3.35205] → [
// import { Graphics, Sprite, Container } from "pixi.js";
// import { Line } from "./geometry/line";
// import { Entity } from "./entity";
// import { Rect } from "./geometry/rect";
// import { RectGroup } from "./geometry/rect_group";
// import { GameReference } from "./base_game";
// import { BaseGameState } from "./base_state";
// import { IS_DEBUG, IS_PRODUCTION } from "./environment";
// export class Debug {
// public static stageReference: Entity;
// public static DebugMode = false;
// public static DebugGraphicStack: Graphics[] = [];
// public static Clear(): void {
// for (const debug of Debug.DebugGraphicStack) {
// debug.parent.removeChild(debug);
// debug.destroy();
// }
// Debug.DebugGraphicStack = [];
// }
// /**
// * Draw a point on the canvas.
// *
// * We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
// * Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
// * If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
// */
// public static DrawPoint(point: IVector2, color = 0xff0000, persistent = false): Graphics {
// console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
// }
// const graphics = new Graphics();
// new Line({
// x1: point.x - 40,
// x2: point.x + 40,
// y1: point.y - 40,
// y2: point.y + 40,
// }).drawOnto(graphics, color);
// new Line({
// x1: point.x + 40,
// x2: point.x - 40,
// y1: point.y - 40,
// y2: point.y + 40,
// }).drawOnto(graphics, color);
// GameReference.stage.sprite.addChild(graphics);
// if (!persistent) {
// this.DebugGraphicStack.push(graphics);
// if (this.DebugGraphicStack.length > MAX_DEBUGGING_GRAPHICS_COUNT) {
// const toBeRemoved = this.DebugGraphicStack.shift()!;
// toBeRemoved.parent.removeChild(toBeRemoved);
// toBeRemoved.destroy();
// }
// }
// return graphics;
// }
// /**
// * Draw a line from start to end on the canvas, for debugging.
// *
// * We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
// * Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
// *
// * If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
// */
// public static DrawLineV2(start: Vector2, end: Vector2, color = 0xff0000, persistent = false): Graphics {
// console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
// }
// return Debug.DrawLine(new Line({ start, end }), color, persistent);
// }
// /**
// * Draw a line on the canvas, for debugging.
// *
// * We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
// * Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
// *
// * If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
// */
// public static DrawLine(line: Line, color = 0xff0000, persistent = false, target: "stage" | "fixed" = "fixed"): Graphics {
// console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
// }
// const graphics = new Graphics();
// line.drawOnto(graphics, color);
// if (target === "fixed") {
// GameReference.fixedCameraStage.sprite.addChild(graphics);
// } else {
// GameReference.stage.sprite.addChild(graphics);
// }
// if (!persistent) {
// this.DebugGraphicStack.push(graphics);
// if (this.DebugGraphicStack.length > MAX_DEBUGGING_GRAPHICS_COUNT) {
// const toBeRemoved = this.DebugGraphicStack.shift()!;
// toBeRemoved.parent.removeChild(toBeRemoved);
// toBeRemoved.destroy();
// }
// }
// return graphics;
// }
// /**
// * Draw a rectangle from start to end on the canvas, for debugging.
// *
// * We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
// * Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
// *
// * If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
// */
// public static DrawRect(rect: Rect, color = 0xff0000, persistent = false, target: "stage" | "fixed" = "fixed"): Graphics[] {
// console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
// }
// const lines: Graphics[] = [];
// for (const line of rect.getLinesFromRect()) {
// lines.push(Debug.DrawLine(line, color, persistent, target));
// }
// return lines;
// }
// /**
// * Draw the bounds of a game object on the canvas, for debugging.
// *
// * We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
// * Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
// *
// * If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
// */
// public static DrawBounds(
// entity: Entity | Sprite | Graphics | RectGroup | Container | Rect,
// color = 0xff0000,
// persistent = false,
// target: "stage" | "fixed" = "stage"
// ): Graphics[] {
// console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
// }
// if (entity instanceof Entity) {
// entity = entity.collisionBounds()
// .add(entity.positionAbsolute())
// ;
// }
// if (entity instanceof RectGroup) {
// const results: Graphics[] = [];
// for (const rect of entity.getRects()) {
// const lines = Debug.DrawRect(rect, color, persistent, target);
// for (const line of lines) {
// results.push(line);
// }
// }
// return results;
// } else {
// return Debug.DrawRect(new Rect({
// x : entity.x,
// y : entity.y,
// width : entity.width,
// height: entity.height,
// }), color, persistent, target);
// }
// }
// private static profiles: { [key: string]: number[] } = {};
// /**
// * Performance test a block of code.
// */
// public static Profile(name: string, cb: () => void): void {
// Debug.profiles[name] = Debug.profiles[name] || [];
// const start = window.performance.now();
// cb();
// const end = window.performance.now();
// Debug.profiles[name].push(end - start);
// if (Debug.profiles[name].length === 60) {
// const average = Debug.profiles[name].reduce((a, b) => a + b) / 60;
// const rounded = Math.floor(average * 100) / 100;
// Debug.profiles[name] = [];
// console.log(`${ name }: ${ rounded }ms`);
// }
// }
// static ResetDrawCount() {
// (Sprite as any).drawCount = 0;
// (Container as any).drawCount = 0;
// drawn = [];
// }
// static GetDrawnObjects() {
// return drawn;
// }
// static GetDrawCount() {
// return (
// (Sprite as any).drawCount +
// (Container as any).drawCount
// );
// }
// public static DebugStuff(state: BaseGameState) {
// if (state.keys.justDown.Z) {
// Debug.DebugMode = true;
// state.stage.x = 0;
// state.stage.y = 0;
// if (state.stage.scale.x === 0.2) {
// state.stage.scale = new Vector2({ x: 1, y: 1 });
// } else {
// state.stage.scale = new Vector2({ x: 0.2, y: 0.2 });
// }
// }
// if (Debug.DebugMode) {
// if (state.keys.down.W) {
// state.stage.y += 20;
// }
// if (state.keys.down.S) {
// state.stage.y -= 20;
// }
// if (state.keys.down.D) {
// state.stage.x -= 20;
// }
// if (state.keys.down.A) {
// state.stage.x += 20;
// }
// }
// }
// public static DebugShowRect(state: BaseGameState, rect: Rect) {
// state.stage.scale = new Vector2({ x: 0.2, y: 0.2 });
// state.stage.x = -rect.x * 0.2;
// state.stage.y = -rect.y * 0.2;
// }
// }
// let drawn: any[] = [];
// if (IS_DEBUG) {
// (Sprite as any).drawCount = 0;
// (Sprite.prototype as any).__render = (Sprite.prototype as any)._render;
// (Sprite.prototype as any)._render = function (renderer: any) {
// (Sprite as any).drawCount++;
// this.__render(renderer);
// drawn.push(this);
// };
// (Sprite.prototype as any).__renderCanvas = (Sprite.prototype as any)._renderCanvas;
// (Sprite.prototype as any)._renderCanvas = function (renderer: any) {
// (Sprite as any).drawCount++;
// this.__renderCanvas(renderer);
// drawn.push(this);
// };
// // PIXI.Container
// (Container as any).drawCount = 0;
// (Container.prototype as any).__render = (Container.prototype as any)._render;
// (Container.prototype as any)._render = function (renderer: any) {
// (Container as any).drawCount++;
// this.__render(renderer);
// drawn.push(this);
// };
// (Container.prototype as any).__renderCanvas = (Container.prototype as any)._renderCanvas;
// (Container.prototype as any)._renderCanvas = function (renderer: any) {
// (Container as any).drawCount++;
// this.__renderCanvas(renderer);
// drawn.push(this);
// };
// }
import { Graphics, Sprite, Container } from "pixi.js";
import { Line } from "./geometry/line";
import { Entity } from "./entity";
import { Rect } from "./geometry/rect";
import { RectGroup } from "./geometry/rect_group";
import { GameReference } from "./base_game";
import { BaseGameState } from "./base_state";
import { IS_DEBUG, IS_PRODUCTION } from "./environment";
export class Debug {
public static stageReference: Entity;
public static DebugMode = false;
public static DebugGraphicStack: Graphics[] = [];
public static Clear(): void {
for (const debug of Debug.DebugGraphicStack) {
Debug.DebugGraphicStack = [];
* Draw a point on the canvas.
* We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
* Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
* If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
public static DrawPoint(point: IVector2, color = 0xff0000, persistent = false): Graphics {
console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
const graphics = new Graphics();
new Line({
x1: point.x - 40,
x2: point.x + 40,
y1: point.y - 40,
y2: point.y + 40,
}).drawOnto(graphics, color);
new Line({
x1: point.x + 40,
x2: point.x - 40,
y1: point.y - 40,
y2: point.y + 40,
}).drawOnto(graphics, color);
if (!persistent) {
if (this.DebugGraphicStack.length > MAX_DEBUGGING_GRAPHICS_COUNT) {
const toBeRemoved = this.DebugGraphicStack.shift()!;
return graphics;
* Draw a line from start to end on the canvas, for debugging.
* We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
* Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
* If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
public static DrawLineV2(start: Vector2, end: Vector2, color = 0xff0000, persistent = false): Graphics {
console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
return Debug.DrawLine(new Line({ start, end }), color, persistent);
* Draw a line on the canvas, for debugging.
* We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
* Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
* If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
public static DrawLine(line: Line, color = 0xff0000, persistent = false, target: "stage" | "fixed" = "fixed"): Graphics {
console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
const graphics = new Graphics();
line.drawOnto(graphics, color);
if (target === "fixed") {
} else {
if (!persistent) {
if (this.DebugGraphicStack.length > MAX_DEBUGGING_GRAPHICS_COUNT) {
const toBeRemoved = this.DebugGraphicStack.shift()!;
return graphics;
* Draw a rectangle from start to end on the canvas, for debugging.
* We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
* Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
* If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
public static DrawRect(rect: Rect, color = 0xff0000, persistent = false, target: "stage" | "fixed" = "fixed"): Graphics[] {
console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
const lines: Graphics[] = [];
for (const line of rect.getLinesFromRect()) {
lines.push(Debug.DrawLine(line, color, persistent, target));
return lines;
* Draw the bounds of a game object on the canvas, for debugging.
* We expect this function to be called every tick in an update() function.
* Debug graphics drawn in the previous tick are removed in the game loop.
* If that's not what you want, pass persistent = true.
public static DrawBounds(
entity: Entity | Sprite | Graphics | RectGroup | Container | Rect,
color = 0xff0000,
persistent = false,
target: "stage" | "fixed" = "stage"
): Graphics[] {
console.error("SHOULD NOT HAPPEN")
if (entity instanceof Entity) {
entity = entity.collisionBounds()
if (entity instanceof RectGroup) {
const results: Graphics[] = [];
for (const rect of entity.getRects()) {
const lines = Debug.DrawRect(rect, color, persistent, target);
for (const line of lines) {
return results;
} else {
return Debug.DrawRect(new Rect({
x : entity.x,
y : entity.y,
width : entity.width,
height: entity.height,
}), color, persistent, target);
private static profiles: { [key: string]: number[] } = {};
* Performance test a block of code.
public static Profile(name: string, cb: () => void): void {
Debug.profiles[name] = Debug.profiles[name] || [];
const start = window.performance.now();
const end = window.performance.now();
Debug.profiles[name].push(end - start);
if (Debug.profiles[name].length === 60) {
const average = Debug.profiles[name].reduce((a, b) => a + b) / 60;
const rounded = Math.floor(average * 100) / 100;
Debug.profiles[name] = [];
console.log(`${ name }: ${ rounded }ms`);
static ResetDrawCount() {
(Sprite as any).drawCount = 0;
(Container as any).drawCount = 0;
drawn = [];
static GetDrawnObjects() {
return drawn;
static GetDrawCount() {
return (
(Sprite as any).drawCount +
(Container as any).drawCount
public static DebugStuff(state: BaseGameState) {
if (state.keys.justDown.Z) {
Debug.DebugMode = true;
state.stage.x = 0;
state.stage.y = 0;
if (state.stage.scale.x === 0.2) {
state.stage.scale = new Vector2({ x: 1, y: 1 });
} else {
state.stage.scale = new Vector2({ x: 0.2, y: 0.2 });
if (Debug.DebugMode) {
if (state.keys.down.W) {
state.stage.y += 20;
if (state.keys.down.S) {
state.stage.y -= 20;
if (state.keys.down.D) {
state.stage.x -= 20;
if (state.keys.down.A) {
state.stage.x += 20;
public static DebugShowRect(state: BaseGameState, rect: Rect) {
state.stage.scale = new Vector2({ x: 0.2, y: 0.2 });
state.stage.x = -rect.x * 0.2;
state.stage.y = -rect.y * 0.2;
let drawn: any[] = [];
if (IS_DEBUG) {
(Sprite as any).drawCount = 0;
(Sprite.prototype as any).__render = (Sprite.prototype as any)._render;
(Sprite.prototype as any)._render = function (renderer: any) {
(Sprite as any).drawCount++;
(Sprite.prototype as any).__renderCanvas = (Sprite.prototype as any)._renderCanvas;
(Sprite.prototype as any)._renderCanvas = function (renderer: any) {
(Sprite as any).drawCount++;
// PIXI.Container
(Container as any).drawCount = 0;
(Container.prototype as any).__render = (Container.prototype as any)._render;
(Container.prototype as any)._render = function (renderer: any) {
(Container as any).drawCount++;
(Container.prototype as any).__renderCanvas = (Container.prototype as any)._renderCanvas;
(Container.prototype as any)._renderCanvas = function (renderer: any) {
(Container as any).drawCount++;