In progress. Manage a directory tree containing plain-text notes (with [some
line drawings](http://akkartik.name/lines.html)). Notes/files can have
[cross-links](https://merveilles.town/@akkartik/108766067153506592) (not
hyperlinks, but that's planned) with other notes, which are saved outside the
plain-text in a corresponding .json file.
In progress. Beginnings of a possible shared wiki and discussion system for
[Lion Kimbro's Internet Office Hours](https://communitywiki.org/wiki/LionKimbro)
pensieve.love is a compatible fork of [lines.love](http://akkartik.name/lines.html),
an editor for plain text where you can also seamlessly insert line drawings.
Designed above all to be easy to modify and give you early warning if your
modifications break something.
Techmeet.love started out as [a private single-person note-taking
system](https://git.sr.ht/~akkartik/pensieve.love). It is now a space for the
long-form asynchronous communications of a small community, and a place to
experiment with and evolve new ideas for such collaborative communications.
Some features:
- Multiple views into an independent repo of plain text notes (with [some line
- Notes can have arbitrary named relationships (links) to each other,
resulting in a graph.
- The primary visual metaphor is an infinite 2D surface of fixed-width,
non-overlapping, notes that can be operated on with an extensible set of
- Commands usually (but not always) create new columns of notes. Each column
is an independent visualization of a subset of notes.
- App sources can be seamlessly edited from within the app (though packaging
up modifications to share with others currently has some seams; see below)
- Notes can contain hyperlinks in [[wikiwords]] to other notes. Hyperlinks
can't contain spaces. Clicking on a hyperlink opens the target in a new
- A few other things. Explore the command menu and palette along the top.
This will read the notes from the `data.sample/` directory in this repo to
give you a flavor for what the app is like.
1. Determine where to store data for the app. This location is OS-dependent
and constrained by LÖVE's restrictions on apps for privacy reasons. Run the
following command from a terminal:
love techmeet
On my computer I see this message in the terminal window:
reading notes from /home/akkartik/.local/share/love/techmeet/data/
put any notes there (and make frequent backups)
While the sample gives you stuff to browse, don't use it to write any real
notes. LÖVE limits what directories apps can list files from (which is great
for privacy), but has some confusing rules around them. Each app can only
write to files under a single directory, the app's _save directory_
In addition, reads will also fall back to read from the repo directory,
enabling the sample experience. However, edits you make will not modify the
`data.sample/` directory in this repo. Your notes will fragment between two
directories, which can get confusing.
2. Install the shared repo of notes in the directory mentioned above. For me
that command is:
git clone https://git.sr.ht/~akkartik/techmeet-data.love /home/akkartik/.local/share/love/techmeet/data/
Adjust the final path for yourself.
pensieve.love will then create a `data/` directory in the app's save directory
as above. Confusing location, but everything will be in one place.
Your OS will likely have ways to run this command based on a global
shortcut, should you so desire.
Hit `ctrl+w` from within the app to modify its code. The infrastructure works,
but it isn't advertised within the app because this particular app is
currently too large to comfortably modify from within itself. I use more
specialized editors while I improve the editing infrastructure further.
Hit `ctrl+w` from within the app to modify its code. I've only used it to edit
simpler forks so far, but would love to collaborate on improving it.