A flashcard app for drilling on spellings of words based on audio recordings

bugfix: lines that aren't drawn from the start

I can't believe I didn't catch this until now. All I had to do is open MobyDick.markdown from https://www.hogbaysoftware.com/posts/moby-dick-workout, press page-down and click on the top screen line (or any screen line containing the same line as the top screen line). Easy to catch with any file containing lots of overly long lines, as happens in particular at the start of Moby Dick.

I had seen this problem before, but it seemed to disappear after unrelated changes, and I convinced myself I'd fixed it as a side-effect. The bug just failed to manifest if the top line happened to start at the top of the screen. Scroll down a few pages in Moby Dick and the dialogue starts and line length drops precipitously.

Created by  Kartik K. Agaram  on July 1, 2022
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