local callstack = debug.traceback('', --[[stack frame]]2)
Error_message = 'Error: ' .. tostring(err)..'\n'..clean_up_callstack(callstack)
-- I tend to read code from files myself (say using love.filesystem calls)
-- rather than offload that to load().
-- Functions compiled in this manner have ugly filenames of the form [string "filename"]
-- This function cleans out this cruft from error callstacks.
function clean_up_callstack(callstack)
local frames = {}
for frame in string.gmatch(callstack, '[^\n]+\n*') do
local line = frame:gsub('^%s*(.-)\n?$', '%1')
local filename, rest = line:match('([^:]*):(.*)')
local core_filename = filename:match('^%[string "(.*)"%]$')
-- pass through frames that don't match this format
-- this includes the initial line "stack traceback:"
local new_frame = (core_filename or filename)..':'..rest
table.insert(frames, new_frame)