-- rendering graphical objects within sections/boxes
debug_log_render = {}
Ball_color = {r=0.5, g=0, b=0.5}
A_color = {r=0, g=0.5, b=0}
B_color = {r=0, g=0, b=0.5}
function debug_log_render.state(state, x,y, w)
-- emit drawing to given space on screen (x to x+w, y downward); return lowest y drawn
local h = 100
love.graphics.rectangle('line', x+30,y, 100,h)
local starty = y
-- translate coordinate system
x,y = x+30+50, y+50
-- render -- with the actual numbers as Tufte commands
love.graphics.circle('fill', x+state.Ballp.x, y+state.Ballp.y, 3)
love.graphics.print(('%d,%d'):format(state.Ballp.x, state.Ballp.y), x+state.Ballp.x-40, y+state.Ballp.y-40)
love.graphics.line(x+state.Ballp.x, y+state.Ballp.y, x+state.Ballp.x+state.Ballv.x*100, y+state.Ballp.y+state.Ballv.y*100)
love.graphics.print(('Ball velocity: %0.2f,%0.2f'):format(state.Ballv.x, state.Ballv.y), x+200,starty+50)
--? love.graphics.print(('%0.2f,%0.2f -> %0.2f,%0.2f'):format(x+state.Ballp.x, y+state.Ballp.y, x+state.Ballp.x+state.Ballv.x, y+state.Ballp.y+state.Ballv.y), x+200, starty+50) -- heh, debug prints for my debug prints
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', x-50, y-state.A.ymin, 3, state.A.ymax-state.A.ymin)
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', x+50-3+1, y-state.B.ymin, 3, state.B.ymax-state.B.ymin)
return h+20