'-- a snazzy circle',
'cx, cy, N = 30, 100, 100',
'function dist2(x1,y1, x2,y2)',
' return (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2',
'function car.draw()',
' for x=cx-N,cx+N do',
' for y=cy-N,cy+N do',
' if dist2(cx,cy, x,y) < N*N then',
' color(abs(x-cx)/N, abs(y-cy)/N, 0.5)',
' pt(x,y)',
'end end end end',
'function car.mousepressed(x,y, b)',
' cx,cy = x,y',
'-- pacman',
'function init_balls()',
' balls = {}',
' for x=50,love.graphics.getWidth()-1,50 do',
' for y=30,love.graphics.getHeight()-1,50 do',
' table.insert(balls, {x=x, y=y, show = true})',
'end end end',
'function eat_ball()',
' for _,b in ipairs(balls) do',
' if b.x == x and b.y == y then',
' b.show = false',
'end end end',
'x, y = 30, 30',
'dx = 5',
'dang = 0 -- change in mouth angle',
'function car.draw()',
' love.graphics.setColor(0.8, 0.8, 0)',
" love.graphics.arc('fill', x,y, 20, dang + 0.5, dang + 2*math.pi - 0.5)",
' for _,b in ipairs(balls) do',
' if b.show then',
" love.graphics.circle('fill', b.x, b.y, 10)",
'end end end',
'function car.update(dt)',
' x = x+dx',
' eat_ball()',
' if x > love.graphics.getWidth() then',
' y, dx = y+50, -5',
' dang = math.pi',
' elseif x < 0 then',
' y, dx = y+50, 5',
' dang = 0',
' end',
' if y > love.graphics.getHeight() then',
' y = 30',
' init_balls()',
' end',
'-- sweep trails with your finger',
'-- (fingers on a phone or tablet)',
'W,H = g.getDimensions()',
'T = 0.1 -- seconds',
'U = 0',
'trails = {}',
'function car.draw()',
' for _,trail in pairs(trails) do',
' color(trail.r, trail.g,trail.b)',
' for _,c in ipairs(trail) do',
" circ('fill', c.x,c.y, c.r)",
'end end end',
'function car.update(dt)',
' U = U + dt',
' if U < T then return end',
' U = U - T',
' local touches = love.touch.getTouches()',
' for _,id in ipairs(touches) do',
' local x,y = love.touch.getPosition(id)',
' if trails[id] then',
' table.insert(trails[id], 1, {x=x, y=y, r=100})',
'end end',
' for id,trail in pairs(trails) do',
' for i=#trail,1,-1 do',
' local c = trail[i]',
' c.r = c.r - 10',
' if c.r <= 0 then table.remove(trail, i) end',
' end',
' if #trail == 0 then trails[id] = nil end',
' end',
'function car.touchpressed(id, x,y, ...)',
' trails[id] = {r=rand(), g=rand(), b=rand()}',