### Encrypting the disk
The blog post I linked at the top of these docs explains the thought process behind
encryption and swap well. Here's a direct quote.
> Our partition table and primary partitions are in place. Now we can encrypt the
> partition that will contain our LVM partitions. This is the second partition that
> we created above - so should be something like `/dev/nvme0n1p2` or `/dev/sda2.`
> We’ll refer to it as `$LVM_PARTITION` below. Note that our boot partition won’t
> be encrypted. I can’t think of a reason why you would want this, and if you did,
> you probably wouldn't need partitioning advice from me. Also note that our swap
> partition is encrypted. You don’t have any control over what’s moved into your
> swap space, so it could end up containing all sorts of private stuff in the clear
> - for example passwords copied from a password manager
NOTE: In the example below a swap of 32GB s created. But you can create whatever
size you want.
``` shell
# NOTE the command below will prompt you for a passphrase
# REMEMBER IT! If you forget it, you'll have to start over.
# this encrypts the partition with the passphrase you give
cryptsetup luksFormat $LVM_PARTITION
# now decrypt the parition and give it a name `nixos-enc`
# the decrypted partition will be mounted at /dev/wrapper/nixos-enc
cryptsetup luksOpen $LVM_PARTITION nixos-enc
# create a volume group (for root & swap)
vgcreate nixos-vg /dev/mapper/nixos-enc
# create the swap partition, labeled `swap`
lvcreate -L 32G -n swap nixos-vg
# create a logical volume for the root filesystem
lvcreate -l '100%FREE' -n root nixos-vg
### Create the filesystem
``` shell
# make the boot partition a FAT32 file system
mkfs.vfat -n boot $BOOT_PARTITION # e.g. /dev/sda1 or /dev/nvme0n1p1
# make the root partition file system
mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/nixos-vg/root
# making the swap partition a swap
mkswap -L swap /dev/nixos-vg/swap
swapon /dev/nixos-vg/swap
### Generate the base NixOS Configuration
The installation NixOs provides a command to generate a base nix configuration with
some useful defaults and some hardware-detection baked in. But before we run that,
we have to mount the file systems.
``` shell
# mounting
mount /dev/nixos-vg/root /mnt
mount /mnt/boot
mount $BOOT_PARTITION /mnt/boot
# generating initial config
nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
### Required Configuration Changes
The shell you're in has a few different text editors already installed that you can
use. But thankfully, since this is nix, you can use `nix-shell -p` to get a shell
with whatever editor you want to use to make these quick config changes.
Open up `/mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` with your text editor.
> Remember, you should still be logged in as root here.
You configure NixOs to work with the encrypted drive by adding it to the `configuration.nix`.
Add the following and feel free to un-comment any of the default stuff provided that
makes sense, like the timezone setting etc.
``` nix
# in /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
# ... snip ...
boot.initrd.luks.devices = {
root = {
# TODO can we use by label here?
device = "$LVM_PARTITION"; # e.g. /dev/sda2 or /dev/nvme0n1p2
preLVM = true;
# you might find that NixOs included this in the generated config, but if not
# include it here
boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
# define your user
users.users.chris = {
isNormalUser = true;
extraGroups = [ "wheel" ]; # Enable `sudo` for the user.
shell = pkgs.zsh;
# install a bare minimum set of packages available to all users
# remember: most packages should be installed for your user via
# home-manager
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
nix-prefetch-scripts # https://github.com/msteen/nix-prefetch/
### Finish Installation
# NOTE: this prompts you to set the root password now
It'll take a little while for everything to install. So take a break! Afterward,
once you've defined your root password you'll need to reboot.
``` shell
If anything goes wrong, you can boot back into the usb live media, mount your partitions
and edit the configuration.
``` shell
cryptsetup luksOpen $LVM_PARTITION nixos-enc
vgchange -ay
mount /dev/nixos-vg/root /mnt
# do whatever you need to, like editing the `configuration.nix`