None of them are used, in favor of the config/ configuration as well as the utils.lua
local r = {
-- Makes a window and returns it's buffer.
make_window = function(width, height, x, y, style, relative)
local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
local opts = {
style = style,
relative = relative,
width = width,
height = height,
row = x,
col = y
local win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, opts)
return buf
return r
--Opens a terminal in a floating window.
local OpenTerminal = function(size_x_percent, size_y_percent)
local utils = require('plugins/utils')
local width = vim.api.nvim_get_option("columns")
local height = vim.api.nvim_get_option("lines")
local win_height = math.ceil(height * size_x_percent)
local win_width = math.ceil(width * size_y_percent)
local col_pos = math.floor(width * (1-size_y_percent)/2)
local row_pos = math.floor(height * (1-size_x_percent)/2)
local buffer = utils.make_window(win_width, win_height, row_pos, col_pos, "minimal", "editor")
local r = {
-- Takes a x and y as percentage size of the screen.
open = function(x, y) OpenTerminal(x, y) end
return r
--Make a new fzf window.
local OpenFZF = function(action, size_x_percent, size_y_percent)
--vim.g.fzf_colors = {
-- ["fg"]= {'fg', 'Normal'},
-- ["bg"]= {'bg', 'Normal'},
-- ["hl"]= {'fg', 'Comment'},
-- ["fg+"]= {'fg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn', 'Normal'},
-- ["bg+"]= {'bg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn'},
-- ["hl+"]= {'fg', 'Statement'},
-- ["info"]= {'fg', 'PreProc'},
-- ["border"]= {'fg', 'Ignore'},
-- ["prompt"]= {'fg', 'Conditional'},
-- ["pointer"]= {'fg', 'Exception'},
-- ["marker"]= {'fg', 'Keyword'},
-- ["spinner"]= {'fg', 'Label'},
-- ["header"]= {'fg', 'Comment'}
local cmd = ":call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({"..
string.format("'sink': '%s',", action)..
"'source': 'rg --files',"..
[['options': '--preview-window=50% --preview="bat {} --color=always --style=plain"',]]..
string.format("'window': {'width': %f, 'height': %f, 'border': 'no'},", size_x_percent, size_y_percent)..
local r = {
open = function(action, x, y) OpenFZF(action, x, y) end
return r