{ config, pkgs, ... }:
userName = "<username>";
homeDirectory = "/Users/<username>";
users.users."${userName}" = {
name = "${userName}";
home = "${homeDirectory}";
# this is responsible for hooking up all of our home-manager config
home-manager.users."${userName}" = { pkgs, ... }: {
imports = [ ../home.nix ];
userName = "<PUT_YOUR_USERNAME>";
userName = userName;
homeDirectory = "/Users/${userName}";
``` sh
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume --daemon
* [install nix-darwin](https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin#install "nix-darwin-install-instructions") if on macos
- NOTE: double check all the install commands if something goes wrong, things may have changed upstream
* [install home-manager](https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager#installation) follow the instructions at the link
* if on macos also follow the instructions for [integrating home-manager as a nix-darwin module](https://nix-community.github.io/home-manager/index.html#sec-install-nix-darwin-module "home-manager-nix-darwin-module")
* clone this repo
``` sh
git clone https://github.com/averagechris/dotfiles.git
* create `localhome/default.nix` based on `localhome/example.nix`
- on recent versions of macos you'll need to add a special flag
``` sh
cp ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs/localhome/example.nix ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs/localhome/default.nix
* modify `localhome/default.nix` according to the needs of the system (like choosing what to install and some PII info)
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume --daemon
* create `darwin/local_config.nix` based on `darwin/example_local_config.nix`
``` shell
cp ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs/darwin/example_local_config.nix ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs/darwin/local_config.nix
* modify `darwin/local_config.nix` by adding the right user name and home directory
- [install nix-darwin](https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin#install "nix-darwin-install-instructions") if on macos
nix-build https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/archive/master.tar.gz -A installer
- [install home-manager](https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager#installation) follow the instructions at the link
- if on macos also follow the instructions for [integrating home-manager as a nix-darwin module](https://nix-community.github.io/home-manager/index.html#sec-install-nix-darwin-module "home-manager-nix-darwin-module")
* build the configuration
* for non-macos
* if on non-macos
``` sh
home-manager switch
- create `localhome/default.nix` based on `localhome/example.nix`
cp ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs/localhome/example.nix ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs/localhome/default.nix
* if on macos (only the first call to darwin-rebuild requires the darwin-config argument)
``` sh
- modify `localhome/default.nix` according to the needs of the system (like choosing what to install and some PII info)
- create `darwin/pii.nix` based on `darwin/example_pii.nix`
cp ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs/darwin/pii.nix ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs/darwin/pii.nix
- modify `darwin/pii.nix` by adding the right user name and home directory
- symlink `~/dotfiles/nixpkgs` to `~/.config/`
ln -fs ~/dotfiles/nixpkgs ~/.config/
- build the configuration
- for non-macos
home-manager switch
- if on macos (only the first call to darwin-rebuild requires the darwin-config argument)
* finish installing emacs dependencies by starting emacs and running the following functions
* `all-the-icons-install-fonts` to install the fonts used for icons
* `emojify-download-emoji` to be able to display emoji characters
* move start_scripts to home-manager
* emacsMacport does not have a gui launcher add one upstream or make a wrapper, right now you have to use `open -a ~/.nix-profile/Applications/Emacs.app` and start the server from within emacs, you can't do `emacs --daemon` that doesn't work (should fix that as well at somepoint)
- move start_scripts to home-manager
- emacsMacport does not have a gui launcher add one upstream or make a wrapper, right now you have to use `open -a ~/.nix-profile/Applications/Emacs.app` and start the server from within emacs, you can't do `emacs --daemon` that doesn't work (should fix that as well at somepoint)
* `rm -rf /nix`
* if you get an error on macos remove nix from `/synthetic.conf` and try again
* on macos use disk utility app to delete the `nix` apfs volume
* restart system
* nix is now gone completely so you can follow the install instructions to start over
- `rm -rf /nix`
- if you get an error on macos remove nix from `/synthetic.conf` and try again
- on macos use disk utility app to delete the `nix` apfs volume
- restart system
- nix is now gone completely so you can follow the install instructions to start over
* tl;dr; these can sometimes replace the changes necessary in `/etc/zprofile` and `/etc/zshrc` meaning we need to intervene manually.
``` sh
- tl;dr; these can sometimes replace the changes necessary in `/etc/zprofile` and `/etc/zshrc` meaning we need to intervene manually.