let authenticated = new Map(/*<user_ID, websocket>*/);//when we want to allow multiple sockets with same user, change to [websockets]. have to figure out how token is supposed to work
let authenticated = new Map(/*<user_ID, websocket>*/);//when we want to allow multiple sockets with same user, change to set<websockets>. have to figure out how token is supposed to work
//let id = await return_key(...)
await pool.query('insert into user_account (email, password_hash) values ($1, $2) returning id', [parameters.email, await argon2.hash(parameters.password)]);
let newUser = await pool.query('insert into user_account (email, password_hash) values ($1, $2) returning id, email, type', [parameters.email, await argon2.hash(parameters.password)]);