I'm not sure what the right solution is, but this seems definitely on the wrong track. It just doesn't make sense to decouple a pane's top margin from Display_settings.y. That causes panes to slide relative to each other, which we want to avoid at all costs. We need a different approach.
* Perhaps keys should not go to cursor pane if it's off screen (or cursor is off screen in edit mode)? Then you only get global keys?
* lines.love assumes cursor can never be above screen top. Do we want to violate this constraint in pensieve? Or move the cursor to satisfy it as needed? Or forbid movements that would violate it?
* TODO: lines.love assumes cursor can never be above screen top. Do we want to violate this constraint in pensieve? Or move the cursor to satisfy it as needed? Or forbid movements that would violate it?
* Keypresses not sent to cursor pane if off screen
* Keypresses not sent to pane in edit mode if its cursor is off screen
* hit pagedown. All columns scroll down by same amount.
* hit pageup. All columns scroll up by same amount.
* move mouse off any panes, press down and drag around. All columns pan by same amount.
* select a pane, hit ctrl+x, hit pagedown. All columns scroll down by same amount.
* select a pane, hit ctrl+x, hit pageup. All columns scroll up by same amount.
* select a pane, hit ctrl+x, move mouse off any panes, press down and drag around. All columns pan by same amount.
* select a pane, hit ctrl+x, hit pagedown. Cursor remains visible.
* select a pane, hit ctrl+x, hit pageup. Cursor remains visible.
* select a pane, hit ctrl+x, hit pagedown, type some text. Surface does not pan.
* select a pane, hit ctrl+x, hit pagedown, move mouse off any panes, press down and drag around. All columns pan by same amount.
* select a pane, hit pagedown, hit ctrl+x. There should be some indication that the pane can be edited, and where, either on- or off-screen.