let user = (await pool.query('select user_id, email, god, json_object_agg(store_id, owner) filter (where store_id is not null) as acl from usr left join user_store using (user_id) where token_hash = $1 and now() < token_expiry group by user_id', [crypto.createHash('BLAKE2b512').update(Buffer.from(ws.q.token, 'base64')).digest()])).rows[0];//possible timing attack?
let user = (await pool.query('select user_id, email, god, json_object_agg(store_id, owner) filter (where store_id is not null) as acl from usr left join user_store using (user_id) where token_hash = $1 and now() < token_expiry group by user_id', [blake3(Buffer.from(ws.q.token, 'hex'), {length: 16})])).rows[0];
let token = await randomBytes(128);
if((await pool.query(`update usr set otp_expiry = now() + interval '5 minute', otp_hash = $2 where email = $1`, [parameters.email, crypto.createHash('BLAKE2b512').update(token).digest()])).rowCount === 1) {
let token = await randomBytes(16);
if((await pool.query(`update usr set otp_expiry = now() + interval '5 minute', otp_hash = $2 where email = $1`, [parameters.email, blake3(token, {length: 16})])).rowCount === 1) {
token = token.toString('hex');
html: `<a href="https://www.lobojane.com/user?otp=${token.toString('base64')}">idk</a><div>Alternatively, copy and paste <code>${token.toString('base64')}</code> into the input field</div>if this wasn't you, let us know by replying to this email.`
html: `<a href="https://www.lobojane.com/user?otp=${token}">idk</a><div>Alternatively, copy and paste <code>${token}</code> into the input field</div>if this wasn't you, let us know by replying to this email.`
await client.query('update usr set token_hash = $1 where user_id = $2', [crypto.createHash('BLAKE2b512').update(token).digest(), user.user_id]);//update to blake3 once it's available in openSSL
await client.query('update usr set token_hash = $1 where user_id = $2', [blake3(token, {length: 16}), user.user_id]);
//yuck, since json can't send binary, need to base64 encode. fyi base64 is smaller than hex(base16)
//yuck, since json can't send binary, need to hex encode. fyi base64 is smaller than hex(base16), but after compressing, hex is smaller. also base64 has issues with regards to url encoding, and slower than hex
await client.query('update usr set token_hash = $1, passphrase_hash = $3, webportal_hash = null where user_id = $2', [crypto.createHash('BLAKE2b512').update(token).digest(), user.user_id, await argon2.hash(parameters.passphrase)]);//update to blake3 once it's available in openSSL
await client.query('update usr set token_hash = $1, passphrase_hash = $3, webportal_hash = null where user_id = $2', [blake3(token, {length: 16}), user.user_id, await argon2.hash(parameters.passphrase)]);
//yuck, since json can't send binary, need to base64 encode. fyi base64 is smaller than hex(base16)
//yuck, since json can't send binary, need to hex encode. fyi base64 is smaller than hex(base16), but after compressing, hex is smaller. also base64 has issues with regards to url encoding, and slower than hex