ActiveThorns = "
$nlevels = 7
$ncells = 32
Cactus::cctk_show_schedule = no
# Cactus::terminate = "iteration"
# Cactus::cctk_itlast = 64 #TODO 0
Cactus::terminate = "time"
Cactus::cctk_final_time = 50.0
# AMReX::verbose = yes
AMReX::xmin = -100.0
AMReX::ymin = -100.0
AMReX::zmin = -100.0
AMReX::xmax = +100.0
AMReX::ymax = +100.0
AMReX::zmax = +100.0
AMReX::ncells_x = $ncells
AMReX::ncells_y = $ncells
AMReX::ncells_z = $ncells
# AMReX::periodic_x = no
# AMReX::periodic_y = no
# AMReX::periodic_z = no
AMReX::max_num_levels = $nlevels
AMReX::regrid_every = 16
AMReX::regrid_error_threshold = 0.1
AMReX::dtfac = 0.5
WaveToyAMReX::initial_condition = "central potential"
WaveToyAMReX::boundary_condition = "initial"
WaveToyAMReX::central_point_charge = 1.0
WaveToyAMReX::central_point_radius = 1.0
IO::out_dir = $parfile
IO::out_every = $ncells * 2 ** ($nlevels - 1) / 32
const Box &fbx = mfi.fabbox();
const Box &bx = mfi.tilebox();
const Dim3 imin = lbound(bx);
int ash[3], lsh[3];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
ash[d] = fbx[orient(d, 1)] - fbx[orient(d, 0)] + 1;
// Note: This excludes ghosts, it's not the proper Cactus lsh
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
lsh[d] = bx[orient(d, 1)] - bx[orient(d, 0)] + 1;
GridPtrDesc grid(leveldata, mfi);
const CCTK_REAL *restrict err = vars.ptr(imin.x, imin.y, imin.z, vi);
const Array4<char> &tagarr = tags.array(mfi);
constexpr int di = 1;
const int dj = di * ash[0];
const int dk = dj * ash[1];
CCTK_REAL *restrict const err = grid.ptr(vars, vi);
const Array4<char> &tag = tags.array(mfi);
for (int k = 0; k < lsh[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < lsh[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = 0; i < lsh[0]; ++i) {
int idx = di * i + dj * j + dk * k;
tagarr(imin.x + i, imin.y + j, imin.z + k) =
err[idx] >= regrid_error_threshold ? TagBox::SET : TagBox::CLEAR;
grid.loop_int([&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
tag(grid.cactus_offset.x + i, grid.cactus_offset.y + j,
grid.cactus_offset.z + k) =
err[idx] >= regrid_error_threshold ? TagBox::SET : TagBox::CLEAR;
// Set grid functions to nan
MultiFab &mfab = *groupdata.mfab.at(tl);
auto mfitinfo = MFItInfo().SetDynamic(true).EnableTiling(
{max_tile_size_x, max_tile_size_y, max_tile_size_z});
#pragma omp parallel
for (MFIter mfi(mfab, mfitinfo); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
GridPtrDesc grid(leveldata, mfi);
const Array4<CCTK_REAL> &vars = mfab.array(mfi);
for (int vi = 0; vi < groupdata.numvars; ++vi) {
CCTK_REAL *restrict const ptr = grid.ptr(vars, vi);
[&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) { ptr[idx] = 0.0 / 0.0; });
// Set grid functions to nan
auto mfitinfo = MFItInfo().SetDynamic(true).EnableTiling(
{max_tile_size_x, max_tile_size_y, max_tile_size_z});
#pragma omp parallel
for (MFIter mfi(*mfab, mfitinfo); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
GridPtrDesc grid(leveldata, mfi);
const Array4<CCTK_REAL> &vars = mfab->array(mfi);
for (int vi = 0; vi < groupdata.numvars; ++vi) {
CCTK_REAL *restrict const ptr = grid.ptr(vars, vi);
[&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) { ptr[idx] = 0.0 / 0.0; });
// Set grid functions to nan
auto mfitinfo = MFItInfo().SetDynamic(true).EnableTiling(
{max_tile_size_x, max_tile_size_y, max_tile_size_z});
#pragma omp parallel
for (MFIter mfi(*mfab, mfitinfo); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
GridPtrDesc grid(leveldata, mfi);
const Array4<CCTK_REAL> &vars = mfab->array(mfi);
for (int vi = 0; vi < groupdata.numvars; ++vi) {
CCTK_REAL *restrict const ptr = grid.ptr(vars, vi);
[&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) { ptr[idx] = 0.0 / 0.0; });
pp.add("amrex.verbose", true);
pp.add("amrex.signal_handling", false);
// Don't catch Unix signals. If signals are caught, we don't get
// core files.
pp.add("amrex.signal_handling", 0);
// Throw exceptions for failing AMReX assertions. With exceptions,
// we get core files.
pp.add("amrex.throw_exception", 1);
imin[d] = cctk_bbox[2 * d] ? 0 : cctk_nghostzones[d];
imax[d] = cctk_lsh[d] - (cctk_bbox[2 * d + 1] ? 0 : cctk_nghostzones[d]);
imin[d] = grid.bbox[2 * d] ? 0 : grid.nghostzones[d];
imax[d] = grid.lsh[d] - (grid.bbox[2 * d + 1] ? 0 : grid.nghostzones[d]);
<< component << "\t" << isghost << "\t" << (lbnd[0] + i) << "\t"
<< (lbnd[1] + j) << "\t" << (lbnd[2] + k) << "\t" << x << "\t" << y
<< "\t" << z;
<< component << "\t" << isghost << "\t" << (grid.lbnd[0] + i) << "\t"
<< (grid.lbnd[1] + j) << "\t" << (grid.lbnd[2] + k) << "\t" << x
<< "\t" << y << "\t" << z;
const Box &fbx = mfi.fabbox(); // allocated array
const Box &bx = mfi.tilebox(); // current region (without ghosts)
const Box &gbx = mfi.growntilebox(); // current region (with ghosts)
const Dim3 imin = lbound(gbx);
// Local shape
int lsh[dim];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
lsh[d] = gbx[orient(d, 1)] - gbx[orient(d, 0)] + 1;
// Allocated shape
int ash[dim];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
ash[d] = fbx[orient(d, 1)] - fbx[orient(d, 0)] + 1;
// Local extent
int lbnd[dim];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
lbnd[d] = gbx[orient(d, 0)];
// Boundaries
int bbox[2 * dim];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
for (int f = 0; f < 2; ++f)
bbox[2 * d + f] = bx[orient(d, f)] == gbx[orient(d, f)];
// Number of ghost zones
int nghostzones[dim];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
nghostzones[d] = mfab.fb_nghost[d];
GridPtrDesc grid(leveldata, mfi);
#ifndef LOOP_HXX
#define LOOP_HXX
#include <cctk.h>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace Loop {
using namespace std;
constexpr int dim = 3;
struct GridDescBase {
array<int, dim> gsh;
array<int, dim> lbnd, ubnd;
array<int, dim> lsh;
array<int, dim> ash;
array<int, 2 * dim> bbox;
array<int, dim> nghostzones;
array<int, dim> tmin, tmax;
template <typename T, size_t N>
static void output(ostream &os, const string &str, const array<T, N> &arr) {
os << str << ":[";
for (size_t n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
if (n > 0)
os << ",";
os << arr[n];
os << "]";
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const GridDescBase &grid) {
os << "GridDescBase{";
output(os, "gsh", grid.gsh);
output(os, ",lbnd", grid.lbnd);
output(os, ",ubnd", grid.ubnd);
output(os, ",lsh", grid.lsh);
output(os, ",bbox", grid.bbox);
output(os, ",nghostzones", grid.nghostzones);
output(os, ",tmin", grid.tmin);
output(os, ",tmax", grid.tmax);
os << "}";
return os;
GridDescBase(const cGH *cctkGH);
// Loop over a given box
template <typename F>
void loop_box(const F &f, const array<int, dim> &restrict imin,
const array<int, dim> &restrict imax) const {
// cout << *this;
// output(cout, ",imin", imin);
// output(cout, ",imax", imax);
// cout << "\n";
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
if (imin[d] >= imax[d])
constexpr int di = 1;
const int dj = di * ash[0];
const int dk = dj * ash[1];
for (int k = imin[2]; k < imax[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = imin[1]; j < imax[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = imin[0]; i < imax[0]; ++i) {
int idx = i * di + j * dj + k * dk;
f(i, j, k, idx);
// Loop over all points
template <typename F> void loop_all(const F &f) const {
array<int, dim> imin, imax;
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
imin[d] = max(tmin[d], 0);
imax[d] = min(tmax[d], lsh[d]);
loop_box(f, imin, imax);
// Loop over all interior points
template <typename F> void loop_int(const F &f) const {
array<int, dim> imin, imax;
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
imin[d] = max(tmin[d], nghostzones[d]);
imax[d] = min(tmax[d], lsh[d] - nghostzones[d]);
loop_box(f, imin, imax);
// Loop over all outer boundary points. This excludes ghost faces, but
// includes ghost edges/corners on non-ghost faces.
template <typename F> void loop_bnd(const F &f) const {
for (int dir = 0; dir < dim; ++dir) {
for (int face = 0; face < 2; ++face) {
if (bbox[2 * dir + face]) {
array<int, dim> imin, imax;
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
// by default, include interior and outer boundaries and ghosts
imin[d] = 0;
imax[d] = lsh[d];
// avoid covering edges and corners multiple times
if (d < dir) {
if (bbox[2 * d])
imin[d] = nghostzones[d]; // only interior
if (bbox[2 * d + 1])
imax[d] = lsh[d] - nghostzones[d]; // only interior
// only one face on outer boundary
if (face == 0)
imax[dir] = nghostzones[dir];
imin[dir] = lsh[dir] - nghostzones[dir];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
imin[d] = max(tmin[d], imin[d]);
imax[d] = min(tmax[d], imax[d]);
loop_box(f, imin, imax);
template <typename F> void loop_all(const cGH *cctkGH, const F &f) {
template <typename F> void loop_int(const cGH *cctkGH, const F &f) {
template <typename F> void loop_bnd(const cGH *cctkGH, const F &f) {
} // namespace Loop
#endif // #ifndef LOOP_HXX
constexpr int di = 1;
const int dj = di * ash[0];
const int dk = dj * ash[1];
for (int k = 0; k < lsh[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < lsh[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = 0; i < lsh[0]; ++i) {
int idx = di * i + dj * j + dk * k;
red = reduction<T>(red, reduction<T>(dV, ptr[idx]));
grid.loop_int([&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
red = reduction<T>(red, reduction<T>(dV, ptr[idx]));
const Dim3 imin = lbound(bx);
int ash[3], lsh[3];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
ash[d] = fbx[orient(d, 1)] - fbx[orient(d, 0)] + 1;
// Note: This excludes ghosts, it's not the proper Cactus lsh
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
lsh[d] = bx[orient(d, 1)] - bx[orient(d, 0)] + 1;
: min(x), max(x), sum(V * x), sum2((V * x) * (V * x)), vol(V),
maxabs(fabs(x)), sumabs(fabs(V * x)), sum2abs(fabs(V * x) * fabs(V * x)) {
: min(x), max(x), sum(V * x), sum2(pow(V * x, 2)), vol(V), maxabs(fabs(x)),
sumabs(fabs(V * x)), sum2abs(pow(fabs(V * x), 2)) {}
// Set up a GridDesc
} // namespace AMReX
namespace Loop {
GridDescBase::GridDescBase() {}
GridDescBase::GridDescBase(const cGH *restrict cctkGH) {
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
gsh[d] = cctkGH->cctk_gsh[d];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
lbnd[d] = cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[d];
ubnd[d] = cctkGH->cctk_ubnd[d];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
lsh[d] = cctkGH->cctk_lsh[d];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
ash[d] = cctkGH->cctk_ash[d];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
for (int f = 0; f < 2; ++f)
bbox[2 * d + f] = cctkGH->cctk_bbox[2 * d + f];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
nghostzones[d] = cctkGH->cctk_nghostzones[d];
// Check whether we are in local mode
assert(cctkGH->cctk_bbox[0] != AMReX::undefined);
int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num();
const cGH *restrict threadGH = &AMReX::thread_local_cctkGH.at(thread_num);
// Check whether this is the correct cGH structure
assert(cctkGH == threadGH);
const AMReX::TileBox &restrict tilebox =
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
tmin[d] = tilebox.tile_min[d];
tmax[d] = tilebox.tile_max[d];
} // namespace Loop
namespace AMReX {
GridDesc::GridDesc(const GHExt::LevelData &leveldata, const MFIter &mfi) {
const Box &fbx = mfi.fabbox(); // allocated array
const Box &vbx = mfi.validbox(); // interior region (without ghosts)
// const Box &bx = mfi.tilebox(); // current region (without ghosts)
const Box &gbx = mfi.growntilebox(); // current region (with ghosts)
const Box &domain = ghext->amrcore->Geom(leveldata.level).Domain();
// The number of ghostzones in each direction
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
nghostzones[d] = mfi.theFabArrayBase().nGrowVect()[d];
// Global shape
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
gsh[d] =
domain[orient(d, 1)] - domain[orient(d, 0)] + 1 + 2 * nghostzones[d];
// Local shape
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
lsh[d] = fbx[orient(d, 1)] - fbx[orient(d, 0)] + 1;
// Allocated shape
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
ash[d] = fbx[orient(d, 1)] - fbx[orient(d, 0)] + 1;
// Local extent
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
lbnd[d] = fbx[orient(d, 0)] + nghostzones[d];
ubnd[d] = fbx[orient(d, 1)] + nghostzones[d];
// Boundaries
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
for (int f = 0; f < 2; ++f)
bbox[2 * d + f] = vbx[orient(d, f)] == domain[orient(d, f)];
// Thread tile box
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
tmin[d] = gbx[orient(d, 0)] - fbx[orient(d, 0)];
tmax[d] = gbx[orient(d, 1)] + 1 - fbx[orient(d, 0)];
// Check constraints
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
// Domain size
assert(gsh[d] >= 0);
// Local size
assert(lbnd[d] >= 0);
assert(lsh[d] >= 0);
assert(lbnd[d] + lsh[d] <= gsh[d]);
assert(ubnd[d] == lbnd[d] + lsh[d] - 1);
// Internal representation
assert(ash[d] >= 0);
assert(ash[d] >= lsh[d]);
// Ghost zones
assert(nghostzones[d] >= 0);
assert(2 * nghostzones[d] <= lsh[d]);
// Tiles
assert(tmin[d] >= 0);
assert(tmax[d] >= tmin[d]);
assert(tmax[d] <= lsh[d]);
GridPtrDesc::GridPtrDesc(const GHExt::LevelData &leveldata, const MFIter &mfi)
: GridDesc(leveldata, mfi) {
const Box &fbx = mfi.fabbox(); // allocated array
cactus_offset = lbound(fbx);
void enter_local_mode(cGH *restrict cctkGH,
GHExt::LevelData &restrict leveldata, const MFIter &mfi) {
const Box &fbx = mfi.fabbox(); // allocated array
// const Box &vbx = mfi.validbox(); // interior region (without ghosts)
const Box &bx = mfi.tilebox(); // current region (without ghosts)
const Box &gbx = mfi.growntilebox(); // current region (with ghosts)
void enter_local_mode(cGH *restrict cctkGH, TileBox &restrict tilebox,
const GHExt::LevelData &restrict leveldata,
const MFIter &mfi) {
GridPtrDesc grid(leveldata, mfi);
// Check constraints
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
// Domain size
assert(cctkGH->cctk_gsh[d] >= 0);
// Local size
assert(cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[d] >= 0);
assert(cctkGH->cctk_lsh[d] >= 0);
assert(cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[d] + cctkGH->cctk_lsh[d] <= cctkGH->cctk_gsh[d]);
assert(cctkGH->cctk_ubnd[d] ==
cctkGH->cctk_lbnd[d] + cctkGH->cctk_lsh[d] - 1);
// Internal representation
assert(cctkGH->cctk_ash[d] >= 0);
assert(cctkGH->cctk_ash[d] >= cctkGH->cctk_lsh[d]);
// Ghost zones
assert(cctkGH->cctk_nghostzones[d] >= 0);
assert(2 * cctkGH->cctk_nghostzones[d] <= cctkGH->cctk_lsh[d]);
// Tiles
assert(tilebox.tile_min[d] >= 0);
assert(tilebox.tile_max[d] >= tilebox.tile_min[d]);
assert(tilebox.tile_max[d] <= cctkGH->cctk_lsh[d]);
extern "C" void AMReX_GetTileExtent(const void *restrict cctkGH_,
CCTK_INT *restrict tile_min,
CCTK_INT *restrict tile_max) {
const cGH *restrict cctkGH = static_cast<const cGH *>(cctkGH_);
// Check whether we are in local mode
assert(cctkGH->cctk_bbox[0] != undefined);
int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num();
const cGH *restrict threadGH = &thread_local_cctkGH.at(thread_num);
// Check whether this is the correct cGH structure
assert(cctkGH == threadGH);
struct GridDesc : GridDescBase {
GridDesc() = delete;
GridDesc(const GHExt::LevelData &leveldata, const MFIter &mfi);
GridDesc(const cGH *cctkGH) : GridDescBase(cctkGH) {}
struct GridPtrDesc : GridDesc {
Dim3 cactus_offset;
GridPtrDesc() = delete;
GridPtrDesc(const GHExt::LevelData &leveldata, const MFIter &mfi);
template <typename T> T *ptr(const Array4<T> &vars, int vi) const {
return vars.ptr(cactus_offset.x, cactus_offset.y, cactus_offset.z, vi);
template <typename T>
T &idx(const Array4<T> &vars, int i, int j, int k, int vi) const {
return vars(cactus_offset.x + i, cactus_offset.y + i, cactus_offset.z + j,
3. Scalar particles
S = int 1/2 \eta^ab d_a u d_b u + 1/2 m^2 u^2 + \rho u
equation of motion:
0 = dS/du = - \eta^ab d_a d_b u + m^2 u + \rho
nonsense: [0 = dS/d\rho = u]
nonsense: [0 = dS/dm = m u^2]
\rho = q \delta(x)
0 = dS/dx = -q (grad u)(x)
0 = dS/dq = u(x)
CCTK_REAL psi_abs "Typical value of psi to determine absolute error" STEERABLE=always
(0.0:* :: ""
} 1.0
} "Set up initial conditions for the wave equation"
} "Boundary conditions for the wave equation"
SCHEDULE WaveToyAMReX_Boundaries AT initial AFTER WaveToyAMReX_Sync
} "Boundary conditions for the wave equation"
SCHEDULE WaveToyAMReX_NaNCheck_current AT postinitial
} "Check for nans in the state vector"
SCHEDULE WaveToyAMReX_NaNCheck_current AT postregridinitial AFTER WaveToyAMReX_Boundaries
} "Check for nans in the state vector"
SCHEDULE WaveToyAMReX_Sync AT postregrid
SYNC: phi
} "Boundary conditions for the wave equation"
SCHEDULE WaveToyAMReX_Boundaries AT postregrid AFTER WaveToyAMReX_Sync
} "Boundary conditions for the wave equation"
SCHEDULE WaveToyAMReX_NaNCheck_current AT postregrid AFTER WaveToyAMReX_Boundaries
} "Check for nans in the state vector"
SCHEDULE WaveToyAMReX_NaNCheck_past AT prestep
} "Check for nans in the state vector"
// Square
template <typename T> T sqr(T x) { return x * x; }
// Spline with compact support of radius 1 and volume 1
template <typename T> T spline(T r) {
if (r >= 1.0)
return 0.0;
constexpr CCTK_REAL f =
dim == 1 ? 1.0
: dim == 2 ? 24.0 / 7.0 / M_PI : dim == 3 ? 4.0 / M_PI : -1;
const T r2 = pow(r, 2);
return f * (r <= 0.5 ? 1 - 2 * r2 : 2 + r * (-4 + 2 * r));
// The potential for the spline
template <typename T> T spline_potential(T r) {
// \Laplace u = 4 \pi \rho
if (r >= 1.0)
return -1 / r;
static_assert(dim == 3, "");
const T r2 = pow(r, 2);
return r <= 0.5
? -7 / T(3) + r2 * (8 / T(3) - 8 / T(5) * r2)
: (1 / T(15) +
r * (-40 / T(15) +
r2 * (80 / T(15) + r * (-80 / T(15) + r * 24 / T(15))))) /
T omega = sqrt(sqr(kx) + sqr(ky) + sqr(kz));
return exp(-0.5 * sqr(sin(kx * x + ky * y + kz * z - omega * t) / width));
T omega = sqrt(pow(kx, 2) + pow(ky, 2) + pow(kz, 2));
return exp(-0.5 * pow(sin(kx * x + ky * y + kz * z - omega * t) / width, 2));
// Gaussian
template <typename T> T gaussian(T t, T x, T y, T z) {
// u(t,r) = (f(r-t) - f(r+t)) / r
T r = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2));
auto f = [&](T x) { return exp(-0.5 * pow(x / width, 2)); };
auto fx = [&](T x) { return -x / pow(width, 2) * f(x); };
if (r < 1.0e-8)
// Use L'Hôpital's rule for small r
return fx(r - t) - fx(r + t);
return (f(r - t) - f(r + t)) / r;
for (int k = imin[2]; k < imax[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = imin[1]; j < imax[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = imin[0]; i < imax[0]; ++i) {
const int idx = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k);
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phi[idx] = standing(t, x, y, z);
// phi_p[idx] = standing(t - dt, x, y, z);
psi[idx] = timederiv(standing, dt)(t, x, y, z);
Loop::loop_int(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phi[idx] = standing(t, x, y, z);
// phi_p[idx] = standing(t - dt, x, y, z);
psi[idx] = timederiv(standing, dt)(t, x, y, z);
for (int k = imin[2]; k < imax[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = imin[1]; j < imax[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = imin[0]; i < imax[0]; ++i) {
const int idx = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k);
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phi[idx] = gaussian(t, x, y, z);
// phi_p[idx] = gaussian(t - dt, x, y, z);
psi[idx] = timederiv(gaussian, dt)(t, x, y, z);
Loop::loop_int(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phi[idx] = periodic_gaussian(t, x, y, z);
// phi_p[idx] = periodic_gaussian(t - dt, x, y, z);
psi[idx] = timederiv(periodic_gaussian, dt)(t, x, y, z);
} else if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_condition, "Gaussian")) {
Loop::loop_int(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phi[idx] = gaussian(t, x, y, z);
// phi_p[idx] = gaussian(t - dt, x, y, z);
psi[idx] = timederiv(gaussian, dt)(t, x, y, z);
} else if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_condition, "central potential")) {
Loop::loop_int(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phi[idx] = central_potential(t, x, y, z);
// phi_p[idx] = central_potential(t - dt, x, y, z);
psi[idx] = timederiv(central_potential, dt)(t, x, y, z);
for (int k = 0; k < cctk_lsh[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < cctk_lsh[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = 0; i < cctk_lsh[0]; ++i) {
const int idx = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k);
CCTK_REAL base_phi = fabs(phi[idx]) + fabs(phi_abs);
CCTK_REAL errx_phi =
fabs(phi[idx - di] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + di]) / base_phi;
CCTK_REAL erry_phi =
fabs(phi[idx - dj] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + dj]) / base_phi;
CCTK_REAL errz_phi =
fabs(phi[idx - dk] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + dk]) / base_phi;
regrid_error[idx] = errx_phi + erry_phi + errz_phi;
Loop::loop_int(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL base_phi = fabs(phi[idx]) + fabs(phi_abs);
CCTK_REAL errx_phi =
fabs(phi[idx - di] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + di]) / base_phi;
CCTK_REAL erry_phi =
fabs(phi[idx - dj] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + dj]) / base_phi;
CCTK_REAL errz_phi =
fabs(phi[idx - dk] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + dk]) / base_phi;
CCTK_REAL base_psi = fabs(psi[idx]) + fabs(psi_abs);
CCTK_REAL errx_psi =
fabs(psi[idx - di] - 2 * psi[idx] + psi[idx + di]) / base_psi;
CCTK_REAL erry_psi =
fabs(psi[idx - dj] - 2 * psi[idx] + psi[idx + dj]) / base_psi;
CCTK_REAL errz_psi =
fabs(psi[idx - dk] - 2 * psi[idx] + psi[idx + dk]) / base_psi;
regrid_error[idx] =
errx_phi + erry_phi + errz_phi + errx_psi + erry_psi + errz_psi;
extern "C" void WaveToyAMReX_Evolve(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
CCTK_REAL x0[dim], dx[dim];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
dx[d] = CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(d);
constexpr int di = 1;
const int dj = di * cctk_ash[0];
const int dk = dj * cctk_ash[1];
Loop::loop_int(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
CCTK_REAL r = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2));
CCTK_REAL ddx_phi =
(phi_p[idx - di] - 2 * phi_p[idx] + phi_p[idx + di]) / pow(dx[0], 2);
CCTK_REAL ddy_phi =
(phi_p[idx - dj] - 2 * phi_p[idx] + phi_p[idx + dj]) / pow(dx[1], 2);
CCTK_REAL ddz_phi =
(phi_p[idx - dk] - 2 * phi_p[idx] + phi_p[idx + dk]) / pow(dx[2], 2);
// phi[idx] = 2 * phi_p[idx] - phi_p_p[idx] +
// pow(dt, 2) * (ddx_phi + ddy_phi + ddz_phi);
psi[idx] = psi_p[idx] +
dt * (ddx_phi + ddy_phi + ddz_phi - pow(mass, 2) * phi_p[idx] -
4 * M_PI * central_point_charge *
pow(central_point_radius, -dim) *
spline(r / central_point_radius));
phi[idx] = phi_p[idx] + dt * psi[idx];
extern "C" void WaveToyAMReX_Evolve(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
// Miguel Alcubierre, Gabrielle Allen, Gerd Lanfermann
// Routines for applying radiation boundary conditions
// Taken from
// <Cactus/arrangements/CactusBase/Boundary/src/RadiationBoundary.c>
// The radiative boundary condition that is implemented is:
// f = f0 + u(r - v*t) / r + h(r + v*t) / r
// That is, I assume outgoing radial waves with a 1/r fall off, and
// the correct asymptotic value f0, plus I include the possibility of
// incoming waves as well (these incoming waves should be modeled
// somehow).
// The condition above leads to the differential equation:
// (x / r) d f + v d f + v x (f - f0) / r^2 = v x H / r^2
// i t i i i
// where x_i is the normal direction to the given boundaries, and H =
// 2 dh(s)/ds.
// So at a given boundary I only worry about derivatives in the normal
// direction. Notice that u(r-v*t) has dissapeared, but we still do
// not know the value of H.
// To get H what I do is the following: I evaluate the expression one
// point in from the boundary and solve for H there. We now need a way
// of extrapolation H to the boundary. For this I assume that H falls
// off as a power law:
// H = k/r**n => d H = - n H/r
// i
// The value of n is is defined by the parameter "radpower". If this
// parameter is negative, H is forced to be zero (this corresponds to
// pure outgoing waves and is the default).
// The behaviour I have observed is the following: Using H=0 is very
// stable, but has a very bad initial transient. Taking n to be 0 or
// positive improves the initial behaviour considerably, but
// introduces a drift that can kill the evolution at very late times.
// Empirically, the best value I have found is n=2, for which the
// initial behaviour is very nice, and the late time drift is quite
// small.
// Another problem with this condition is that it does not use the
// physical characteristic speed, but rather it assumes a wave speed
// of v, so the boundaries should be out in the region where the
// characteristic speed is constant. Notice that this speed does not
// have to be 1. For gauge quantities {alpha, phi, trK} we can have a
// different asymptotic speed, which is why the value of v is passed
// as a parameter.
#if 0
extern "C" void WaveToyAMReX_RadiativeBoundaries(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
int gbox[2 * dim]; // Are the boundaries (if any) ghosts zones?
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
// #error "NEED lbnd>=0 ALWAYS"
gbox[2 * d] = cctk_lbnd[d] > 0;
gbox[2 * d + 1] = cctk_lbnd[d] + cctk_lsh[d] < cctk_gsh[d];
// CCTK_VINFO("lbnd[%d,%d,%d]", cctk_lbnd[0], cctk_lbnd[1], cctk_lbnd[2]);
// CCTK_VINFO("lsh[%d,%d,%d]", cctk_lsh[0], cctk_lsh[1], cctk_lsh[2]);
// CCTK_VINFO("gsh[%d,%d,%d]", cctk_gsh[0], cctk_gsh[1], cctk_gsh[2]);
// CCTK_VINFO("gbox[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]", gbox[0], gbox[1], gbox[2], gbox[3],
// gbox[4], gbox[5]);
for (int k = imin[2]; k < imax[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = imin[1]; j < imax[1]; ++j) {
for (int dir = 0; dir < dim; ++dir) {
for (int face = 0; face < 2; ++face) {
if (!gbox[2 * dir + face]) {
int bmin[dim], bmax[dim];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
// Skip edges and corners if d < dir
bmin[d] = d < dir ? imin[d] : 0;
bmax[d] = d < dir ? imax[d] : cctk_lsh[d];
if (face == 0)
bmax[dir] = imin[dir];
bmin[dir] = imax[dir];
// CCTK_VINFO("dir=%d face=%d", dir, face);
// CCTK_VINFO("bmin[%d,%d,%d]", bmin[0], bmin[1], bmin[2]);
// CCTK_VINFO("bmax[%d,%d,%d]", bmax[0], bmax[1], bmax[2]);
for (int k = bmin[2]; k < bmax[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = bmin[1]; j < bmax[1]; ++j) {
for (int i = imin[0]; i < imax[0]; ++i) {
const int idx = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k);
CCTK_REAL ddx_phi =
(phi_p[idx - di] - 2 * phi_p[idx] + phi_p[idx + di]) / sqr(dx[0]);
CCTK_REAL ddy_phi =
(phi_p[idx - dj] - 2 * phi_p[idx] + phi_p[idx + dj]) / sqr(dx[1]);
CCTK_REAL ddz_phi =
(phi_p[idx - dk] - 2 * phi_p[idx] + phi_p[idx + dk]) / sqr(dx[2]);
// phi[idx] = 2 * phi_p[idx] - phi_p_p[idx] +
// sqr(dt) * (ddx_phi + ddy_phi + ddz_phi);
psi[idx] = psi_p[idx] + dt * (ddx_phi + ddy_phi + ddz_phi);
phi[idx] = phi_p[idx] + dt * psi[idx];
for (int i = bmin[0]; i < bmax[0]; ++i) {
const int idx = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k);
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
CCTK_REAL r = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2));
int ddir = dir == 0 ? di : dir == 1 ? dj : dk;
int ndir = 2 * face - 1;
// CCTK_REAL gradphi =
// (phi_p[idx] - phi_p[idx - ndir * ddir]) / dx[dir];
// phi[idx] =
// phi_p[idx] -
// dt * phi_vel * (r * gradphi + (phi_p[idx] - phi_inf) / r);
// CCTK_REAL gradpsi =
// (psi_p[idx] - psi_p[idx - ndir * ddir]) / dx[dir];
// psi[idx] =
// psi_p[idx] -
// dt * psi_vel * (r * gradpsi + (psi_p[idx] - psi_inf) / r);
CCTK_REAL gradphi =
(phi_p[idx] - phi_p[idx - ndir * ddir]) / dx[dir];
psi[idx] = -phi_vel * (r * gradphi + (phi_p[idx] - phi_inf) / r);
phi[idx] = phi_p[idx] + dt * psi[idx];
extern "C" void WaveToyAMReX_Sync(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
// do nothinga
extern "C" void WaveToyAMReX_Boundaries(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
const CCTK_REAL t = cctk_time;
CCTK_REAL x0[dim], dx[dim];
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
dx[d] = CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(d);
if (CCTK_EQUALS(boundary_condition, "none")) {
// do nothing
} else if (CCTK_EQUALS(boundary_condition, "initial")) {
if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_condition, "central potential")) {
Loop::loop_bnd(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phi[idx] = central_potential(t, x, y, z);
psi[idx] = timederiv(central_potential, dt)(t, x, y, z);
} else {
} else {
extern "C" void WaveToyAMReX_NaNCheck_past(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
Loop::loop_all(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
extern "C" void WaveToyAMReX_NaNCheck_current(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
int levfac = cctk_levfac[0];
int lev = 0;
while (levfac > 1) {
levfac >>= 1;
lev += 1;
bool has_error = false;
Loop::loop_all(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
if (!CCTK_isfinite(phi[idx]) || !CCTK_isfinite(psi[idx])) {
CCTK_VINFO("level %d idx=[%d,%d,%d] gidx=[%d,%d,%d] (%g,%g)", lev, i, j,
k, cctk_lbnd[0] + i, cctk_lbnd[1] + j, cctk_lbnd[2] + k,
phi[idx], psi[idx]);
has_error = true;
if (has_error)
CCTK_VERROR("NaNs found");
for (int k = imin[2]; k < imax[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = imin[1]; j < imax[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = imin[0]; i < imax[0]; ++i) {
const int idx = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k);
CCTK_REAL ddx_phi =
(phi[idx - di] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + di]) / sqr(dx[0]);
CCTK_REAL ddy_phi =
(phi[idx - dj] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + dj]) / sqr(dx[1]);
CCTK_REAL ddz_phi =
(phi[idx - dk] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + dk]) / sqr(dx[2]);
CCTK_REAL psi_n = psi[idx] + dt * (ddx_phi + ddy_phi + ddz_phi);
CCTK_REAL dt_phi_p = psi_n;
CCTK_REAL dt_phi_m = psi_p[idx];
CCTK_REAL dx_phi_p = (phi[idx + di] - phi[idx]) / dx[0];
CCTK_REAL dx_phi_m = (phi[idx] - phi[idx - di]) / dx[0];
CCTK_REAL dy_phi_p = (phi[idx + dj] - phi[idx]) / dx[1];
CCTK_REAL dy_phi_m = (phi[idx] - phi[idx - dj]) / dx[1];
CCTK_REAL dz_phi_p = (phi[idx + dk] - phi[idx]) / dx[2];
CCTK_REAL dz_phi_m = (phi[idx] - phi[idx - dk]) / dx[2];
eps[idx] =
(sqr(dt_phi_p) + sqr(dt_phi_m) + sqr(dx_phi_p) + sqr(dx_phi_m) +
sqr(dy_phi_p) + sqr(dy_phi_m) + sqr(dz_phi_p) + sqr(dz_phi_m)) /
Loop::loop_int(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL ddx_phi =
(phi[idx - di] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + di]) / pow(dx[0], 2);
CCTK_REAL ddy_phi =
(phi[idx - dj] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + dj]) / pow(dx[1], 2);
CCTK_REAL ddz_phi =
(phi[idx - dk] - 2 * phi[idx] + phi[idx + dk]) / pow(dx[2], 2);
CCTK_REAL psi_n = psi[idx] + dt * (ddx_phi + ddy_phi + ddz_phi);
CCTK_REAL dt_phi_p = psi_n;
CCTK_REAL dt_phi_m = psi_p[idx];
CCTK_REAL dx_phi_p = (phi[idx + di] - phi[idx]) / dx[0];
CCTK_REAL dx_phi_m = (phi[idx] - phi[idx - di]) / dx[0];
CCTK_REAL dy_phi_p = (phi[idx + dj] - phi[idx]) / dx[1];
CCTK_REAL dy_phi_m = (phi[idx] - phi[idx - dj]) / dx[1];
CCTK_REAL dz_phi_p = (phi[idx + dk] - phi[idx]) / dx[2];
CCTK_REAL dz_phi_m = (phi[idx] - phi[idx - dk]) / dx[2];
eps[idx] = (pow(dt_phi_p, 2) + pow(dt_phi_m, 2) + pow(dx_phi_p, 2) +
pow(dx_phi_m, 2) + pow(dy_phi_p, 2) + pow(dy_phi_m, 2) +
pow(dz_phi_p, 2) + pow(dz_phi_m, 2)) /
for (int k = 0; k < cctk_lsh[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < cctk_lsh[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = 0; i < cctk_lsh[0]; ++i) {
const int idx = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k);
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phierr[idx] = phi[idx] - standing(t, x, y, z);
psierr[idx] = psi[idx] - timederiv(standing, dt)(t, x, y, z);
Loop::loop_all(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phierr[idx] = phi[idx] - standing(t, x, y, z);
psierr[idx] = psi[idx] - timederiv(standing, dt)(t, x, y, z);
for (int k = 0; k < cctk_lsh[2]; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < cctk_lsh[1]; ++j) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = 0; i < cctk_lsh[0]; ++i) {
const int idx = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i, j, k);
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phierr[idx] = phi[idx] - gaussian(t, x, y, z);
psierr[idx] = psi[idx] - timederiv(gaussian, dt)(t, x, y, z);
Loop::loop_all(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phierr[idx] = phi[idx] - periodic_gaussian(t, x, y, z);
psierr[idx] = psi[idx] - timederiv(periodic_gaussian, dt)(t, x, y, z);
} else if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_condition, "Gaussian")) {
Loop::loop_all(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phierr[idx] = phi[idx] - gaussian(t, x, y, z);
psierr[idx] = psi[idx] - timederiv(gaussian, dt)(t, x, y, z);
} else if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_condition, "central potential")) {
Loop::loop_all(cctkGH, [&](int i, int j, int k, int idx) {
CCTK_REAL x = x0[0] + (cctk_lbnd[0] + i) * dx[0];
CCTK_REAL y = x0[1] + (cctk_lbnd[1] + j) * dx[1];
CCTK_REAL z = x0[2] + (cctk_lbnd[2] + k) * dx[2];
phierr[idx] = phi[idx] - central_potential(t, x, y, z);
psierr[idx] = psi[idx] - timederiv(central_potential, dt)(t, x, y, z);
} else {