class RootComponent2 extends LifecycleHandlerBase<Props, State> {
public container: Pixi.Container;
public state: State;
private stateUpdaters: UpdaterGeneratorType2<State>;
protected fireStateUpdaters: () => void;
/* children */
// Contains HUD, and other entities that don't move when game camera moves
public fixedCameraStage: Pixi.Container;
// Contains game entities that move when game camera pans/zooms. Highly encouraged to have further subdivions.
public actionStage: Pixi.Container;
// Contains a few entities that doesn't move when game camera moves, but located behind action stage entities, e.g. static backgrounds
public backdropStage: Pixi.Container;
// public keyboard: KeyboardState;
public fpsTracker: FpsComponent;
public zLevel: ZLevelComponent | undefined;
public zLevelPropsFactory: (p: Props, s: State) => ZLevelComponentProps;
public reticle: ReticleComponent;
public backdrop: Pixi.Graphics;
public efficiencyBar: EfficiencyBarComponent;
constructor(props: Props) {
this.container = new Pixi.Container();
this.container.sortableChildren = true;
({ state: this.state, stateUpdaters: this.stateUpdaters, fireStateUpdaters: this.fireStateUpdaters } =
this.useState<State, RootComponent2>(this, {
pointNodeTexture: new Lazy(() => generatePointNodeTexture(props.args.renderer)),
tick: 0,
playerCurrentZ: 0,
this.fixedCameraStage = new Pixi.Sprite();
this.fixedCameraStage.zIndex = 1;
this.fixedCameraStage.sortableChildren = true;
this.actionStage = new Pixi.Sprite();
this.actionStage.zIndex = 0;
this.actionStage.sortableChildren = true;
this.backdropStage = new Pixi.Sprite();
this.backdropStage.zIndex = -1;
this.backdropStage.sortableChildren = true;
this.fpsTracker = new FpsComponent({
delta: props.delta,
position: new Vector2(0, 0),
appSize: props.appSize,
// this is not container.addChild, so let's manage this ourselves, outside of lifecyclehandler
this.backdrop = new Pixi.Graphics();
this.backdrop.beginFill(0xabcdef, 1);
// backdrop.alpha = 0.5; // if alpha == 0, Pixi does not register this as a hittable area
this.backdrop.interactive = true;
// backdrop.interactiveChildren = true; // not sure what this does
this.backdrop.drawRect(0, 0, props.appSize.x, props.appSize.y);
this.reticle = new ReticleComponent({
appSize: props.appSize
this.zLevelPropsFactory = (props: Props, state: State): ZLevelComponentProps => {
return {
delta: props.delta,
args: {
pointNodeTexture: state.pointNodeTexture.get(),
markForceUpdate: this.markForceUpdate,
z: state.playerCurrentZ,
updaters: props.updaters,
position: props.appSize.multiply(0.5),
zLevelGen: props.gameState.worldGen.zLevels[state.playerCurrentZ],
selectedPointNode: props.gameState.playerUI.selectedPointNode,
allocatedPointNodeSubset: props.gameState.playerSave.allocatedPointNodeSet,
if (!this.zLevel) {
this.zLevel = new ZLevelComponent(this.zLevelPropsFactory(props, this.state));
} else {
this.zLevel.update(this.zLevelPropsFactory(props, this.state));
childClass: ZLevelComponent,
instance: this.zLevel,
propsFactory: this.zLevelPropsFactory,
this.efficiencyBar = new EfficiencyBarComponent({
delta: 0,
args: {},
updaters: {},
tick: this.state.tick,
position: new Vector2(60, 60),
efficiencyPercent: 100