local callstack = debug.traceback('', --[[stack frame]]2)
local cleaned_up_error = 'Error: ' .. cleaned_up_frame(tostring(err))..'\n'..cleaned_up_callstack(callstack)
Error_message = 'Something is wrong. Sorry!\n\n'..cleaned_up_error..'\n\n'..
'- press "ctrl+c" (without the quotes) to copy this message to your clipboard to send to me: ak@akkartik.com\n'..
'- run driver.love to try to fix it yourself. As you do, feel free to ask me questions: ak@akkartik.com\n'
Error_count = Error_count+1
if Error_count > 1 then
Error_message = Error_message..('\n\nThis is error #%d in this session; things will probably not improve in this session. Please copy the message and send it to me: ak@akkartik.com.'):format(Error_count)
error_frame_keys_down = {}