPUSurface {
_ = window;
_ = instance;
// RN Kinda stuck, dont wanna vendor, but mach-glfw doesn't support master bleeding-edge
// and objc (which I just need to get CAMetalLayer) doesn't seem to support Zig PM (it uses
// submodules, which are not archivable on Github...)
// _ = window;
// _ = instance;
// switch (builtin.os.tag) {
// .macos => {
// var ns_window = c.glfwGetCocoaWindow(window);
// ns_window.contentView.setWantsLayer(true);
// const metal_layer =
// },
// else => return error.UnsupportedOS,
// }