function srch
function srch -d 'wrapper around ripgrep and fzf. USAGE: find top 5 files by num of matches: $ srch PATTERN -g GLOB -n5'
set -l num (echo $arg | rg -o '\d+')
set -l num (echo $arg | rg --replace '$1' -- '-n(\d+)')
# wrapper around ripgrep and fzf. # USAGE: find top 5 files by num of matches: # $ srch PATTERN -g GLOB -n5
# wrapper around ripgrep and fzf.
# USAGE: find top 5 files by num of matches:
# $ srch PATTERN -g GLOB -n5
num=$(echo "$arg" | rg -o '\d+') if ((nag > 0)); then
num=$(echo "$arg" | rg -o '\d+')
if ((nag > 0)); then
num=$(echo "$arg" | rg --replace '$1' -- '-n(\d+)') if ((num > 0)); then
num=$(echo "$arg" | rg --replace '$1' -- '-n(\d+)')
if ((num > 0)); then