local binding = buf:match('^%S+%s+(%S+)')
app.Manifest[binding] = nil
app.eval(binding..' = nil') -- ignore errors which will likely be from keywords like `function = nil`
local next_filename = app.versioned_filename(app.Next_version, binding)
local definition_name = buf:match('^%S+%s+(%S+)')
app.Manifest[definition_name] = nil
app.eval(definition_name..' = nil') -- ignore errors which will likely be from keywords like `function = nil`
local next_filename = app.versioned_filename(app.Next_version, definition_name)
local binding = cmd
if app.Frozen_definitions[binding] then
app.send('ERROR definition '..binding..' is part of Freewheeling infrastructure and cannot be safely edited live.')
local definition_name = cmd
if app.Frozen_definitions[definition_name] then
app.send('ERROR definition '..definition_name..' is part of Freewheeling infrastructure and cannot be safely edited live.')