npm install
npm install nodemon -g #this is so the server will reload on change
psql -U postgres -f initialize.sql
cp dotenv .env
nano .env #if port 80 doesn't work, try 9001. get google maps API key from kevin
nodemon server.js # or node server.js
* https://unetworking.github.io/uWebSockets.js/generated/
* https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets.js/blob/master/examples/WebSockets.js
* https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets.js/blob/master/examples/PubSub.js
`request.json`, `response.json`, `event.json` are the abstract contracts for the websocket protocol
`update user_account set type = 'god' where id = 1;` to promote an existing account.