const util = require('util');
util.inspect.defaultOptions.maxArrayLength = null;
util.inspect.defaultOptions.showHidden = true;
util.inspect.defaultOptions.depth = Infinity;
let fuck = [
"Original Glue",
"Platinum GSC",
"Bruce Banner",
"Strawberry Cough",
"Space Queen",
"Dutch Hawaiian",
"Galactic Jack",
"Durban Poison",
"Golden Goat",
"Lamb's Bread",
"Cinderella 99",
"Tahoe OG Kush",
"9 Pound Hammer",
"Blackberry Kush",
"God's Gift",
"Cotton candy Kush",
"Vanilla Kush",
"Pineapple Express",
"Lemon Haze",
"Cheese Quake",
"Blue Widow",
"CBD Critical Mass",
"Sweet and Sour Widow",
"Animal Cookies",
"Sour Diesel",
"Super Lemon Haze",
"Super Silver Haze",
"Amnesia Haze",
"Tangerine Dream",
"White Widow",
"Kali Mist",
"Liberty Haze",
"Candy Jack",
"Green Crack",
"Jack Herer",
"Ghost Train Haze",
"Northern Lights",
"Blueberry Kush",
"Granddaddy Purple",
"Bubba Kush",
"Maui Wowie",
"Island Sweet Skunk",
"Critical Mass",
"Kosher Kush",
"Sensi Star",
"Pink Kush",
"Mango Haze",
"Jean Guy",
"Sour Kush",
"Cold Creek Kush",
"OG Kush",
"Critical Kush",
"Hash Plant",
"Blue Dream",
"MK Ultra",
"Ultra Sour",
"UK Cheese",
"White Walker Kush",
"Star Killer",
"Sour OG",
"Frost Monster",
"Alien Dawg",
"All Kush",
"Banana Split",
"Blue Haze",
"Bubba Erkle Cookies",
"Buddha Haze",
"Buddhas Sister",
"California Orange",
"God Bud",
"CBD Shark",
"Shark Shock",
"Skunk Haze",
"Pakistani Chitral Kush",
"Chocolate Fondue",
"Chocolate Thai",
"City Lights",
"Durga Mata II",
"Durga Mata",
"Gold Kush",
"Great White Shark",
"Ice Cream",
"Ken's Kush",
"LA Confidential",
"Lemon Skunk",
"Ocean View",
"Quantum Kush",
"Royal Purple Kush",
"Spoetnik #1",
"Strawberry Banana",
"Super Skunk",
"Treasure Island",
"Royal Highness",
"Brian Berry Citrus Blend",
"brian berry cough",
"Sour Tangie",
"Hindu Kush",
"Larry OG",
"Conspiracy Kush",
"NYC Diesel",
"Texada Timewarp",
"Lemon Thai",
"Atomical Haze",
"Purple Kush",
"CBD Critical Cure",
"White Russian",
"Strawberry Ice",
"Sunset Haze",
"Nana's Fix",
"Critical Plus",
"afghani kush",
"Josh D OG",
"Orange Cookies",
"Raskal OG",
"Jack Haze",
"White Rhino",
"White Castle",
"Afghan Kush",
"Glueberry OG",
"Cinderella Jack",
"Orange Bud",
"Sinmint Cookies"
function roman2number(s) {//https://leetcode.com/problems/roman-to-integer/
s = s.replace(/\s/g, '');
let sum = 0;
const m = {
I: 1,
V: 5,
X: 10,
L: 50,
C: 100,
D: 500,
M: 1000
for(let i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
sum += m[s[i]];
if(//lol thank god that s[-1] is undefined lmao instead of crash
s[i - 1] === 'I' && (s[i] === 'V' || s[i] === 'X') ||
s[i - 1] === 'X' && (s[i] === 'L' || s[i] === 'C') ||
s[i - 1] === 'C' && (s[i] === 'D' || s[i] === 'M')
) {
sum -= m[s[--i]];
return ' ' + sum + ' ';
for(let i = 0; i < fuck.length; ++i) {
fuck[i] = fuck[i]
.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "")
//.replace(/((^|\s)(?=[MDCLXVI])M*(C[MD]|D?C{0,3})(X[CL]|L?X{0,3})(I[XV]|V?I{0,3})($|\s))/g, roman2number) fuck you "Josh D OG"
//perhaps we should delete words like og, kush?
.replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]/g, "")
URL text not null unique,
address text,
address2 text,
city text,
URL text not null default '',--if our service is that good, store may not have a website
address text not null default '',--default if online store
address2 text not null default '',--default if online store, or if unnecessary
city text not null default '',--default if online store
postal_code text,
coordinate point not null,
timezone text,
use_for_compute boolean default true not null--online stores have stupid ass numbers so initially, use for compute, but once we have stores turn it off.
postal_code text not null default '',--default if online store
coordinate point,--null if online store, don't need default since not part of unique constraint
timezone text not null,
constraint unique_store unique(name, address, address2, city, region, country, postal_code)
--https://stackoverflow.com/q/30155809 forgive me father for I have sinned
day integer constraint valid_day check (day > 0 and day < 8) not null,
start time not null,
end_ time not null,
constraint end_greater_than_start check(end_ > start)
--need an exclude constraint with day, start, and end_
--is it better to use timestamptz so we can use range / period functions, and query extract just time?
open int4range not null,--number of minutes in a week. possible to use int2range instead but need to be user defined. lazy and edge cases... input should be [,) in case someone puts as end and start for two separate entries, won't collide https://stackoverflow.com/a/27971136
exclude using gist (store with =, open with &&)
SELECT periods.add_system_time_period('store_time');
SELECT periods.add_system_versioning('store_time');
create table store_image (
ID serial primary key,
store integer not null references store on delete cascade,
URL text not null,
featured boolean default false not null,--rank someday(null means unranked): https://stackoverflow.com/a/49956113
description text,
constraint unique_store_image unique(store, URL)
insert into strain_family values
(default,'Original Glue','happy'),
(default,'Platinum GSC','calm'),
(default,'Bruce Banner','happy'),
(default,'Strawberry Cough','calm'),
(default,'Space Queen','calm'),
(default,'Dutch Hawaiian','focused'),
(default,'Galactic Jack','focused'),
(default,'Durban Poison','energetic'),
(default,'Golden Goat','energetic'),
(default,'Lamb''s Bread','energetic'),
(default,'Cinderella 99','energetic'),
(default,'Tahoe OG kush','sleep'),
(default,'9 Pound Hammer','sleep'),
(default,'Blackberry Kush','sleep'),
(default,'God''s Gift','calm'),
(default,'Cotton candy Kush','happy'),
(default,'Vanilla Kush','calm'),
(default,'Pineapple Express','happy'),
(default,'Lemon Haze','happy'),
(default,'Cheese Quake','happy'),
(default,'Blue Widow','happy'),
(default,'CBD Critical Mass',null),
(default,'Sweet and Sour Widow',null),
(default,'Animal Cookies','calm'),
(default,'Sour Diesel','happy'),
(default,'Super Lemon Haze','happy'),
(default,'Super Silver Haze','energetic'),
(default,'Amnesia Haze','happy'),
(default,'Tangerine Dream','happy'),
(default,'White Widow','calm'),
(default,'Kali Mist','focused'),
(default,'Liberty Haze','focused'),
(default,'Candy Jack','focused'),
(default,'Green Crack','energetic'),
(default,'Jack Herer','energetic'),
(default,'Ghost Train Haze','energetic'),
(default,'Northern Lights','sleep'),
(default,'Blueberry Kush','sleep'),
(default,'Granddaddy Purple','sleep'),
(default,'Bubba Kush','sleep'),
(default,'Maui Wowie','happy'),
(default,'Island Sweet Skunk','happy'),
(default,'Critical Mass','calm'),
(default,'Kosher Kush','calm'),
(default,'Sensi Star','calm'),
(default,'Pink Kush','calm'),
(default,'Mango Haze','happy'),
(default,'Jean Guy','happy'),
(default,'Sour Kush','happy'),
(default,'Cold Creek Kush','calm'),
(default,'OG Kush','happy'),
(default,'Critical Kush','calm'),
(default,'Hash Plant','calm'),
(default,'SFV OG','calm'),
(default,'Blue Dream','happy'),
(default,'MK Ultra','calm'),
(default,'Ultra Sour',null),
(default,'UK Cheese','happy'),
(default,'White Walker Kush',null),
(default,'Star Killer','calm'),
(default,'Sour OG','happy'),
(default,'Frost Monster',null),
(default,'Alien Dawg','calm'),
(default,'All Kush',null),
(default,'Banana Split','happy'),
(default,'Blue Haze','happy'),
(default,'Bubba Erkle Cookies',null),
(default,'Buddha Haze',null),
(default,'Buddhas Sister','calm'),
(default,'California Orange','happy'),
(default,'God Bud','calm'),
(default,'CBD Shark','calm'),
(default,'Shark Shock','calm'),
(default,'Skunk Haze','focused'),
(default,'Pakistani Chitral Kush','calm'),
(default,'Chocolate Fondue',null),
(default,'Chocolate Thai','happy'),
(default,'City Lights',null),
(default,'Durga Mata II',null),
(default,'Durga Mata',null),
(default,'Gold Kush',null),
(default,'Great White Shark','happy'),
(default,'Ice Cream','happy'),
(default,'Ken''s Kush',null),
(default,'LA Confidential','calm'),
(default,'Lemon Skunk','energetic'),
(default,'Ocean View',null),
(default,'Quantum Kush','happy'),
(default,'Royal Purple Kush',null),
(default,'Spoetnik #1',null),
(default,'Strawberry Banana','calm'),
(default,'Super Skunk','calm'),
(default,'Treasure Island',null),
(default,'Royal Highness',null),
(default,'Brian Berry Citrus Blend',null),
(default,'brian berry cough',null),
(default,'Sour Tangie','happy'),
(default,'Hindu Kush','sleep'),
(default,'Larry OG','happy'),
(default,'Conspiracy Kush','calm'),
(default,'NYC Diesel','happy'),
(default,'Texada Timewarp',null),
(default,'Lemon Thai','energetic'),
(default,'Atomical Haze',null),
(default,'Purple Kush','sleep'),
(default,'CBD Critical Cure','calm'),
(default,'White Russian','happy'),
(default,'Strawberry Ice',null),
(default,'Sunset Haze',null),
(default,'nana''s fix',null),
(default,'Critical Plus','calm'),
(default,'afghani kush','sleep'),
(default,'Josh D Og',null),
(default,'Orange Cookies','calm'),
(default,'Raskal OG','calm'),
(default,'jack haze',null),
(default,'White Rhino','calm'),
(default,'white castle',null),
(default,'afghan kush','sleep'),
(default,'Glueberry Og','energetic'),
(default,'cinderella jack','calm'),
(default,'orange bud','happy'),
(default,'Sinmint Cookies','calm');
create type product_type as enum ('flower', 'preroll', 'oil', 'spray', 'capsule');
create type product_type as enum ('flower', 'preroll', 'oil', 'spray', 'capsule', 'cartridge', 'disposable', 'tea', 'gummy', 'mint', 'chocolate', 'cookie');
show boolean default false,--todo: terpene text array
image_paths text[],
show boolean default false,
terpenes text[] not null default '{}',--http://www.databasesoup.com/2015/01/tag-all-things-part-3.html I guess we'll deal with uniqueness and order in application layer or https://stackoverflow.com/a/22677978 ?? will need to do a good job normalizing though. how to search when order matters??
featured boolean default false not null,--rank someday(null means unranked): https://stackoverflow.com/a/49956113 LP bidding here
SELECT periods.add_system_time_period('product');
SELECT periods.add_system_versioning('product');
create index product_terpenes on product using gin (terpenes);
create table product_image (
ID serial primary key,
product integer not null references product on delete cascade,
source text,--nullable, human upload
destination text not null,--should not be citext because full path
featured boolean default false not null,--rank someday(null means unranked): https://stackoverflow.com/a/49956113
description text,
constraint unique_product_image unique(product, destination)
SELECT periods.add_system_time_period('variant');
SELECT periods.add_system_versioning('variant');
create unique index unique_variant_2 on variant (product, quantity) where portions is null;
create unique index unique_variant_3 on variant (product, portions, quantity) where portions is not null;
create table variant_identifier (
ID serial primary key,
variant integer not null references variant on delete cascade,
gtin text not null,
constraint unique_variant_identifier unique(variant, gtin)
featured boolean default false not null,--rank someday: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49956113/1201238
featured boolean default false not null,--rank someday(null means unranked): https://stackoverflow.com/a/49956113
path text,--online stores have stupid ass numbers so initially, use for compute, but once a product(if viewing product) / variant(if viewing a variant of a product) has more than one menu_item, disable
create unique index unique_cart on cart (user_account, store) where status is null or status = 'placed' or status = 'ready';-- or placed or ready???
SELECT periods.add_system_time_period('cart');
SELECT periods.add_system_versioning('cart');
create unique index unique_cart on cart (user_account, store) where status is null or status = 'placed' or status = 'ready';
SELECT periods.add_system_time_period('line_item');
SELECT periods.add_system_versioning('line_item');
--todo: store reviews, product reviews, notifications, watched products, mixology, bidding for product placement on home page
--create table mix_item (--mix -> add2cart will apply the mix_item. will get removed after placed_at and line_item do not match??
-- ID serial primary key,
-- cart integer not null references cart on delete cascade,
-- mix integer not null references mix on delete cascade
--todo: store reviews, product reviews, notifications, watched products, mixology, full text search
select (
periods.add_system_time_period('user_account', excluded_column_names => ARRAY['token_hash', 'token_expiry']),
);--brackets are to make it spit out only one column
insert into strain_family values
(default, 'Original Glue', 'glueoriginal', 'happy'),
(default, 'AK-47', 'ak47', 'happy'),
(default, 'Platinum GSC', 'gscplatinum', 'calm'),
(default, 'LSD', 'lsd', 'happy'),
(default, 'Bruce Banner', 'bannerbruce', 'happy'),
(default, 'Trainwreck', 'trainwreck', 'calm'),
(default, 'Sherbert', 'sherbert', 'calm'),
(default, 'MasterKush', 'masterkush', 'calm'),
(default, 'Strawberry Cough', 'coughstrawberry', 'calm'),
(default, 'Space Queen', 'queenspace', 'calm'),
(default, 'J1', 'j1', 'focused'),
(default, 'Snowcap', 'snowcap', 'focused'),
(default, 'Dutch Hawaiian', 'dutchhawaiian', 'focused'),
(default, 'Canna-Tsu', 'cannatsu', 'focused'),
(default, 'Galactic Jack', 'galacticjack', 'focused'),
(default, 'Durban Poison', 'durbanpoison', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Golden Goat', 'goatgolden', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Harlequin', 'harlequin', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Lamb''s Bread', 'breadlambs', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Cinderella 99', '99cinderella', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Tahoe OG Kush', 'kushogtahoe', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Lavender', 'lavender', 'sleep'),
(default, '9 Pound Hammer', '9hammerpound', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Blackberry Kush', 'blackberrykush', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Do-Si-Dos', 'dosidos', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Remedy', 'remedy', 'calm'),
(default, 'God''s Gift', 'giftgods', 'calm'),
(default, 'Cotton candy Kush', 'candycottonkush', 'happy'),
(default, 'Vanilla Kush', 'kushvanilla', 'calm'),
(default, 'Pineapple Express', 'expresspineapple', 'happy'),
(default, 'Lemon Haze', 'hazelemon', 'happy'),
(default, 'Jillybean', 'jillybean', 'happy'),
(default, 'ACDC', 'acdc', 'calm'),
(default, 'Flo', 'flo', 'happy'),
(default, 'Cheese Quake', 'cheesequake', 'happy'),
(default, 'Blue Widow', 'bluewidow', 'happy'),
(default, 'Harle-Tsu', 'harletsu', 'calm'),
(default, 'Plushberry', 'plushberry', 'calm'),
(default, 'CBD Critical Mass', 'cbdcriticalmass', null),
(default, 'Sweet and Sour Widow', 'andsoursweetwidow', null),
(default, 'Sherbet', 'sherbet', 'calm'),
(default, 'G13', 'g13', 'happy'),
(default, 'Animal Cookies', 'animalcookies', 'calm'),
(default, 'Sour Diesel', 'dieselsour', 'happy'),
(default, 'Super Lemon Haze', 'hazelemonsuper', 'happy'),
(default, 'Super Silver Haze', 'hazesilversuper', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Amnesia Haze', 'amnesiahaze', 'happy'),
(default, 'Tangerine Dream', 'dreamtangerine', 'happy'),
(default, 'White Widow', 'whitewidow', 'calm'),
(default, 'Blueberry', 'blueberry', 'calm'),
(default, 'Candyland', 'candyland', 'calm'),
(default, 'Cannatonic', 'cannatonic', 'calm'),
(default, 'Kali Mist', 'kalimist', 'focused'),
(default, 'Liberty Haze', 'hazeliberty', 'focused'),
(default, 'Candy Jack', 'candyjack', 'focused'),
(default, 'MediHaze', 'medihaze', 'focused'),
(default, 'Green Crack', 'crackgreen', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Jack Herer', 'hererjack', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Ghost Train Haze', 'ghosthazetrain', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Northern Lights', 'lightsnorthern', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Blueberry Kush', 'blueberrykush', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Granddaddy Purple', 'granddaddypurple', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Bubba Kush', 'bubbakush', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Chemdog', 'chemdog', 'happy'),
(default, 'Maui Wowie', 'mauiwowie', 'happy'),
(default, 'Island Sweet Skunk', 'islandskunksweet', 'happy'),
(default, 'Critical Mass', 'criticalmass', 'calm'),
(default, 'Pennywise', 'pennywise', 'calm'),
(default, 'Kosher Kush', 'kosherkush', 'calm'),
(default, 'Sensi Star', 'sensistar', 'calm'),
(default, 'Shishkaberry', 'shishkaberry', 'calm'),
(default, 'Pink Kush', 'kushpink', 'calm'),
(default, 'Wappa', 'wappa', null),
(default, 'Mango Haze', 'hazemango', 'happy'),
(default, 'Jean Guy', 'guyjean', 'happy'),
(default, 'Nordle', 'nordle', 'calm'),
(default, 'Sour Kush', 'kushsour', 'happy'),
(default, 'Cold Creek Kush', 'coldcreekkush', 'calm'),
(default, 'Delahaze', 'delahaze', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Warlock', 'warlock', 'calm'),
(default, 'OG Kush', 'kushog', 'happy'),
(default, 'Critical Kush', 'criticalkush', 'calm'),
(default, 'Hash Plant', 'hashplant', 'calm'),
(default, 'SFV OG', 'ogsfv', 'calm'),
(default, 'Blue Dream', 'bluedream', 'happy'),
(default, 'MK Ultra', 'mkultra', 'calm'),
(default, 'Ultra Sour', 'sourultra', null),
(default, 'UK Cheese', 'cheeseuk', 'happy'),
(default, 'White Walker Kush', 'kushwalkerwhite', null),
(default, 'Star Killer', 'killerstar', 'calm'),
(default, 'Sour OG', 'ogsour', 'happy'),
(default, 'Headstash', 'headstash', null),
(default, 'Frost Monster', 'frostmonster', null),
(default, 'Afghani', 'afghani', 'calm'),
(default, 'Alien Dawg', 'aliendawg', 'calm'),
(default, 'All Kush', 'allkush', null),
(default, 'Banana Split', 'bananasplit', 'happy'),
(default, 'Blue Haze', 'bluehaze', 'happy'),
(default, 'Bubba Erkle Cookies', 'bubbacookieserkle', null),
(default, 'Buddha Haze', 'buddhahaze', null),
(default, 'Buddhas Sister', 'buddhassister', 'calm'),
(default, 'California Orange', 'californiaorange', 'happy'),
(default, 'God Bud', 'budgod', 'calm'),
(default, 'CBD Shark', 'cbdshark', 'calm'),
(default, 'Shark Shock', 'sharkshock', 'calm'),
(default, 'Skunk Haze', 'hazeskunk', 'focused'),
(default, 'Pakistani Chitral Kush', 'chitralkushpakistani', 'calm'),
(default, 'Chocolate Fondue', 'chocolatefondue', null),
(default, 'Chocolate Thai', 'chocolatethai', 'happy'),
(default, 'City Lights', 'citylights', null),
(default, 'Dancehall', 'dancehall', null),
(default, 'Durga Mata II', '2durgamata', null),
(default, 'Durga Mata', 'durgamata', null),
(default, 'Gold Kush', 'goldkush', null),
(default, 'Great White Shark', 'greatsharkwhite', 'happy'),
(default, 'Ice Cream', 'creamice', 'happy'),
(default, 'Ken''s Kush', 'kenskush', null),
(default, 'LA Confidential', 'confidentialla', 'calm'),
(default, 'Lemon Skunk', 'lemonskunk', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Mongolian', 'mongolian', null),
(default, 'Ocean View', 'oceanview', null),
(default, 'Quantum Kush', 'kushquantum', 'happy'),
(default, 'Royal Purple Kush', 'kushpurpleroyal', null),
(default, 'Spoetnik #1', '1spoetnik', null),
(default, 'Strawberry Banana', 'bananastrawberry', 'calm'),
(default, 'Super Skunk', 'skunksuper', 'calm'),
(default, 'Treasure Island', 'islandtreasure', null),
(default, 'Wabanaki', 'wabanaki', null),
(default, 'Royal Highness', 'highnessroyal', null),
(default, 'Rockstar', 'rockstar', 'calm'),
(default, 'Brian Berry Citrus Blend', 'berryblendbriancitrus', null),
(default, 'brian berry cough', 'berrybriancough', null),
(default, 'Sour Tangie', 'sourtangie', 'happy'),
(default, 'Hindu Kush', 'hindukush', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Larry OG', 'larryog', 'happy'),
(default, 'Conspiracy Kush', 'conspiracykush', 'calm'),
(default, 'NYC Diesel', 'dieselnyc', 'happy'),
(default, 'Texada Timewarp', 'texadatimewarp', null),
(default, 'Lemon Thai', 'lemonthai', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Atomical Haze', 'atomicalhaze', null),
(default, 'Belladonna', 'belladonna', null),
(default, 'Purple Kush', 'kushpurple', 'sleep'),
(default, 'CBD Critical Cure', 'cbdcriticalcure', 'calm'),
(default, 'Headband', 'headband', 'happy'),
(default, 'White Russian', 'russianwhite', 'happy'),
(default, 'Strawberry Ice', 'icestrawberry', null),
(default, 'Acadia', 'acadia', null),
(default, 'Sunset Haze', 'hazesunset', null),
(default, 'Nana''s Fix', 'fixnanas', null),
(default, 'Critical Plus', 'criticalplus', 'calm'),
(default, 'Mango', 'mango', 'calm'),
(default, 'GSC', 'gsc', 'calm'),
(default, 'afghani kush', 'afghanikush', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Josh D OG', 'djoshog', null),
(default, 'Orange Cookies', 'cookiesorange', 'calm'),
(default, 'Raskal OG', 'ograskal', 'calm'),
(default, 'Jack Haze', 'hazejack', null),
(default, 'White Rhino', 'rhinowhite', 'calm'),
(default, 'Intergalactic', 'intergalactic', 'happy'),
(default, 'White Castle', 'castlewhite', null),
(default, 'Afghan Kush', 'afghankush', 'sleep'),
(default, 'Glueberry OG', 'glueberryog', 'energetic'),
(default, 'Cinderella Jack', 'cinderellajack', 'calm'),
(default, 'Orange Bud', 'budorange', 'happy'),
(default, 'Sinmint Cookies', 'cookiessinmint', 'calm');