Bugs I've hit so far:
It's not looking so elegant anymore..
-- moving crate without moving any other crates
-- idea 1
--? function find_path_for_crate(level, src, crate_to_move, dst)
--? local done = {}
--? local cands = {}
--? table.insert(cands, {x=src.x, y=src.y})
--? while #cands > 0 do
--? local cand = table.remove(cands, 1)
--? local x,y = cand.x, cand.y
--? if x == dst.x and y == dst.y then return cand end
--? if y >= 1 and y <= lh and x >= 1 and x <= lw and not done[y][x] then
--? done[y][x] = true
--? local curr = level[y][x]
--? if curr ~= CELL_WALL and curr ~= CELL_CRATE and curr ~= CELL_CRATE_ON_TARGET then
--? table.insert(cands, {x=x-1, y=y, dir='left', prev=cand})
--? table.insert(cands, {x=x+1, y=y, dir='right', prev=cand})
--? table.insert(cands, {x=x, y=y-1, dir='up', prev=cand})
--? table.insert(cands, {x=x, y=y+1, dir='down', prev=cand})
--? elseif curr == CELL_CRATE and crate_id[y][x] == cid then
--? -- TODO: actually simulate a real move of a crate
--? table.insert(cands, {x=x-1, y=y, dir='left', prev=cand})
--? table.insert(cands, {x=x+1, y=y, dir='right', prev=cand})
--? table.insert(cands, {x=x, y=y-1, dir='up', prev=cand})
--? table.insert(cands, {x=x, y=y+1, dir='down', prev=cand})
--? end end end end
function find_path_for_crate(level, player, crate, dst)
local done = initialize_array(false, lh, lw)
local cands = {}
table.insert(cands, {crate={x=crate.x, y=crate.y}, player={x=player.x, y=player.y}})
while #cands > 0 do
local cand = table.remove(cands, 1)
local p, c = cand.player, cand.crate
if c.x == dst.x and c.y == dst.y then return cand end
if c.y >= 1 and c.y <= lh and c.x >= 1 and c.x <= lw and not done[c.y][c.x] then
done[c.y][c.x] = true
local curr = level[c.y][c.x]
if curr ~= CELL_WALL and (curr ~= CELL_CRATE or crate_id[c.y][c.x] ~= crate.id) and (curr ~= CELL_CRATE_ON_TARGET or crate_id[c.y][c.x] ~= crate.id) then
-- try to push crate left, by first getting to the right of it
local moves = find_almost_empty_path(level, p, {x=c.x+1, y=c.y}, crate.id)
if moves or (p.x == c.x+1 and p.y == c.y) then
-- after the push, both player and crate have moved
table.insert(cands, {player={x=c.x, y=c.y}, crate={x=c.x-1, y=c.y}, dir='left', moves=moves, prev=cand})
-- try to push crate right
moves = find_almost_empty_path(level, p, {x=c.x-1, y=c.y}, crate.id)
if moves or (p.x == c.x-1 and p.y == c.y) then
table.insert(cands, {player={x=c.x, y=c.y}, crate={x=c.x+1, y=c.y}, dir='right', moves=moves, prev=cand})
-- try to push crate up
local moves = find_almost_empty_path(level, p, {x=c.x, y=c.y+1}, crate.id)
if moves or (p.x == c.x and p.y == c.y+1) then
table.insert(cands, {player={x=c.x, y=c.y}, crate={x=c.x, y=c.y-1}, dir='up', moves=moves, prev=cand})
-- try to push crate down
moves = find_almost_empty_path(level, p, {x=c.x, y=c.y-1}, crate.id)
if moves or (p.x == c.x and p.y == c.y-1) then
table.insert(cands, {player={x=c.x, y=c.y}, crate={x=c.x, y=c.y+1}, dir='down', moves=moves, prev=cand})
end end end end
function find_almost_empty_path(level, src, dst, cid)
local done = initialize_array(false, lh, lw)
local cands = {}
table.insert(cands, {x=src.x, y=src.y})
while #cands > 0 do
local cand = table.remove(cands, 1)
local x,y = cand.x, cand.y
if x == dst.x and y == dst.y then return cand end
if y >= 1 and y <= lh and x >= 1 and x <= lw and not done[y][x] then
done[y][x] = true
local curr = level[y][x]
if curr ~= CELL_WALL and (curr ~= CELL_CRATE or crate_id[y][x] ~= cid) and (curr ~= CELL_CRATE_ON_TARGET or crate_id[y][x] ~= cid) then
table.insert(cands, {x=x-1, y=y, dir='left', prev=cand})
table.insert(cands, {x=x+1, y=y, dir='right', prev=cand})
table.insert(cands, {x=x, y=y-1, dir='up', prev=cand})
table.insert(cands, {x=x, y=y+1, dir='down', prev=cand})
end end end end
function unwind_steps_to_move_crate(c, out)
-- insert steps in reverse order
while c do
table.insert(out, c.dir)
unwind_steps(c.moves, out)
c = c.prev
return out
function plan_move_crate(y, x)
local path = find_path_for_crate(level_state, player, crate_to_move, {y=y, x=x})
if path == nil then return end
pending_moves = unwind_steps_to_move_crate(path, {})
for i=#pending_moves,1,-1 do print(pending_moves[i]) end
local src = level_state[player.y][player.x]
local crate_cell = level_state[crate_to_move.y][crate_to_move.x]
local dest = level_state[y][x]
local u = {
{x=player.x, y=player.y, cell=src},
{x=crate_to_move.x, y=crate_to_move.y, cell=crate_cell},
{x=x, y=y, cell=dest}}
print('player initial', player.x, player.y, src)
print('crate initial', crate_to_move.x, crate_to_move.y, crate_cell)
print('crate final', x, y, dest)
-- we also need to save the initial state of the final position of the player
local fpy,fpx = compute_cell(y,x, opposite_dir(pending_moves[1]))
print('player final', fpx, fpy, level_state[fpy][fpx])
table.insert(u, {x=fpx, y=fpy, cell=level_state[fpy][fpx]})
table.insert(undo_history, u) -- add to undo without making move yet
next_pending_move = Current_time
function compute_cell(y, x, dir)
if dir == 'up' then
return y-1, x
elseif dir == 'down' then
return y+1, x
elseif dir == 'left' then
return y, x-1
elseif dir == 'right' then
return y, x+1
end end
function opposite_dir(dir)
if dir == 'up' then
return 'down'
elseif dir == 'down' then
return 'up'
elseif dir == 'left' then
return 'right'
elseif dir == 'right' then
return 'left'
end end