import React from 'react';
import { Region, ZONE_ENCOUNTERS } from './model';
import { TeamOverview, StatTable } from './Details';
import EncounterOverview from './EncounterOverview';
function PreviewGradient({ to }: { to: 't' | 'tr' | 'tl'; }) {
return <div className={`w-full h-1/2 bg-gradient-to-${to} from-tbg absolute left-0 bottom-0`}></div>;
function PreviewCard({ title, desc, children, flip, previewClass, gradientTo }: React.PropsWithChildren<{ title: string; desc: string; flip?: boolean; previewClass?: string; gradientTo?: 't' | 'tr' | 'tl'; }>) {
return (
<section className="first:mt-10 mt-20">
<div className="grid grid-cols-preview gap-10 grid-flow-col-dense">
<div className={`w-3/4 text-lg ${flip ? 'col-start-2 justify-self-end mr-10' : 'col-start-1 justify-self-start'}`}>
<header><legend className="text-3xl font-serif">{title}</legend></header>
<p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: desc}} />
<div className={`overflow-hidden relative ${flip ? 'col-start-1' : 'col-start-2'} ${previewClass || 'max-h-52'}`}>
<PreviewGradient to={gradientTo || 't'} />
const TEAM = 14078;
const TIER = 26;
export default function Preview() {
return (
<div className="mb-5">
<PreviewCard title="See Your Progression in New Light" desc="We collect and aggregate data about Mythic progression on each boss as you progress. See detailed data about pull count, time spent on progression, hotfixes, and a night-by-night breakdown of your progress on a boss!" previewClass="max-h-72" gradientTo="tl">
<EncounterOverview region={Region.NA} encounterId={2399} difficulty={5} team={TEAM} />
<PreviewCard title="Get a Detailed Overview of the Tier" desc="In addition to our encounter-level breakdowns, we succinctly collate your progression data from the entire tier. This allows you to easily make macro-level comparisons to other raid teams, determine where you excelled and identify where you still need improvement.">
<StatTable encounters={ZONE_ENCOUNTERS[TIER]} team={TEAM} difficulty={5} />
<PreviewCard title="View Accurate Raid Time Data" desc="We automatically calculate raid times from guilds' progression logs, letting you know whether a guild is really that 2 night dream or one report away from the Overtime Police.<br/><br/><small><em>This feature is still a work in progress. Please report any inaccuracies you find.</em></small>" previewClass="max-h-32">
<TeamOverview team={TEAM} zone={TIER} encounters={ZONE_ENCOUNTERS[TIER]} region={Region.NA} />