Demo of an experimental lua-based markup language

attempt at better error recovery

  • I often find that opening up and sending any message gets my app unwedged. Retrying should be easy. Just press a key.
  • There's really no reason for the app to become unresponsive while waiting for code changes.

This approach tries to address both. Press any key to retry, or show the error right on the window while I whip out You can also copy the message to the clipboard by hitting 'c'.

Drawbacks of this approach:

  • nobody's going to read the message. I myself didn't notice the default support for copying the error message for months.
  • more complexity for anyone reading the code to parse. More stuff that can go wrong. Any errors within the handler will crash the app hard. (Though now there's less code in the handler, so maybe this is an improvement on that score.)

The best plan is still to not rely on this too much. Don't ship bugs.

Created by  Kartik K. Agaram  on April 20, 2023
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