//! Lets say we have a struct like
//! ```
//! struct Hobbit {
//! name: String,
//! age: u32,
//! friends: Vec<Hobbit>,
//! nick: Option<String>,
//! }
//! ```
//! and we want to record in a file how to create an instance of this struct. So we create a string
//! like
//! Now we need to tell the struct how to select the the relevant part of this string, so for
//! instance we need to tell the struct that we get the name by following the path
//! `hobbit::name`. This selection mechanism has to be somewhat more sophisticated because we want
//! to be able to select a `Vec` by, for instance, using the `hobbit::friends::hobbit` path to
//! select both of Frodo's friends. Once we have selected the set of lines in the string we need a
//! way to tell the data-structure how to convert that line into the correct type for the
//! data-structure. To do this we need to implement the `FromStr` trait (if the field type does not
//! already implement one) for the, so that the data-structure can take the selected key-values, and
//! convert them to the field type. If the field type is a type `T` that we have built, we can
//! implement `TryInto<T>` on it. The ! `TryInto` implementation for `Hobbit` looks like
//! ```
//! impl<'a> TryInto<Hobbit> for KeyTreeRef<'a> {
//! type Error = Error;
//! so data can be recursive. Also, it is easy to refer to a set of data using a path such as
//! `hobbit::friends::hobbit` refers to a collection of two hobbits.
//! fn try_into(self) -> Result<Hobbit, Error> {
//! Ok(
//! Hobbit {
//! name: self.value("hobbit::name")?,
//! age: self.value("hobbit::age")?,
//! friends: self.opt_vec_at("hobbit::friends::hobbit")?,
//! nick: self.opt_value("hobbit::nick")?,
//! }
//! )
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! The important functions are
//! ```
//! name: self.value("hobbit::name")?
//! ```
//! and which converts from a string and
//! ```
//! hobbit:"hobbit")?
//! ```
//! which converts to a type `T` implementing the `TryInto<T>` trait. Then there are variations of
//! `value()` and `at()` for handling conversions into `Options`:
//! ```
//! self.opt_value()
//! ```
//! and
//! ```
//! self.opt_at()
//! ```
//! In these cases, if the selected key-value does not exist, we get a `None` value. To convert into
//! a `Vec` we can use
//! ```
//! self.vec_value()
//! ```
//! and
//! ```
//! self.vec_at()
//! ```
//! which require at least one key-value and
//! ```
//! self.opt_vec_at()
//! ```
//! and
//! ```
//! self.opt_vec_value()
//! ```
//! which will return an empty `Vec` if the key-value does not exist.
//! ```
//! In the `TryInto` implementation that deserializes the keytree string into a data-structure, the
//! line
//! ```
//! name: self.value("hobbit::name")?,
//! ```
//! takes the value on the line specified by `hobbit:name` (`Frodo Baggins`) and then uses the
//! `FromStr` implement to convert it into the receiver type of the `name` field which is type
//! `String`.
//! The line
//! ```
//! friends: self.vec_at("hobbit::friends::hobbit")?,
//! ```
//! takes the collection of lines
//! ```text
//! hobbit:
//! name: Bilbo Baggins
//! age: 111
//! hobbit:
//! name: Samwise Gamgee
//! age: 38
//! nick: Sam
//! ## Efficiency
//! There are no copies of the original string. The parsing process builds of immutable tree-structure which
//! points into the original string. Selection operations involve the manipulation of a single `usize`
//! cursor, so once A `KeyTree` is built, many lightweight `KeyTree` refs can be efficiently built
//! and used for searching. So the only string copy that occurs is the final conversion into the
//! receiving data-structure. Following a path into a keytree involves a scan of differently names
//! siblings held in a Vec. The assumption is that the number of different sibling names is
//! generally small because the number of fields in data-structures is also generally small. From
//! the point of view of compile time, there are no dependencies and no macros.