chord ~= 'C-a' and chord ~= 'C-c' and chord ~= 'C-x' and chord ~= 'backspace' and backspace ~= 'delete' and not App.is_cursor_movement(chord) then
chord ~= 'C-a' and chord ~= 'C-c' and chord ~= 'C-x' and chord ~= 'backspace' and chord ~= 'delete' and not App.is_cursor_movement(chord) then
chord ~= 'C-a' and chord ~= 'C-c' and chord ~= 'C-x' and chord ~= 'backspace' and backspace ~= 'delete' and not App.is_cursor_movement(chord) then
chord ~= 'C-a' and chord ~= 'C-c' and chord ~= 'C-x' and chord ~= 'backspace' and chord ~= 'delete' and not App.is_cursor_movement(chord) then