import { use} from "@maticnetwork/maticjs"
import { Web3ClientPlugin } from '@maticnetwork/maticjs-ethers'
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import { createWeb3Modal, defaultWagmiConfig } from '@web3modal/wagmi';
import { polygonZkEvm } from '@wagmi/core/chains';
import { watchAccount, disconnect, getAccount } from '@wagmi/core'
// import { use} from "@maticnetwork/maticjs"
// import { Web3ClientPlugin } from '@maticnetwork/maticjs-ethers'
// import { ethers } from 'ethers';
// import { createWeb3Modal, defaultWagmiConfig } from '@web3modal/wagmi';
// import { polygonZkEvm } from '@wagmi/core/chains';
// import { watchAccount, disconnect, getAccount } from '@wagmi/core'
// import { ArweaveWebWallet } from 'arweave-wallet-connector'
// import Arweave from 'arweave';
// const arweave = Arweave.init({
// host: 'arweave.net', // Hostname or IP address for a Arweave host
// port: 443, // Port
// protocol: 'https', // Network protocol http or https
// timeout: 20000, // Network request timeouts in milliseconds
// logging: false, // Enable network request logging
// });
const modal = createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains });
function connect() {
if (getAccount().isConnected) {
} else {
// const modal = createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains });
// const wallet = new ArweaveWebWallet({ // Initialize the wallet as soon as possible to get instant auto reconnect
// name: 'philiaSocial Collective',
// logo: 'https://jfbeats.github.io/ArweaveWalletConnector/placeholder.svg'
// });
declare global {
interface Window {
glow: any;
btnEl.addEventListener('click', connect);
let connectedAddress = '';
btnEl.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (btnEl.innerText === 'Connect') {
} else {
// function to update UI based on connection status
function updateUI(isConnected: boolean, address: string) {
userEl.innerText = isConnected ? address : 'Wallet Not Connected';
btnEl.innerText = isConnected ? 'Disconnect' : 'Connect';
// Listening for account changes
watchAccount(account => {
connectedAddress = account.address ?? ''; // Update the connected address
if (account.isConnected) {
userEl.innerText = connectedAddress;
btnEl.innerText = 'Disconnect';
async function disconnect() {
try {
await window.glow.disconnect();
updateUI(false, "");
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error disconnecting wallet:', error);
let wallet: { address: string; };
// modify your connect function
async function connect() {
try {
const resp = await window.glow.connect();
if (resp && resp.address) {
wallet = resp.address
updateUI(true, resp.address);
} catch (error) {
userEl.innerText = 'Please Download Glow Wallet';
const glowInstalled = window.glow != null;
if (!glowInstalled) {
window.open("https://glow.app", "_blank");
// // modify your connect function
// async function connect() {
// try {
// console.dir(window.glow);
// const resp = await window.glow.connect();
// // console.log(resp)
// if (resp) {
// // wallet.disconnect(); // assume disconnect is a method on wallet
// updateUI(true, resp.address);
// } else {
// // wallet.setUrl('https://arweave.app')
// // await wallet.connect();
// updateUI(false, "");
// // assume getAddress is a method on wallet
// }
// } catch (error) {
// userEl.innerText = 'Please Download Glow Wallet';
// const glowInstalled = window.glow != null;
// if (!glowInstalled) {
// window.open("https://glow.app", "_blank");
// }
// }
// // if (wallet.connected) {
// // wallet.disconnect(); // assume disconnect is a method on wallet
// // updateUI(false, "");
// // } else {
// // wallet.setUrl('https://arweave.app')
// // await wallet.connect();
// // updateUI(true, wallet.address); // assume getAddress is a method on wallet
// // }
// }
// btnEl.addEventListener('click', connect);
// let connectedAddress = wallet.address;
// Listening for account changes
// watchAccount(account => {
// connectedAddress = account.address ?? ''; // Update the connected address
// if (account.isConnected) {
// userEl.innerText = connectedAddress;
// btnEl.innerText = 'Disconnect';
// } else {
// userEl.innerText = 'Wallet not connected'; // Set placeholder text when not connected
// btnEl.innerText = 'Connect';
// }
// });
// use(Web3ClientPlugin);
if (!connectedAddress) {
console.error('No account is connected');
async function fetchTokenPrice(): Promise<number> {
const response = await fetch('https://usdethprice-philiasocial.replit.app/token_price');
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Network response was not ok: ${response.statusText}`);
function createTransaction(amountInLamports: number, sender: PublicKey, recipient: PublicKey, memoText: string): Transaction {
const transaction = new Transaction();
fromPubkey: sender,
toPubkey: recipient,
lamports: amountInLamports,
// Use TextEncoder to convert memoText to bytes
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const memoData = encoder.encode(memoText);
const memoInstruction = {
keys: [],
programId: new PublicKey(MEMO_PROGRAM_ID),
data: memoData,
return transaction;
async function sending_post(combinedString: string) {
// if (!wallet) {
// console.error('No account is connected');
// return;
// }
const response = await fetch('https://usdethprice-philiasocial.replit.app/eth_price');
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText);
const res = await response.json();
// console.log(res)
let sevenUsdInEth = res.sevenUsdEth;
sevenUsdInEth = Math.round(sevenUsdInEth * 1e18) / 1e18;
const amount = ethers.parseEther(`${sevenUsdInEth}`);
const amountInLamports = amountInSol * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL;
const sender = new PublicKey(wallet);
const recipient = new PublicKey('7nbet512GtFRGiPrrS7Ji1BXjdfAeFYQWG7tNqBatvW6');
const transaction = createTransaction(amountInLamports, sender, recipient, combinedString);
const transactionBytes = new Uint8Array(transaction.serialize());
const transactionBase64 = btoa(new TextDecoder().decode(transactionBytes));
await window.glow.signAndSendTransaction({
network: "mainnet",
waitForConfirmation: true,
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to send transaction:', error);
// async function sending_post(combinedString: string) {
// if (!wallet.address) {
// console.error('No account is connected');
// return;
// }
// try {
// const response = await fetch('https://usdethprice-philiasocial.replit.app/token_price');
// if (!response.ok) {
// throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText);
// }
// const res = await response.json();
// // console.log(res)
// let tkn_price = res.token_price;
const data = ethers.hexlify(ethers.toUtf8Bytes(`chat.philia.social:${data_string.toString()}`));
// // console.log(tkn_price)
// // console.log(Math.ceil((1/ tkn_price) * 10) / 10)
// const amountInSol = Math.ceil((1/ tkn_price) * 10) / 10;
// const amountInLamports = amountInSol * 1_000_000_000;
// // Create a function to add a memo to your transaction
// // Step 4: Construct a transaction to transfer the calculated amount of lamports
// const transaction = new Transaction();
// const recipient = new PublicKey('7nbet512GtFRGiPrrS7Ji1BXjdfAeFYQWG7tNqBatvW6'); // Replace with the recipient's public key
// const sender = new PublicKey(wallet.address); // Replace with the recipient's public key
// transaction.add(
// SystemProgram.transfer({
// fromPubkey: sender, // Assuming glow.publicKey is your wallet's public key
// toPubkey: recipient,
// lamports: amountInLamports,
// })
// );
// const memoProgramId = new PublicKey('Memo1UhkJRfHyvLMcVucJwxXeuD728EqVDDwQDxFMNo');
// const memoData = Buffer.from('Your memo text here', 'utf-8');
// const memoInstruction = {
// keys: [],
// programId: memoProgramId,
// data: memoData,
// };
// transaction.add(memoInstruction);
// // Step 5: Serialize the transaction to a base-64 encoded string
// const transactionBase64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode(...new Uint8Array(transaction.serialize())));
// // Step 6: Send the transaction using the signAndSendTransaction method of the Glow wallet
// await window.glow.signAndSendTransaction({
// transactionBase64,
// network: "devnet",
// waitForConfirmation: true,
// });
// } catch (error) {
// // console.error('Failed to send txn:', error);
// }
// // try {
// // const response = await fetch('https://usdethprice-philiasocial.replit.app/eth_price');
// // if (!response.ok) {
// // throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText);
// // }
// // const res = await response.json();
// // // console.log(res)
// // let sevenUsdInEth = res.sevenUsdEth;
// // sevenUsdInEth = Math.round(1/sevenUsdInEth * 1e18) / 1e18;
// // const amount = ethers.parseEther(`${sevenUsdInEth}`);
// // const data = ethers.hexlify(ethers.toUtf8Bytes(`${data_string.toString()}`));
const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({
to: recipientAddress,
value: amount,
data: data // include the data field in your transaction object
// // const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({
// // to: recipientAddress,
// // value: amount,
// // data: data // include the data field in your transaction object
// // });
// console.log('Transaction hash:', tx.hash);
// showModal(tx.hash);
if(tx.hash) {
await sendWords(tx.hash, connectedAddress);
// showModal();
} else {
console.error('Transaction hash is not available');
// // // console.log('Transaction hash:', tx.hash);
// // // showModal(tx.hash);
// // if(tx.hash) {
// // await sendWords(tx.hash, connectedAddress);
// // // showModal();
// // } else {
// // console.error('Transaction hash is not available');
// // }
// Function to check the endpoint and enable or disable the button accordingly
// async function checkButtonState() {
// try {
// const response = await fetch('https://clozevalidator-philiasocial.replit.app/check-button-state');
// if (!response.ok) {
// throw new Error('Network response was not ok ' + response.statusText);
// }
// const data = await response.text();
// console.log(data); // Use .text() instead of .json()
// if (data.trim() === 'true') {
// $('#generate_algo').prop('disabled', true) // Disable button and unbind click event
// } else if (data.trim() === 'false') {
// $('#generate_algo').prop('disabled', false); // Keep button active if response is 'false'
// } else {
// console.warn('Unexpected response:', data);
// }
// } catch (error) {
// console.error('Error checking button state:', error);
// }
// }
// function wordCount(str: string): number {
// return str.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean).length; // Count non-empty words
// }
// function closeModal(): void {
// const modal: HTMLElement | null = document.getElementById('modal_seed_message');
// if (modal) {
// modal.style.display = 'none';
// }
// };
if (window.ethereum) {
try {
// Parameters for the Polygon zkEVM mainnet
const params = {
chainId: '0x44D', // Chain ID for Polygon zkEVM, converted from 1101 to hexadecimal
chainName: 'Polygon zkEVM',
nativeCurrency: { name: 'Ethereum', symbol: 'ETH', decimals: 18 },
rpcUrls: ['https://zkevm-rpc.com'], // RPC URL
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://zkevm.polygonscan.com'] // Block explorer URL
// if (window.ethereum) {
// try {
// // Parameters for the Polygon zkEVM mainnet
// const params = {
// chainId: '0x44D', // Chain ID for Polygon zkEVM, converted from 1101 to hexadecimal
// chainName: 'Polygon zkEVM',
// nativeCurrency: { name: 'Ethereum', symbol: 'ETH', decimals: 18 },
// rpcUrls: ['https://zkevm-rpc.com'], // RPC URL
// blockExplorerUrls: ['https://zkevm.polygonscan.com'] // Block explorer URL
// };
// Request to add the network
await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
params: [params],
// // Request to add the network
// await ethereum.request({
// method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
// params: [params],
// });
} catch (error) {
alert('Failed to add network or token');
} else {
alert('Ethereum provider not found');
// } catch (error) {
// console.error(error);
// alert('Failed to add network or token');
// }
// } else {
// alert('Ethereum provider not found');
// }
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<p>Commence by downloading the <a href="https://metamask.io/" target="_blank">MetaMask</a> wallet. Within <span class="highlight_seeds">Connectedness</span>, you'll find the option to activate the Polygon-zkevm network for your wallet. Once activated, navigate to <a href="https://global.transak.com/" target="_blank">Transak</a>; within the Transak widget, switch from ETH on the Ethereum network to ETH on Polygon-zkevm, and adhere to the instructions provided by the widget. Moreover, for a more personalized Ethereum public address, customize your public wallet address with an <a href="https://app.ens.domains/" target="_blank">ENS</a> domain.</p>
<p>Commence by downloading the <a href="https://metamask.io/" target="_blank">MetaMask</a> wallet. Within <span class="highlight_seeds">Connectedness</span>, you'll find the option to activate the Polygon-zkevm network for your wallet. Once activated, navigate to <a href="https://global.transak.com/" target="_blank">Transak</a>; within the Transak widget, switch from ETH on the Ethereum network to ETH on Polygon-zkevm, and adhere to the instructions provided by the widget. Moreover, to stay connected with philiaSocial Collective, or PSC, you will need <a href="https://xmtp.chat/" target="_blank">XMTP</a>.</p>
<p>Immerse yourself in the surreal ambiance of the Forever Awakening: Origins film, allowing its primal essence to fuel your imaginative thought; embrace the emotinal journey, allow it to be your guide as you dive into <span class="highlight_seeds">Connectedness</span>. The journey commences with a cloze exercize... inferring the solution garners more than rewards, it renders a platform for cooperative impact. To submit solutions for the cloze, a fee of approx. $7 worth of Polygon-zkevm ETH in addition to <a href="https://zkevm.polygonscan.com/chart/gasprice" target="_blank">Gas Prices</a> is requisite. Ensure your MetaMask wallet is adequately funded before submitting your responses along with the fee on <span class="highlight_seeds">Connectedness</span> platform.
<p>Immerse yourself in the surreal ambiance of the Forever Awakening: Origins film, allowing its primal essence to fuel your imaginative thought; embrace the emotinal journey, allow it to be your guide as you dive into <span class="highlight_seeds">Connectedness</span>. The journey commences with a cloze exercize... inferring the solution garners more than rewards, it renders a platform for cooperative impact. To submit solutions for the cloze, a fee of approx. $1 worth of Polygon-zkevm ETH in addition to <a href="https://zkevm.polygonscan.com/chart/gasprice" target="_blank">Gas Prices</a> is requisite. Ensure your MetaMask wallet is adequately funded before submitting your responses along with the fee on <span class="highlight_seeds">Connectedness</span> platform.
<h3>Be Rewarded:</h3>
<p>As Integrators, solving clozes earns you Credentials, granting access to a philiaSocial Chat space. Herein, unveil the gateway to exclusive philiaSocial <a href="https://bafybeiemtyn7c7wp36crtvbpy74t6ng3nkbe2mg3eomnrylakne4k46xya.ipfs.w3s.link/philiaSocial_world2.png" target="_blank">rare fashion</a> collections, Encrypted Lovers, crafted in collaboration with embroidery artist <a href="https://www.instagram.com/kathrin_marchenko/" target="_blank">@Kathrin_Marchenko</a>. Additionally, with every cloze resolved, we pledge a donation of $10,000 in ETH to <a href="https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/" target="_blank">Action Against Hunger</a>. The more challenges conquered, the stronger our <span class="highlight_seeds">Connectedness</span> grows in making a significant impact.
<h3>Rewards Unlocked:</h3>
<p>...$2,500 ETH; $5,000 ETH donation to Actions Against Hunger, and a set of PSC Chat-Credentials, the portal to your Collector's hub.
Once in a realm of thoughts, where ideas bloomed and wilted with each fleeting <span class="gap" id="gap1" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap1')"></span>, there existed a society known as the Harmonic Hues. They were souls of varied shades and tones, each representing a unique blend of virtues and traits from the extensive spectrum of human existence. Every shade was a person, and every person was a shade, living in a rhythm of empathy and understanding.
<span class="gap" id="gap1" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap1')"></span> of pure thought,
ideas bloom, fade in time,
hues sing in soft tune.
Their life was a melody, each note contributing to the perfect harmony of existence. They lived by a <span class="gap" id="gap2" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap2')"></span>, a common purpose that bound them, an unwavering commitment to foster kindness, trust, and openness amongst themselves. They were more than just a community; they were a symphony, each individual a unique note, yet together they created a masterpiece of camaraderie and mutual respect.
melody of life,
notes of trust, kindness unite,
<span class="gap" id="gap2" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap2')"></span> of souls.
In this world of hues, every conversation was an opportunity for growth, every interaction a chance for enlightenment. They believed in the essence of authentic feedback, in the gentle nurturing of one another’s abilities and the noble act of self-improvement. They reveled in the joy of shared experiences, every <span class="gap" id="gap3" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap3')"></span> and tear, a testament to their unity and bond.
growth in each exchange,
enlightenment in <span class="gap" id="gap3" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap3')"></span> words,
nurtured minds expand.
The Harmonic Hues were the epitome of resilience and adaptability, their <span class="gap" id="gap4" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap4')"></span> fortified by the solid foundation of trust and understanding. Every challenge they faced, they faced together with undeterred perseverance, their shared vision a beacon of hope amidst the storm of life.
<span class="gap" id="gap4" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap4')"></span> faced strong,
unyielding unity,
hope’s light guides them forth.
As they danced through the journey of existence, they discovered the beauty of vulnerability, the courage in transparency, and the strength in acceptance. The values they shared were their guiding <span class="gap" id="gap5" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap5')"></span>, illuminating the path of altruism and companionship.
vulnerable dance,
transparency, strength <span class="gap" id="gap5" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap5')"></span>,
journey's tender truth.
And as they lived, they painted the canvas of life with shades of love, respect, and brotherhood. Their existence was a melody of positivity, a <span class="gap" id="gap6" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap6')"></span> of humanity that echoed through the realms of thoughts, leaving behind a legacy of benevolence, a tale of a society bound by the cords of goodwill, empathy, and mutual respect.
canvas painted love,
positivity <span class="gap" id="gap6" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap6')"></span>,
brotherhood’s soft stroke.
And though the dance of life carried them to different corners of existence, the harmony they created remained, an immortal melody of love, earnestness, and togetherness, resonating through the endless spectrum of human emotions and virtues, a gentle reminder of the power of unity and the <span class="gap" id="gap7" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap7')"></span> of harmonious coexistence.
life’s dance scatters them,
harmony’s song lingers on,
love’s tune ever <span class="gap" id="gap7" contenteditable="true" oninput="getSuggestions('gap7')"></span>.