2. Method
Lap-Ming Lin, Jerome Novak, "A new spectral apparent horizon finder
for 3D numerical relativity", arXiv:gr-qc/0702038
2.1. Variables and equations
h(\theta, \phi)
F(r, \theta, \phi) = r - h(\theta, \phi)
s_a = \partial_a F / \sqrt{ g^ab (\partial_a F) (\partial_b F) }
s^a;a = 1 / \sqrt{\det g} \partial_b g^ab \sqrt{\det g} s_a
\Theta = s^a;a - (g^ab - s^a s^b) K_ab
2.2. Discrete basis
Scalar spherical harmnoics:
Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
Vector spherical harmonics:
\bf Y_lm(\theta, \phi) =Y_lm(\theta, \phi) \hat\bf r
\bf\Psi_lm(\theta, \phi) = r \grad Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
\bf\Phi_lm(\theta, \phi) = \bf r \cross Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
Derivatives (gradient and divergence):
f(r, \theta, \phi) = \phi^lm(r) Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
(\grad f)(r, \theta, \phi) = \partial_r \phi^lm(r) \bf Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
+ 1/r \phi^lm(r) \bf\Psi_lm(\theta, \phi)
\div \phi(r) \bf\Psi_lm(\theta, \phi) =
(\partial_r \phi(r) + 2/r \phi(r)) Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
- 1/r l(l+1) \phi(r) Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
f(\theta, \phi) = \phi^lm Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
(\grad f)(\theta, \phi) = 1/r \phi^lm \bf\Psi_lm(\theta, \phi)
\div \bf\Psi_lm(\theta, \phi) = - 1/r l(l+1) Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
Spin-weighted sperical harmonics:
(<>, (11) and (12))
gradient components: |s|_E_lm = (-1)^H 1/2 (|s|_a_lm + (-1)^s -|s|_a_lm)
curl components: i |s|_B_lm = (-1)^H 1/2 (|s|_a_lm - (-1)^s -|s|_a_lm)
with |s|_E_lm* = (-1)^m |s|_E_l,-m
|s|_B_lm* = (-1)^m |s|_B_l,-m
there is |s|_E_lm + i |s|_B_lm = (-1)^H |s|_a_lm
|s|_E_lm - i |s|_B_lm = (-1)^H (-1)^s -|s|_a_lm
\dh = - (\partial_\theta + i / \sin\theta \partial_\phi)
\bar\dh = - (\partial_\theta - i / \sin\theta \partial_\phi)
0_E_lm = (-1)^H 1/2 (0_a_lm + 0_a_lm)
1_E_lm = (-1)^H 1/2 (1_a_lm - -1_a_lm)
2_E_lm = (-1)^H 1/2 (2_a_lm + -2_a_lm)
i 0_B_lm = (-1)^H 1/2 (0_a_lm - 0_a_lm)
i 1_B_lm = (-1)^H 1/2 (1_a_lm + -1_a_lm)
i 2_B_lm = (-1)^H 1/2 (2_a_lm - -2_a_lm)
2.3 Discrete representation
h(\theta, \phi) = h^lm Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
F(r, \theta, \phi) = r - h^lm Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
\partial_a F = [1, h^lm \bf\Psi_lm(\theta, \phi)]
|grad F| = ...
s_a = \partial_a F / |grad F|
*s^a = \sqrt{\det g} g^ab s_b
*sr^lm \bf Y_lm(\theta, \phi) + *s1^lm \bf\Psi_lm(\theta, \phi) = *s^a
*s^a;a = 2 *sr^lm Y_lm(\theta, \phi) - l(l+1) *s1^lm Y_lm(\theta, \phi)
s^a;a = 1 / \sqrt{\det g} *s^a;a
3. References
Jonathan Thornburg, "Finding Apparent Horizons in Numerical
Relativity", arXiv:gr-qc/9508014
Carsten Gundlach, "Pseudo-spectral apparent horizon finders: an
efficient new algorithm", arXiv:gr-qc/9707050
Jonathan Thornburg, "A Fast Apparent-Horizon Finder for 3-Dimensional
Cartesian Grids in Numerical Relativity", arXiv:gr-qc/0306056
Jonathan Thornburg, "Event and Apparent Horizon Finders for 3+1
Numerical Relativity", arXiv:gr-qc/0512169
Lap-Ming Lin, Jerome Novak, "A new spectral apparent horizon finder
for 3D numerical relativity", arXiv:gr-qc/0702038
- supports arbitrary spins
Martin Reinecke, Dag Sverre Seljebotn, "Libsharp - spherical harmonic
transforms revisited", arXiv:1303.4945 [physics.comp-ph]]
<>, previously
- only scalars
Mark A. Wieczorek and Matthias Meschede (2018). SHTools -- Tools for
working with spherical harmonics, Geochemistry, Geophysics,
Geosystems, 19, 2574-2592, doi:10.1029/2018GC007529.
- use spin weights
J. D. McEwen, Y. Wiaux, "A novel sampling theorem on the sphere",
arXiv:1110.6298 [cs.IT]
CCTK_INT maxiters "Maximum number of iterations to find horizon" STEERABLE=always
1:* :: ""
} 20
// Coefficients have a "sin(theta)" weight: The power of sin(theta)
// that they contain. This sin(theta) power is not stored. For
// example, [xyz]_t have a weight of 0, while [xyz]_p have a weight of
// 1. The stored coefficients are thus never singular at the poles,
// i.e. neither infinite nor always zero.
// We use a prefix "s_" to indicate a weight of 1, and a prefix "z_"
// (an upside-down "s_") to indicate a weight of -1.
// Example: qpp = sin(theta)^2 * ss_qpp
#include "discretization.hxx"
// Access grid and spectral information
template <typename T> coords_t<T> coords_from_shape(const aij_t<T> &h) {
const geom_t &geom = h.geom;
coords_t<T> coords(geom);
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j) {
const T r = h(i, j);
const T theta = geom.coord_theta(i, j);
const T phi = geom.coord_phi(i, j);
coords.x(i, j) = x0 + r * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
coords.y(i, j) = y0 + r * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
coords.z(i, j) = z0 + r * cos(theta);
return coords;
const int ntheta = nmodes;
const int nphi = 2 * nmodes - 1;
const int npoints = ntheta * nphi;
const auto coord_theta{[&](const int i, const int j) -> CCTK_REAL {
assert(i >= 0 && i < ntheta);
assert(j >= 0 && j < nphi);
return ssht_sampling_mw_t2theta(i, nmodes);
const auto coord_phi{[&](const int i, const int j) -> CCTK_REAL {
assert(i >= 0 && i < ntheta);
assert(j >= 0 && j < nphi);
return ssht_sampling_mw_p2phi(j, nmodes);
const auto gind{[&](const int i, const int j) -> int {
// 0 <= i < ntheta
// 0 <= j < nphi
assert(i >= 0 && i < ntheta);
assert(j >= 0 && j < nphi);
const int ind = j + nphi * i;
assert(ind >= 0 && ind < npoints);
return ind;
template <typename T> struct metric_t {
geom_t geom;
aij_t<T> gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz;
aij_t<T> gxx_x, gxy_x, gxz_x, gyy_x, gyz_x, gzz_x;
aij_t<T> gxx_y, gxy_y, gxz_y, gyy_y, gyz_y, gzz_y;
aij_t<T> gxx_z, gxy_z, gxz_z, gyy_z, gyz_z, gzz_z;
aij_t<T> kxx, kxy, kxz, kyy, kyz, kzz;
const int lmax = nmodes - 1;
const int ncoeffs = nmodes * nmodes;
const auto cind{[&](const int l, const int m) -> int {
// 0 <= l <= lmax
// -l <= m <= l
assert(l >= 0 && l <= lmax);
assert(m >= -l && m <= l);
int ind;
ssht_sampling_elm2ind(&ind, l, m);
assert(ind >= 0 && ind < ncoeffs);
return ind;
metric_t() = delete;
metric_t(const geom_t &geom)
: geom(geom), gxx(geom), gxy(geom), gxz(geom), gyy(geom), gyz(geom),
gzz(geom), gxx_x(geom), gxy_x(geom), gxz_x(geom), gyy_x(geom),
gyz_x(geom), gzz_x(geom), gxx_y(geom), gxy_y(geom), gxz_y(geom),
gyy_y(geom), gyz_y(geom), gzz_y(geom), gxx_z(geom), gxy_z(geom),
gxz_z(geom), gyy_z(geom), gyz_z(geom), gzz_z(geom), kxx(geom),
kxy(geom), kxz(geom), kyy(geom), kyz(geom), kzz(geom) {}
const ssht_dl_method_t method = SSHT_DL_RISBO;
const int verbosity = 0; // [0..5]
template <typename T>
metric_t<T> interpolate_metric(const cGH *const cctkGH,
const coords_t<T> &coords) {
const int gxx_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxx");
const int gxy_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxy");
const int gxz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxz");
const int gyy_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gyy");
const int gyz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gyz");
const int gzz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gzz");
const int kxx_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kxx");
const int kxy_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kxy");
const int kxz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kxz");
const int kyy_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kyy");
const int kyz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kyz");
const int kzz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kzz");
constexpr int nvars = 6 * (1 + 3 + 1);
const array<CCTK_INT, nvars> varinds{
gxx_ind, gxy_ind, gxz_ind, gyy_ind, gyz_ind, gzz_ind, //
gxx_ind, gxy_ind, gxz_ind, gyy_ind, gyz_ind, gzz_ind, //
gxx_ind, gxy_ind, gxz_ind, gyy_ind, gyz_ind, gzz_ind, //
gxx_ind, gxy_ind, gxz_ind, gyy_ind, gyz_ind, gzz_ind, //
kxx_ind, kxy_ind, kxz_ind, kyy_ind, kyz_ind, kzz_ind, //
const array<CCTK_INT, nvars> operations{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, //
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, //
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //
// Initial conditions for h^lm
const geom_t &geom = coords.geom;
metric_t<T> metric(geom);
array<T *, nvars> ptrs{,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,};
vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> hlm(ncoeffs);
for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m), m)) = l == 0 && m == 0 ? sqrt(4 * M_PI) * r0 : 0;
Interpolate(cctkGH, geom.npoints,,,, nvars,,,;
vector<CCTK_REAL> hij(npoints);
ssht_core_mw_inverse_sov_sym_real(,, nmodes, method,
// Expansion and updated horizon shape; see [arXiv:gr-qc/0702038], (29)
template <typename T> struct expansion_t {
alm_t<T> hlm;
T area;
alm_t<T> Thetalm, hlm_new;
vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> dhij(npoints);
ssht_core_mw_inverse_sov_sym(,, nmodes, dh_spin,
method, verbosity);
// Evaluate h^ij and its derivatives
const aij_t<T> hij = evaluate(hlm);
const alm_t<T> dhlm = grad(hlm);
const aij_t<complex<T> > dhij = evaluate_grad(dhlm);
vector<CCTK_REAL> coordsx(npoints), coordsy(npoints), coordsz(npoints);
for (int i = 0; i < ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < nphi; ++j) {
const int ind2d = gind(i, j);
const CCTK_REAL r = hij[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL theta = coord_theta(i, j);
const CCTK_REAL phi = coord_phi(i, j);
coordsx[ind2d] = r * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
coordsy[ind2d] = r * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
coordsz[ind2d] = r * cos(theta);
aij_t<T> lambdaij(geom);
const int gxx_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxx");
const int gxy_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxy");
const int gxz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxz");
const int gyy_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gyy");
const int gyz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gyz");
const int gzz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gzz");
const int kxx_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kxx");
const int kxy_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kxy");
const int kxz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kxz");
const int kyy_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kyy");
const int kyz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kyz");
const int kzz_ind = CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::kzz");
const vector<CCTK_INT> varinds{
gxx_ind, gxy_ind, gxz_ind, gyy_ind, gyz_ind, gzz_ind, //
gxx_ind, gxy_ind, gxz_ind, gyy_ind, gyz_ind, gzz_ind, //
gxx_ind, gxy_ind, gxz_ind, gyy_ind, gyz_ind, gzz_ind, //
gxx_ind, gxy_ind, gxz_ind, gyy_ind, gyz_ind, gzz_ind, //
kxx_ind, kxy_ind, kxz_ind, kyy_ind, kyz_ind, kzz_ind, //
const vector<CCTK_INT> operations{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, //
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, //
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, //
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //
constexpr int nvars = 6 * (1 + 3 + 1);
assert(int(varinds.size()) == nvars);
assert(int(operations.size()) == nvars);
int index = 0;
const int igxx = index++;
const int igxy = index++;
const int igxz = index++;
const int igyy = index++;
const int igyz = index++;
const int igzz = index++;
const int igxx_x = index++;
const int igxy_x = index++;
const int igxz_x = index++;
const int igyy_x = index++;
const int igyz_x = index++;
const int igzz_x = index++;
const int igxx_y = index++;
const int igxy_y = index++;
const int igxz_y = index++;
const int igyy_y = index++;
const int igyz_y = index++;
const int igzz_y = index++;
const int igxx_z = index++;
const int igxy_z = index++;
const int igxz_z = index++;
const int igyy_z = index++;
const int igyz_z = index++;
const int igzz_z = index++;
const int ikxx = index++;
const int ikxy = index++;
const int ikxz = index++;
const int ikyy = index++;
const int ikyz = index++;
const int ikzz = index++;
assert(index == nvars);
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j) {
vector<vector<CCTK_REAL> > gij(nvars);
vector<CCTK_REAL *> gijptrs(nvars);
for (int n = 0; n < nvars; ++n) {; =;
Interpolate(cctkGH, npoints,,,, nvars,,,;
// Coordinates
vector<vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> > glm(nvars);
for (int n = 0; n < nvars; ++n) {;
nmodes, method, verbosity);
// Dual quantities for radial derivatives
const dual<T> r{h, 1};
const dual<T> theta{geom.coord_theta(i, j), 0};
const dual<T> phi{geom.coord_phi(i, j), 0};
for (int n = 0; n < nvars; ++n)
for (int l = filter_lmax + 1; l <= lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m), m)) = 0;
const dual<T> x_r = sin(theta) * cos(phi);
const dual<T> y_r = sin(theta) * sin(phi);
const dual<T> z_r = cos(theta);
const dual<T> x_t = r * cos(theta) * cos(phi);
const dual<T> y_t = r * cos(theta) * sin(phi);
const dual<T> z_t = -r * sin(theta);
const dual<T> s_x_p = -r * sin(phi);
const dual<T> s_y_p = r * cos(phi);
const dual<T> s_z_p = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < nvars; ++n)
nmodes, method, verbosity);
const T gxx0 = metric.gxx(i, j);
const T gxy0 = metric.gxy(i, j);
const T gxz0 = metric.gxz(i, j);
const T gyy0 = metric.gyy(i, j);
const T gyz0 = metric.gyz(i, j);
const T gzz0 = metric.gzz(i, j);
// Calculate spacelike normal s^i and its radial derivative s^i,r
const T gxx0_x = metric.gxx_x(i, j);
const T gxy0_x = metric.gxy_x(i, j);
const T gxz0_x = metric.gxz_x(i, j);
const T gyy0_x = metric.gyy_x(i, j);
const T gyz0_x = metric.gyz_x(i, j);
const T gzz0_x = metric.gzz_x(i, j);
const T gxx0_y = metric.gxx_y(i, j);
const T gxy0_y = metric.gxy_y(i, j);
const T gxz0_y = metric.gxz_y(i, j);
const T gyy0_y = metric.gyy_y(i, j);
const T gyz0_y = metric.gyz_y(i, j);
const T gzz0_y = metric.gzz_y(i, j);
const T gxx0_z = metric.gxx_z(i, j);
const T gxy0_z = metric.gxy_z(i, j);
const T gxz0_z = metric.gxz_z(i, j);
const T gyy0_z = metric.gyy_z(i, j);
const T gyz0_z = metric.gyz_z(i, j);
const T gzz0_z = metric.gzz_z(i, j);
vector<CCTK_REAL> sxij(npoints), syij(npoints), szij(npoints);
vector<CCTK_REAL> sqrtdetg_sxij(npoints), sqrtdetg_syij(npoints),
vector<CCTK_REAL> sqrtdetg_sx_rij(npoints), sqrtdetg_sy_rij(npoints),
// Radial derivative of metric
const T gxx0_r = gxx0_x * x_r.val + gxx0_y * y_r.val + gxx0_z * z_r.val;
const T gxy0_r = gxy0_x * x_r.val + gxy0_y * y_r.val + gxy0_z * z_r.val;
const T gxz0_r = gxz0_x * x_r.val + gxz0_y * y_r.val + gxz0_z * z_r.val;
const T gyy0_r = gyy0_x * x_r.val + gyy0_y * y_r.val + gyy0_z * z_r.val;
const T gyz0_r = gyz0_x * x_r.val + gyz0_y * y_r.val + gyz0_z * z_r.val;
const T gzz0_r = gzz0_x * x_r.val + gzz0_y * y_r.val + gzz0_z * z_r.val;
for (int i = 0; i < ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < nphi; ++j) {
const int ind2d = gind(i, j);
const dual<T> gxx{gxx0, gxx0_r};
const dual<T> gxy{gxy0, gxy0_r};
const dual<T> gxz{gxz0, gxz0_r};
const dual<T> gyy{gyy0, gyy0_r};
const dual<T> gyz{gyz0, gyz0_r};
const dual<T> gzz{gzz0, gzz0_r};
// Coordinates
// Metric in spherical coordinates
const dual<T> qrr = 0 //
+ gxx * x_r * x_r //
+ gxy * x_r * y_r //
+ gxz * x_r * z_r //
+ gxy * y_r * x_r //
+ gyy * y_r * y_r //
+ gyz * y_r * z_r //
+ gxz * z_r * x_r //
+ gyz * z_r * y_r //
+ gzz * z_r * z_r;
const dual<T> qrt = 0 //
+ gxx * x_r * x_t //
+ gxy * x_r * y_t //
+ gxz * x_r * z_t //
+ gxy * y_r * x_t //
+ gyy * y_r * y_t //
+ gyz * y_r * z_t //
+ gxz * z_r * x_t //
+ gyz * z_r * y_t //
+ gzz * z_r * z_t;
const dual<T> s_qrp = 0 //
+ gxx * x_r * s_x_p //
+ gxy * x_r * s_y_p //
+ gxz * x_r * s_z_p //
+ gxy * y_r * s_x_p //
+ gyy * y_r * s_y_p //
+ gyz * y_r * s_z_p //
+ gxz * z_r * s_x_p //
+ gyz * z_r * s_y_p //
+ gzz * z_r * s_z_p;
const dual<T> qtt = 0 //
+ gxx * x_t * x_t //
+ gxy * x_t * y_t //
+ gxz * x_t * z_t //
+ gxy * y_t * x_t //
+ gyy * y_t * y_t //
+ gyz * y_t * z_t //
+ gxz * z_t * x_t //
+ gyz * z_t * y_t //
+ gzz * z_t * z_t;
const dual<T> s_qtp = 0 //
+ gxx * x_t * s_x_p //
+ gxy * x_t * s_y_p //
+ gxz * x_t * s_z_p //
+ gxy * y_t * s_x_p //
+ gyy * y_t * s_y_p //
+ gyz * y_t * s_z_p //
+ gxz * z_t * s_x_p //
+ gyz * z_t * s_y_p //
+ gzz * z_t * s_z_p;
const dual<T> ss_qpp = 0 //
+ gxx * s_x_p * s_x_p //
+ gxy * s_x_p * s_y_p //
+ gxz * s_x_p * s_z_p //
+ gxy * s_y_p * s_x_p //
+ gyy * s_y_p * s_y_p //
+ gyz * s_y_p * s_z_p //
+ gxz * s_z_p * s_x_p //
+ gyz * s_z_p * s_y_p //
+ gzz * s_z_p * s_z_p;
// Cartesian: x y z
// spherical: R Theta Phi
// horizon: r theta phi
const dual<T> ss_detq = 0 //
+ qrr * (qtt * ss_qpp - pow(s_qtp, 2)) //
+ qrt * (s_qtp * s_qrp - qrt * ss_qpp) //
+ s_qrp * (qrt * s_qtp - qtt * s_qrp);
const dual<T> s_sqrt_detq = sqrt(ss_detq);
// x = R * sin(Theta) * cos(Phi)
// y = R * sin(Theta) * sin(Phi)
// z = R * cos(Theta)
const dual<T> qurr = (qtt * ss_qpp - pow(s_qtp, 2)) / ss_detq;
const dual<T> qurt = (s_qtp * s_qrp - ss_qpp * qrt) / ss_detq;
const dual<T> z_qurp = (qrt * s_qtp - s_qrp * qtt) / ss_detq;
const dual<T> qutt = (ss_qpp * qrr - pow(s_qrp, 2)) / ss_detq;
const dual<T> z_qutp = (s_qrp * qrt - qrr * s_qtp) / ss_detq;
const dual<T> zz_qupp = (qrr * qtt - pow(qrt, 2)) / ss_detq;
// r = R - h(Theta, Phi)
// theta = Theta
// phi = Phi
const dual<T> q[3][3]{
{qrr, qrt, s_qrp}, {qrt, qtt, s_qtp}, {s_qrp, s_qtp, ss_qpp}};
const dual<T> qu[3][3]{{qurr, qurt, z_qurp},
{qurt, qutt, z_qutp},
{z_qurp, z_qutp, zz_qupp}};
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a) {
for (int b = 0; b < 3; ++b) {
assert(q[a][b] == q[b][a]);
assert(qu[a][b] == qu[b][a]);
dual<T> s = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
s += qu[a][c] * q[c][b];
assert(fabs(s - (a == b)) <= 1.0e-12);
// only non-zero terms
const CCTK_REAL r_R = 1;
const CCTK_REAL r_T = -h_T;
const CCTK_REAL s_r_P = -s_h_P;
const CCTK_REAL t_T = 1;
const CCTK_REAL p_P = 1;
const dual<T> Fu_r = qurr * F_r + qurt * F_t + z_qurp * s_F_p;
const dual<T> Fu_t = qurt * F_r + qutt * F_t + z_qutp * s_F_p;
const dual<T> z_Fu_p = z_qurp * F_r + z_qutp * F_t + zz_qupp * s_F_p;
// x^i
// const CCTK_REAL x = R * sin(Theta) * cos(Phi);
// const CCTK_REAL y = R * sin(Theta) * sin(Phi);
// const CCTK_REAL z = R * cos(Theta);
// spacelike normal s_i
const dual<T> sr = F_r / dF;
const dual<T> st = F_t / dF;
const dual<T> s_sp = s_F_p / dF;
// only non-zero terms
const CCTK_REAL x_R = sin(Theta) * cos(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL x_T = R * cos(Theta) * cos(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL s_x_P = -R * sin(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL y_R = sin(Theta) * sin(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL y_T = R * cos(Theta) * sin(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL s_y_P = R * cos(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL z_R = cos(Theta);
const CCTK_REAL z_T = -R * sin(Theta);
const dual<T> sur = qurr * sr + qurt * st + z_qurp * s_sp;
const dual<T> sut = qurt * sr + qutt * st + z_qutp * s_sp;
const dual<T> z_sup = z_qurp * sr + z_qutp * st + zz_qupp * s_sp;
// only radial derivatives
const CCTK_REAL x_RT = cos(Theta) * cos(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL s_x_RP = -sin(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL y_RT = cos(Theta) * sin(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL s_y_RP = cos(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL z_RT = -sin(Theta);
const dual<T> s2 = sr * sur + st * sut + s_sp * z_sup;
assert(fabs(s2 - 1) <= 1.0e-12);
const CCTK_REAL x_r = x_R * R_r;
const CCTK_REAL x_t = x_R * R_t + x_T * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_x_p = x_R * s_R_p + s_x_P * P_p;
const CCTK_REAL y_r = y_R * R_r;
const CCTK_REAL y_t = y_R * R_t + y_T * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_y_p = y_R * s_R_p + s_y_P * P_p;
const CCTK_REAL z_r = z_R * R_r;
const CCTK_REAL z_t = z_R * R_t + z_T * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_z_p = z_R * s_R_p;
// densitized spacelike normal
const dual<T> s_dsur = s_sqrt_detq * sur;
const dual<T> s_dsut = s_sqrt_detq * sut;
const dual<T> dsup = s_sqrt_detq * z_sup;
// only radial derivatives
const CCTK_REAL x_rr = 0;
const CCTK_REAL x_rt = x_RT * R_r * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_x_rp = s_x_RP * R_r * P_p;
const CCTK_REAL y_rr = 0;
const CCTK_REAL y_rt = y_RT * R_r * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_y_rp = s_y_RP * R_r * P_p;
const CCTK_REAL z_rr = 0;
const CCTK_REAL z_rt = z_RT * R_r * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_z_rp = 0;
const T Psi4 = cbrt(ss_detq.val / pow(r.val, 4));
// [arXiv:gr-qc/0702038], (26)
const T lambda = Psi4 * dF.val * pow(r.val, 2);
// Three-metric
const CCTK_REAL gxx0 =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxy0 =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxz0 =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyy0 =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyz0 =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gzz0 =[ind2d];
const T ss_detQ = (qtt * ss_qpp - pow(s_qtp, 2)).val;
const T s_sqrt_detQ = sqrt(ss_detQ);
const T darea = sin(theta.val) * s_sqrt_detQ * geom.coord_dtheta(i, j) *
geom.coord_dphi(i, j);
const CCTK_REAL gxx_x =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxy_x =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxz_x =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyy_x =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyz_x =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gzz_x =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxx_y =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxy_y =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxz_y =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyy_y =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyz_y =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gzz_y =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxx_z =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxy_z =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxz_z =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyy_z =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyz_z =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gzz_z =[ind2d];
// spacelike normal
surij(i, j) = sur.val;
sutij(i, j) = sut.val;
z_supij(i, j) = z_sup.val;
// Radial derivative of metric
const CCTK_REAL gxx_r = gxx_x * x_r + gxx_y * y_r + gxx_z * z_r;
const CCTK_REAL gxy_r = gxy_x * x_r + gxy_y * y_r + gxy_z * z_r;
const CCTK_REAL gxz_r = gxz_x * x_r + gxz_y * y_r + gxz_z * z_r;
const CCTK_REAL gyy_r = gyy_x * x_r + gyy_y * y_r + gyy_z * z_r;
const CCTK_REAL gyz_r = gyz_x * x_r + gyz_y * y_r + gyz_z * z_r;
const CCTK_REAL gzz_r = gzz_x * x_r + gzz_y * y_r + gzz_z * z_r;
// densitized spacelike normal
// r derivative of r component
s_dsur_rij(i, j) = s_dsur.eps;
// theta and phi components (will calculate 2-divergence below)
s_dsuij(i, j) = complex<T>(s_dsut.val, dsup.val);
const dual<CCTK_REAL> gxx{gxx0, gxx_r};
const dual<CCTK_REAL> gxy{gxy0, gxy_r};
const dual<CCTK_REAL> gxz{gxz0, gxz_r};
const dual<CCTK_REAL> gyy{gyy0, gyy_r};
const dual<CCTK_REAL> gyz{gyz0, gyz_r};
const dual<CCTK_REAL> gzz{gzz0, gzz_r};
area += darea;
// Determinant of three-metric
const dual<CCTK_REAL> detg = -pow2(gxz) * gyy + 2 * gxy * gxz * gyz -
gxx * pow2(gyz) - pow2(gxy) * gzz +
gxx * gyy * gzz;
const alm_t<T> s_dsulm = expand_grad(s_dsuij);
const alm_t<T> s_lsulm = div(s_dsulm);
const aij_t<T> s_lsuij = evaluate(s_lsulm);
// Triad m1 m2 s
// m1^2 = m2^2 = s^2 = 1
// m1 m2 = m1 s = m2 s = 0
dual<CCTK_REAL> m1x{x_t, x_rt};
dual<CCTK_REAL> m1y{y_t, y_rt};
dual<CCTK_REAL> m1z{z_t, z_rt};
dual<CCTK_REAL> m1lx = gxx * m1x + gxy * m1y + gxz * m1z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> m1ly = gxy * m1x + gyy * m1y + gyz * m1z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> m1lz = gxz * m1x + gyz * m1y + gzz * m1z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> m12 = m1lx * m1x + m1ly * m1y + m1lz * m1z;
m1x /= sqrt(m12);
m1y /= sqrt(m12);
m1z /= sqrt(m12);
m1lx = gxx * m1x + gxy * m1y + gxz * m1z;
m1ly = gxy * m1x + gyy * m1y + gyz * m1z;
m1lz = gxz * m1x + gyz * m1y + gzz * m1z;
// Test
m12 = m1lx * m1x + m1ly * m1y + m1lz * m1z;
assert(fabs(m12 - 1) <= 1.0e-12);
aij_t<T> Thetaij(geom);
dual<CCTK_REAL> m2x{s_x_p, s_x_rp};
dual<CCTK_REAL> m2y{s_y_p, s_y_rp};
dual<CCTK_REAL> m2z{s_z_p, s_z_rp};
dual<CCTK_REAL> m1m2 = m1lx * m2x + m1ly * m2y + m1lz * m2z;
m2x -= m1m2 * m1x;
m2y -= m1m2 * m1y;
m2z -= m1m2 * m1z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> m2lx = gxx * m2x + gxy * m2y + gxz * m2z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> m2ly = gxy * m2x + gyy * m2y + gyz * m2z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> m2lz = gxz * m2x + gyz * m2y + gzz * m2z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> m22 = m2lx * m2x + m2ly * m2y + m2lz * m2z;
m2x /= sqrt(m22);
m2y /= sqrt(m22);
m2z /= sqrt(m22);
m2lx = gxx * m2x + gxy * m2y + gxz * m2z;
m2ly = gxy * m2x + gyy * m2y + gyz * m2z;
m2lz = gxz * m2x + gyz * m2y + gzz * m2z;
// Test
m1m2 = m1lx * m2x + m1ly * m2y + m1lz * m2z;
assert(fabs(m1m2) <= 1.0e-12);
m22 = m2lx * m2x + m2ly * m2y + m2lz * m2z;
assert(fabs(m22 - 1) <= 1.0e-12);
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j) {
dual<CCTK_REAL> sx{x_r, x_rr};
dual<CCTK_REAL> sy{y_r, y_rr};
dual<CCTK_REAL> sz{z_r, z_rr};
dual<CCTK_REAL> m1s = m1lx * sx + m1ly * sy + m1lz * sz;
sx -= m1s * m1x;
sy -= m1s * m1y;
sz -= m1s * m1z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> m2s = m2lx * sx + m2ly * sy + m2lz * sz;
sx -= m2s * m2x;
sy -= m2s * m2y;
sz -= m2s * m2z;
dual<CCTK_REAL> slx = gxx * sx + gxy * sy + gxz * sz;
dual<CCTK_REAL> sly = gxy * sx + gyy * sy + gyz * sz;
dual<CCTK_REAL> slz = gxz * sx + gyz * sy + gzz * sz;
dual<CCTK_REAL> s2 = slx * sx + sly * sy + slz * sz;
sx /= sqrt(s2);
sy /= sqrt(s2);
sz /= sqrt(s2);
slx = gxx * sx + gxy * sy + gxz * sz;
sly = gxy * sx + gyy * sy + gyz * sz;
slz = gxz * sx + gyz * sy + gzz * sz;
// Test
m1s = m1lx * sx + m1ly * sy + m1lz * sz;
assert(fabs(m1s) <= 1.0e-12);
m2s = m2lx * sx + m2ly * sy + m2lz * sz;
assert(fabs(m2s) <= 1.0e-12);
s2 = slx * sx + sly * sy + slz * sz;
assert(fabs(s2 - 1) <= 1.0e-12);
// Coordinates
// Store spacelike normal
sxij[ind2d] = sx.val;
syij[ind2d] = sy.val;
szij[ind2d] = sz.val;
const T h = hij(i, j);
// dX = d/d\theta X + i/\sin\theta d/d\phi X
// const complex<T> dh = dhij(i, j);
// const T h_t = real(dh);
// const T s_h_p = imag(dh);
sqrtdetg_sx_rij[ind2d] = (sqrt(detg) * sx).eps;
sqrtdetg_sy_rij[ind2d] = (sqrt(detg) * sy).eps;
sqrtdetg_sz_rij[ind2d] = (sqrt(detg) * sz).eps;
// const T x = x0 + r * sin(theta) * cos(phi);
// const T y = y0 + r * sin(theta) * sin(phi);
// const T z = z0 + r * cos(theta);
// Calculate divergence of spacelike normal
const T x_r = sin(theta) * cos(phi);
const T y_r = sin(theta) * sin(phi);
const T z_r = cos(theta);
const T x_t = r * cos(theta) * cos(phi);
const T y_t = r * cos(theta) * sin(phi);
const T z_t = -r * sin(theta);
const T s_x_p = -r * sin(phi);
const T s_y_p = r * cos(phi);
const T s_z_p = 0;
vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> sqrtdetg_sxlm(npoints), sqrtdetg_sylm(npoints),
ssht_core_mw_forward_sov_conv_sym_real(,, nmodes, method, verbosity);
ssht_core_mw_forward_sov_conv_sym_real(,, nmodes, method, verbosity);
ssht_core_mw_forward_sov_conv_sym_real(,, nmodes, method, verbosity);
// Metric
vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> d_sqrtdetg_sxlm(npoints), d_sqrtdetg_sylm(npoints),
for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) {
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m) {, m)) =
sqrt(CCTK_REAL(l * (l + 1))) *, m));, m)) =
sqrt(CCTK_REAL(l * (l + 1))) *, m));, m)) =
sqrt(CCTK_REAL(l * (l + 1))) *, m));
const T gxx = metric.gxx(i, j);
const T gxy = metric.gxy(i, j);
const T gxz = metric.gxz(i, j);
const T gyy = metric.gyy(i, j);
const T gyz = metric.gyz(i, j);
const T gzz = metric.gzz(i, j);
const int ds_spin = 1;
vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> d_sqrtdetg_sxij(npoints), d_sqrtdetg_syij(npoints),
nmodes, ds_spin, method, verbosity);
nmodes, ds_spin, method, verbosity);
nmodes, ds_spin, method, verbosity);
// Metric in spherical coordinates
const T qrr = 0 //
+ gxx * x_r * x_r //
+ gxy * x_r * y_r //
+ gxz * x_r * z_r //
+ gxy * y_r * x_r //
+ gyy * y_r * y_r //
+ gyz * y_r * z_r //
+ gxz * z_r * x_r //
+ gyz * z_r * y_r //
+ gzz * z_r * z_r;
const T qrt = 0 //
+ gxx * x_r * x_t //
+ gxy * x_r * y_t //
+ gxz * x_r * z_t //
+ gxy * y_r * x_t //
+ gyy * y_r * y_t //
+ gyz * y_r * z_t //
+ gxz * z_r * x_t //
+ gyz * z_r * y_t //
+ gzz * z_r * z_t;
const T s_qrp = 0 //
+ gxx * x_r * s_x_p //
+ gxy * x_r * s_y_p //
+ gxz * x_r * s_z_p //
+ gxy * y_r * s_x_p //
+ gyy * y_r * s_y_p //
+ gyz * y_r * s_z_p //
+ gxz * z_r * s_x_p //
+ gyz * z_r * s_y_p //
+ gzz * z_r * s_z_p;
const T qtt = 0 //
+ gxx * x_t * x_t //
+ gxy * x_t * y_t //
+ gxz * x_t * z_t //
+ gxy * y_t * x_t //
+ gyy * y_t * y_t //
+ gyz * y_t * z_t //
+ gxz * z_t * x_t //
+ gyz * z_t * y_t //
+ gzz * z_t * z_t;
const T s_qtp = 0 //
+ gxx * x_t * s_x_p //
+ gxy * x_t * s_y_p //
+ gxz * x_t * s_z_p //
+ gxy * y_t * s_x_p //
+ gyy * y_t * s_y_p //
+ gyz * y_t * s_z_p //
+ gxz * z_t * s_x_p //
+ gyz * z_t * s_y_p //
+ gzz * z_t * s_z_p;
const T ss_qpp = 0 //
+ gxx * s_x_p * s_x_p //
+ gxy * s_x_p * s_y_p //
+ gxz * s_x_p * s_z_p //
+ gxy * s_y_p * s_x_p //
+ gyy * s_y_p * s_y_p //
+ gyz * s_y_p * s_z_p //
+ gxz * s_z_p * s_x_p //
+ gyz * s_z_p * s_y_p //
+ gzz * s_z_p * s_z_p;
vector<CCTK_REAL> Theta_ij(npoints);
const T qurr = (qtt * ss_qpp - pow(s_qtp, 2)) / ss_detq;
const T qurt = (s_qtp * s_qrp - ss_qpp * qrt) / ss_detq;
const T z_qurp = (qrt * s_qtp - s_qrp * qtt) / ss_detq;
const T qutt = (ss_qpp * qrr - pow(s_qrp, 2)) / ss_detq;
const T z_qutp = (s_qrp * qrt - qrr * s_qtp) / ss_detq;
const T zz_qupp = (qrr * qtt - pow(qrt, 2)) / ss_detq;
for (int i = 0; i < ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < nphi; ++j) {
const int ind2d = gind(i, j);
// Coordinates
const CCTK_REAL h = hij[ind2d];
// dX = \dh X = - (d/dTheta X + i/sin Theta d/dPhi X)
const CCTK_COMPLEX dh = dhij[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL h_T = -real(dh);
const CCTK_REAL s_h_P = -imag(dh);
const CCTK_REAL R = h;
const CCTK_REAL Theta = coord_theta(i, j);
const CCTK_REAL Phi = coord_phi(i, j);
// const CCTK_REAL r = R - h;
// const CCTK_REAL theta = Theta;
// const CCTK_REAL phi = Phi;
// only non-zero terms
const CCTK_REAL r_R = 1;
const CCTK_REAL r_T = -h_T;
const CCTK_REAL s_r_P = -s_h_P;
const CCTK_REAL t_T = 1;
const CCTK_REAL p_P = 1;
const dual<T> q[3][3]{
{qrr, qrt, s_qrp}, {qrt, qtt, s_qtp}, {s_qrp, s_qtp, ss_qpp}};
const dual<T> qu[3][3]{{qurr, qurt, z_qurp},
{qurt, qutt, z_qutp},
{z_qurp, z_qutp, zz_qupp}};
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a) {
for (int b = 0; b < 3; ++b) {
assert(q[a][b] == q[b][a]);
assert(qu[a][b] == qu[b][a]);
dual<T> s = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
s += qu[a][c] * q[c][b];
assert(fabs(s - (a == b)) <= 1.0e-12);
// only non-zero terms
const CCTK_REAL x_R = sin(Theta) * cos(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL x_T = R * cos(Theta) * cos(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL s_x_P = -R * sin(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL y_R = sin(Theta) * sin(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL y_T = R * cos(Theta) * sin(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL s_y_P = R * cos(Phi);
const CCTK_REAL z_R = cos(Theta);
const CCTK_REAL z_T = -R * sin(Theta);
const T s_dsur_r = s_dsur_rij(i, j);
const T s_lsu = s_lsuij(i, j);
const CCTK_REAL x_r = x_R * R_r;
const CCTK_REAL x_t = x_R * R_t + x_T * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_x_p = x_R * s_R_p + s_x_P * P_p;
const CCTK_REAL y_r = y_R * R_r;
const CCTK_REAL y_t = y_R * R_t + y_T * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_y_p = y_R * s_R_p + s_y_P * P_p;
const CCTK_REAL z_r = z_R * R_r;
const CCTK_REAL z_t = z_R * R_t + z_T * T_t;
const CCTK_REAL s_z_p = z_R * s_R_p;
// Extrinsic curvature
const CCTK_REAL s_det_xr = -s_z_p * x_t * y_r + s_z_p * x_r * y_t +
s_y_p * x_t * z_r - s_x_p * y_t * z_r -
s_y_p * x_r * z_t + s_x_p * y_r * z_t;
const T kxx = metric.kxx(i, j);
const T kxy = metric.kxy(i, j);
const T kxz = metric.kxz(i, j);
const T kyy = metric.kyy(i, j);
const T kyz = metric.kyz(i, j);
const T kzz = metric.kzz(i, j);
const CCTK_REAL r_x = (s_z_p * y_t - s_y_p * z_t) / s_det_xr;
const CCTK_REAL r_y = (-s_z_p * x_t + s_x_p * z_t) / s_det_xr;
const CCTK_REAL r_z = (s_y_p * x_t - s_x_p * y_t) / s_det_xr;
const CCTK_REAL theta_x = (-s_z_p * y_r + s_y_p * z_r) / s_det_xr;
const CCTK_REAL theta_y = (s_z_p * x_r - s_x_p * z_r) / s_det_xr;
const CCTK_REAL theta_z = (-s_y_p * x_r + s_x_p * y_r) / s_det_xr;
const CCTK_REAL z_phi_x = (-y_t * z_r + y_r * z_t) / s_det_xr;
const CCTK_REAL z_phi_y = (x_t * z_r - x_r * z_t) / s_det_xr;
const CCTK_REAL z_phi_z = (-x_t * y_r + x_r * y_t) / s_det_xr;
// Test
assert(fabs(r_x * x_r + r_y * y_r + r_z * z_r - 1) <= 1.0e-12);
assert(fabs(r_x * x_t + r_y * y_t + r_z * z_t) <= 1.0e-12);
assert(fabs(r_x * s_x_p + r_y * s_y_p + r_z * s_z_p) <= 1.0e-12);
assert(fabs(theta_x * x_r + theta_y * y_r + theta_z * z_r) <= 1.0e-12);
assert(fabs(theta_x * x_t + theta_y * y_t + theta_z * z_t - 1) <=
assert(fabs(theta_x * s_x_p + theta_y * s_y_p + theta_z * s_z_p) <=
assert(fabs(z_phi_x * x_r + z_phi_y * y_r + z_phi_z * z_r) <= 1.0e-12);
assert(fabs(z_phi_x * x_t + z_phi_y * y_t + z_phi_z * z_t) <= 1.0e-12);
assert(fabs(z_phi_x * s_x_p + z_phi_y * s_y_p + z_phi_z * s_z_p - 1) <=
const T krr = 0 //
+ kxx * x_r * x_r //
+ kxy * x_r * y_r //
+ kxz * x_r * z_r //
+ kxy * y_r * x_r //
+ kyy * y_r * y_r //
+ kyz * y_r * z_r //
+ kxz * z_r * x_r //
+ kyz * z_r * y_r //
+ kzz * z_r * z_r;
const T krt = 0 //
+ kxx * x_r * x_t //
+ kxy * x_r * y_t //
+ kxz * x_r * z_t //
+ kxy * y_r * x_t //
+ kyy * y_r * y_t //
+ kyz * y_r * z_t //
+ kxz * z_r * x_t //
+ kyz * z_r * y_t //
+ kzz * z_r * z_t;
const T s_krp = 0 //
+ kxx * x_r * s_x_p //
+ kxy * x_r * s_y_p //
+ kxz * x_r * s_z_p //
+ kxy * y_r * s_x_p //
+ kyy * y_r * s_y_p //
+ kyz * y_r * s_z_p //
+ kxz * z_r * s_x_p //
+ kyz * z_r * s_y_p //
+ kzz * z_r * s_z_p;
const T ktt = 0 //
+ kxx * x_t * x_t //
+ kxy * x_t * y_t //
+ kxz * x_t * z_t //
+ kxy * y_t * x_t //
+ kyy * y_t * y_t //
+ kyz * y_t * z_t //
+ kxz * z_t * x_t //
+ kyz * z_t * y_t //
+ kzz * z_t * z_t;
const T s_ktp = 0 //
+ kxx * x_t * s_x_p //
+ kxy * x_t * s_y_p //
+ kxz * x_t * s_z_p //
+ kxy * y_t * s_x_p //
+ kyy * y_t * s_y_p //
+ kyz * y_t * s_z_p //
+ kxz * z_t * s_x_p //
+ kyz * z_t * s_y_p //
+ kzz * z_t * s_z_p;
const T ss_kpp = 0 //
+ kxx * s_x_p * s_x_p //
+ kxy * s_x_p * s_y_p //
+ kxz * s_x_p * s_z_p //
+ kxy * s_y_p * s_x_p //
+ kyy * s_y_p * s_y_p //
+ kyz * s_y_p * s_z_p //
+ kxz * s_z_p * s_x_p //
+ kyz * s_z_p * s_y_p //
+ kzz * s_z_p * s_z_p;
const CCTK_REAL gxx =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxy =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gxz =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyy =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gyz =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL gzz =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL kxx =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL kxy =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL kxz =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL kyy =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL kyz =[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL kzz =[ind2d];
const T div_s = (s_dsur_r + s_lsu) / s_sqrt_detq;
// Determinant of three-metric
const CCTK_REAL detg = -pow(gxz, 2) * gyy + 2 * gxy * gxz * gyz -
gxx * pow(gyz, 2) - pow(gxy, 2) * gzz +
gxx * gyy * gzz;
const T kmm = 0 //
+ krr * (qurr - sur * sur) //
+ krt * (qurt - sur * sut) //
+ s_krp * (z_qurp - sur * z_sup) //
+ krt * (qurt - sut * sur) //
+ ktt * (qutt - sut * sut) //
+ s_ktp * (z_qutp - sut * z_sup) //
+ s_krp * (z_qurp - z_sup * sur) //
+ s_ktp * (z_qutp - z_sup * sut) //
+ ss_kpp * (zz_qupp - z_sup * z_sup);
// Inverse three-metric
const CCTK_REAL guxx = (-pow(gyz, 2) + gyy * gzz) / detg;
const CCTK_REAL guxy = (gxz * gyz - gxy * gzz) / detg;
const CCTK_REAL guxz = (-gxz * gyy + gxy * gyz) / detg;
const CCTK_REAL guyy = (-pow(gxz, 2) + gxx * gzz) / detg;
const CCTK_REAL guyz = (gxy * gxz - gxx * gyz) / detg;
const CCTK_REAL guzz = (-pow(gxy, 2) + gxx * gyy) / detg;
const T Theta = div_s - kmm;
const CCTK_REAL sx = sxij[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL sy = syij[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL sz = szij[ind2d];
const alm_t<T> Thetalm = expand(Thetaij);
// [arXiv:gr-qc/0702038], (28)
aij_t<T> Sij(geom);
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j)
Sij(i, j) = lambdaij(i, j) * Thetaij(i, j);
const alm_t<T> Slm = expand(Sij);
const CCTK_COMPLEX d_sqrtdetg_sx = d_sqrtdetg_sxij[ind2d];
const CCTK_COMPLEX d_sqrtdetg_sy = d_sqrtdetg_syij[ind2d];
const CCTK_COMPLEX d_sqrtdetg_sz = d_sqrtdetg_szij[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL sqrtdetg_sx_t = -real(d_sqrtdetg_sx);
const CCTK_REAL sqrtdetg_sy_t = -real(d_sqrtdetg_sy);
const CCTK_REAL sqrtdetg_sz_t = -real(d_sqrtdetg_sz);
template <typename T>
expansion_t<T> update(const cGH *const cctkGH, const alm_t<T> &hlm) {
const auto hij = evaluate(hlm);
const auto coords = coords_from_shape(hij);
const auto metric = interpolate_metric(cctkGH, coords);
const auto res = expansion(metric, hlm);
return res;
const CCTK_REAL s_sqrtdetg_sx_p = -imag(d_sqrtdetg_sx);
const CCTK_REAL s_sqrtdetg_sy_p = -imag(d_sqrtdetg_sy);
const CCTK_REAL s_sqrtdetg_sz_p = -imag(d_sqrtdetg_sz);
template <typename T>
expansion_t<T> solve(const cGH *const cctkGH, const alm_t<T> &hlm_ini) {
int iter = 0;
unique_ptr<const alm_t<T> > hlm_ptr =
make_unique<alm_t<T> >(filter(hlm_ini, lmax));
for (;;) {
const auto &hlm = *hlm_ptr;
const geom_t &geom = hlm.geom;
const auto hij = evaluate(hlm);
const auto res = update(cctkGH, hlm);
const auto &Thetalm = res.Thetalm;
const auto hlm_new = filter(res.hlm_new, lmax);
const auto hij_new = evaluate(hlm_new);
T dh_maxabs{0};
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j)
dh_maxabs = fmax(dh_maxabs, fabs(hij_new(i, j) - hij(i, j)));
T h_maxabs{0}; // ignoring l=0
for (int l = 1; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
h_maxabs = fmax(h_maxabs, norm(hlm_new(l, m)));
h_maxabs = sqrt(h_maxabs);
const auto Thetaij = evaluate(Thetalm);
T Theta_maxabs{0};
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j)
Theta_maxabs = fmax(Theta_maxabs, fabs(Thetaij(i, j)));
const T h = real(hlm(0, 0)) / sqrt(4 * M_PI);
const T R = sqrt(res.area / (4 * M_PI));
CCTK_VINFO("iter=%d, h=%g, R=%g |Θ|=%g, |∇h|=%g |Δh|=%g", iter, double(h),
double(R), double(Theta_maxabs), double(h_maxabs),
// for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) {
// T h_maxabs{0};
// for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
// h_maxabs = fmax(h_maxabs, norm(hlm_new(l, m)));
// h_maxabs = sqrt(h_maxabs);
// CCTK_VINFO("l=%d |h|=%g", l, double(h_maxabs));
// }
// for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) {
// printf("l=%d", l);
// for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
// printf(" %g", double(abs(hlm_new(l, m))));
// printf("\n");
// }
if (iter >= maxiters || dh_maxabs <= 1.0e-12)
return res;
hlm_ptr = make_unique<alm_t<T> >(move(hlm_new));
// alm_t<T> hlm_next(geom);
// for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
// for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
// hlm_next(l, m) = hlm(l, m) - (hlm_new(l, m) - hlm(l, m));
// hlm_ptr = make_unique<alm_t<T> >(move(hlm_next));
const CCTK_REAL sqrtdetg_sx_x = sqrtdetg_sx_r * r_x +
sqrtdetg_sx_t * theta_x +
s_sqrtdetg_sx_p * z_phi_x;
const CCTK_REAL sqrtdetg_sy_y = sqrtdetg_sy_r * r_y +
sqrtdetg_sy_t * theta_y +
s_sqrtdetg_sy_p * z_phi_y;
const CCTK_REAL sqrtdetg_sz_z = sqrtdetg_sz_r * r_z +
sqrtdetg_sz_t * theta_z +
s_sqrtdetg_sz_p * z_phi_z;
const CCTK_REAL div_sqrtdetg_s =
sqrtdetg_sx_x + sqrtdetg_sy_y + sqrtdetg_sz_z;
const CCTK_REAL div_s = div_sqrtdetg_s / sqrt(detg);
// Theta_(l) = D_i s^i + K_ij s^i s^j - K [arxiv:gr-qc/0512169] (3.1)
const CCTK_REAL Theta_l = div_s //
+ kxx * (sx * sx - guxx) //
+ kxy * (sx * sy - guxy) //
+ kxz * (sx * sz - guxz) //
+ kxy * (sy * sx - guxy) //
+ kyy * (sy * sy - guyy) //
+ kyz * (sy * sz - guyz) //
+ kxz * (sz * sx - guxz) //
+ kyz * (sz * sy - guyz) //
+ kzz * (sz * sz - guzz);
extern "C" void AHFinder_find(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
double h_min = INFINITY, h_max = -INFINITY;
double Theta_min = INFINITY, Theta_max = -INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < nphi; ++j) {
const int ind2d = gind(i, j);
const CCTK_REAL h = hij[ind2d];
const CCTK_REAL Theta = Theta_ij[ind2d];
h_min = fmin(h_min, h);
h_max = fmax(h_max, h);
Theta_min = fmin(Theta_min, Theta);
Theta_max = fmax(Theta_max, Theta);
cout << "h in [" << h_min << "; " << h_max << "]\n";
cout << "Theta in [" << Theta_min << "; " << Theta_max << "]\n";
} // namespace AHFinder
const auto hlm = coefficients_from_const(geom, r0, r1z);
const auto res = solve(cctkGH, hlm);
#include <cctk.h>
#include <ssht.h>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <complex>
#include <vector>
namespace AHFinder {
using namespace std;
struct geom_t {
const int nmodes;
// Grid
const int ntheta;
const int nphi;
const int npoints;
// Coefficients
const int lmax;
const int ncoeffs;
geom_t() = delete;
geom_t(const int nmodes)
: nmodes(nmodes), ntheta(nmodes), nphi(2 * nmodes - 1),
npoints(ntheta * nphi), lmax(nmodes - 1), ncoeffs(nmodes * nmodes) {}
double coord_theta(const int i, const int j) const {
assert(i >= 0 && i < ntheta);
assert(j >= 0 && j < nphi);
return ssht_sampling_mw_t2theta(i, nmodes);
double coord_phi(const int i, const int j) const {
assert(i >= 0 && i < ntheta);
assert(j >= 0 && j < nphi);
return ssht_sampling_mw_p2phi(j, nmodes);
double coord_dtheta(const int i, const int j) const {
assert(i >= 0 && i < ntheta);
assert(j >= 0 && j < nphi);
const double theta_m =
i == 0 ? 0.0 : (coord_theta(i - 1, j) + coord_theta(i, j)) / 2;
const double theta_p =
i == ntheta - 1 ? M_PI
: (coord_theta(i, j) + coord_theta(i + 1, j)) / 2;
return theta_p - theta_m;
double coord_dphi(const int i, const int j) const { return 2 * M_PI / nphi; }
int gind(const int i, const int j) const {
// 0 <= i < ntheta
// 0 <= j < nphi
assert(i >= 0 && i < ntheta);
assert(j >= 0 && j < nphi);
const int ind = j + nphi * i;
assert(ind >= 0 && ind < npoints);
return ind;
int cind(const int l, const int m) const {
// 0 <= l <= lmax
// -l <= m <= l
assert(l >= 0 && l <= lmax);
assert(m >= -l && m <= l);
int ind;
ssht_sampling_elm2ind(&ind, l, m);
assert(ind >= 0 && ind < ncoeffs);
return ind;
template <typename T> struct alm_t {
const geom_t &geom;
vector<complex<T> > alm;
alm_t() = delete;
alm_t(const geom_t &geom) : geom(geom), alm(geom.ncoeffs) {}
const complex<T> *data() const { return; }
complex<T> *data() { return; }
const complex<T> &operator()(const int l, const int m) const {
return, m));
complex<T> &operator()(const int l, const int m) {
return, m));
template <typename T> struct aij_t {
const geom_t &geom;
vector<T> aij;
aij_t() = delete;
aij_t(const geom_t &geom) : geom(geom), aij(geom.npoints, NAN) {}
const T *data() const { return; }
T *data() { return; }
const T &operator()(const int i, const int j) const {
return, j));
T &operator()(const int i, const int j) { return, j)); }
template <typename T>
alm_t<T> coefficients_from_const(const geom_t &geom, const T r0,
const T r1z = 0) {
alm_t<T> alm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
alm(l, m) = l == 0 && m == 0 ? sqrt(T(4 * M_PI)) * r0 : 0;
alm(1, 0) = 2 * r1z;
return alm;
template <typename T> alm_t<T> expand(const aij_t<T> &aij) {
const ssht_dl_method_t method = SSHT_DL_RISBO;
const int verbosity = 0; // [0..5]
alm_t<T> alm(aij.geom);
alm.geom.nmodes, method, verbosity);
return alm;
template <typename T>
alm_t<T> expand(const aij_t<complex<T> > &aij, const int spin) {
const ssht_dl_method_t method = SSHT_DL_RISBO;
const int verbosity = 0; // [0..5]
alm_t<T> alm(aij.geom);
ssht_core_mw_forward_sov_conv_sym(,, alm.geom.nmodes,
spin, method, verbosity);
return alm;
template <typename T> aij_t<T> evaluate(const alm_t<T> &alm) {
const ssht_dl_method_t method = SSHT_DL_RISBO;
const int verbosity = 0; // [0..5]
aij_t<T> aij(alm.geom);
ssht_core_mw_inverse_sov_sym_real(,, aij.geom.nmodes,
method, verbosity);
return aij;
template <typename T>
aij_t<complex<T> > evaluate(const alm_t<T> &alm, const int spin) {
const ssht_dl_method_t method = SSHT_DL_RISBO;
const int verbosity = 0; // [0..5]
const geom_t &geom = alm.geom;
aij_t<complex<T> > aij(geom);
ssht_core_mw_inverse_sov_sym(,, aij.geom.nmodes, spin,
method, verbosity);
return aij;
template <typename T> alm_t<T> filter(const alm_t<T> &alm, const int lmax) {
const geom_t &geom = alm.geom;
alm_t<T> blm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
blm(l, m) = l <= lmax ? alm(l, m) : 0;
return blm;
// \dh
template <typename T> alm_t<T> deriv(const alm_t<T> &alm, const int s = 0) {
const geom_t &geom = alm.geom;
alm_t<T> blm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
blm(l, m) = +sqrt(T((l - s) * (l + s + 1))) * alm(l, m);
return blm;
// \bar\dh
template <typename T> alm_t<T> deriv_bar(const alm_t<T> &alm, const int s = 0) {
const geom_t &geom = alm.geom;
alm_t<T> blm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
blm(l, m) = -sqrt(T((l + s) * (l - s + 1))) * alm(l, m);
return blm;
template <typename T> alm_t<T> grad(const alm_t<T> &alm) {
const geom_t &geom = alm.geom;
alm_t<T> blm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
blm(l, m) = -sqrt(T(l * (l + 1))) * alm(l, m);
return blm;
template <typename T> alm_t<T> div(const alm_t<T> &alm) {
const geom_t &geom = alm.geom;
alm_t<T> blm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
blm(l, m) = sqrt(T(l * (l + 1))) * alm(l, m);
return blm;
// laplace = div grad
template <typename T> alm_t<T> laplace(const alm_t<T> &alm) {
const geom_t &geom = alm.geom;
alm_t<T> blm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
blm(l, m) = -T(l * (l + 1)) * alm(l, m);
return blm;
template <typename T> alm_t<T> expand_grad(const aij_t<complex<T> > &aij) {
const geom_t &geom = aij.geom;
aij_t<complex<T> > aij_p(geom);
// aij_t<complex<T> > aij_m(geom);
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j) {
aij_p(i, j) = aij(i, j);
// aij_m(i, j) = conj(aij(i, j));
const alm_t<T> alm_p = expand(aij_p, +1);
// const alm_t<T> alm_m = expand(aij_m, -1);
alm_t<T> alm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l) {
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m) {
// alm(l, m) = 1 / T(2) * (alm_p(l, m) - alm_m(l, m));
// const complex<T> blm = -1i / T(2) * (alm_p(l, m) + alm_m(l, m));
// assert(abs(blm) <= 1.0e-12);
alm(l, m) = alm_p(l, m);
return alm;
template <typename T> aij_t<complex<T> > evaluate_grad(const alm_t<T> &alm) {
const geom_t &geom = alm.geom;
alm_t<T> alm_p(geom);
// alm_t<T> alm_m(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l) {
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m) {
alm_p(l, m) = alm(l, m);
// alm_m(l, m) = -alm(l, m);
const aij_t<complex<T> > aij_p = evaluate(alm_p, +1);
// const aij_t<complex<T> > aij_m = evaluate(alm_m, -1);
aij_t<complex<T> > aij(geom);
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j) {
// aij(i, j) = aij_p(i, j) + conj(aij_m(i, j));
aij(i, j) = aij_p(i, j);
return aij;
} // namespace AHFinder
#endif // #ifndef DISCRETIZATION_HXX
#include "discretization.hxx"
#include "sYlm.hxx"
#include <cctk.h>
#include <cctk_Arguments_Checked.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <limits>
namespace AHFinder {
template <typename T> constexpr bool is_approx(const T x, const T y) {
typedef decltype(abs(declval<T>())) R;
constexpr R eps = pow(numeric_limits<R>::epsilon(), R(3) / R(4));
return abs(x - y) <= eps;
extern "C" void AHFinder_test_discretization(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
const int nmodes = 5;
const geom_t geom(nmodes);
typedef CCTK_REAL T;
// Loop over all modes
int count = 0;
for (int ll = 0; ll < nmodes; ++ll) {
for (int mm = 0; mm <= ll; ++mm) {
for (int cc = 0; cc <= min(mm, 1); ++cc) { // re / im
// Define coefficients (for a real function)
alm_t<T> alm(geom);
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = 0; m <= l; ++m)
alm(l, m) = 0;
if (mm == 0) {
alm(ll, mm) = 1;
} else {
alm(ll, mm) = cc == 0 ? 1 : 1i;
alm(ll, -mm) = T(bitsign(mm)) * conj(alm(ll, mm));
// Evaluate
const aij_t<T> aij = evaluate(alm);
// const aij_t<complex<T> > aij = evaluate(alm, 0);
// Check
if (ll <= sYlm_lmax) {
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j) {
const T theta = geom.coord_theta(i, j);
const T phi = geom.coord_phi(i, j);
const T a = aij(i, j);
complex<T> sc;
if (mm == 0) {
sc = sYlm(0, ll, mm, theta, phi);
} else {
const complex<T> c = cc == 0 ? 1 : 1i;
sc = c * sYlm(0, ll, mm, theta, phi) +
T(bitsign(mm)) * conj(c) * sYlm(0, ll, -mm, theta, phi);
assert(is_approx(imag(sc), T(0)));
const T s = real(sc);
assert(is_approx(a, s));
// Expand
const alm_t<T> alm1 = expand(aij);
// const alm_t<T> alm1 = expand(aij, 0);
// Check
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l) {
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m) {
if (!(is_approx(alm1(l, m), alm(l, m))))
CCTK_VINFO("ll=%d,mm=%d,cc=%d l=%d,m=%d "
"alm=(%.17g,%.17g) alm1=(%.17g,%.17g)",
ll, mm, cc, l, m, real(alm(l, m)), imag(alm(l, m)),
real(alm1(l, m)), imag(alm1(l, m)));
assert(is_approx(alm1(l, m), alm(l, m)));
// Gradient
const alm_t<T> dalm = grad(alm);
// Evaluate
const aij_t<complex<T> > daij = evaluate_grad(dalm);
// Check
if (ll <= sYlm_lmax) {
for (int i = 0; i < geom.ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < geom.nphi; ++j) {
const T theta = geom.coord_theta(i, j);
const T phi = geom.coord_phi(i, j);
const complex<T> da = daij(i, j);
array<complex<T>, 2> dsc;
if (mm == 0) {
dsc = dsYlm(0, ll, mm, theta, phi);
} else {
const complex<T> c = cc == 0 ? 1 : 1i;
const array<complex<T>, 2> dsc_p = dsYlm(0, ll, mm, theta, phi);
const array<complex<T>, 2> dsc_m =
dsYlm(0, ll, -mm, theta, phi);
for (int n = 0; n < 2; ++n) {
dsc[n] = c * dsc_p[n] + T(bitsign(mm)) * conj(c) * dsc_m[n];
assert(is_approx(imag(dsc[n]), T(0)));
complex<T> ds{real(dsc[0]), real(dsc[1])};
if (!(is_approx(da, ds)))
CCTK_VINFO("ll=%d,mm=%d,cc=%d i=%d,j=%d,theta=%f,phi=%f "
"da=(%f,%f) ds=(%f,%f)",
ll, mm, cc, i, j, theta, phi, real(da), imag(da),
real(ds), imag(ds));
assert(is_approx(da, ds));
// Expand
const alm_t<T> dalm1 = expand_grad(daij);
// Check
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l) {
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m) {
if (!(is_approx(dalm1(l, m), dalm(l, m))))
CCTK_VINFO("ll=%d,mm=%d,cc=%d l=%d,m=%d "
"dalm=(%.17g,%.17g) dalm1=(%.17g,%.17g)",
ll, mm, cc, l, m, real(dalm(l, m)), imag(dalm(l, m)),
real(dalm1(l, m)), imag(dalm1(l, m)));
assert(is_approx(dalm1(l, m), dalm(l, m)));
// Divergence
const alm_t<T> lalm = div(dalm);
// Check
for (int l = 0; l <= geom.lmax; ++l)
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m)
assert(is_approx(lalm(l, m), T(-l * (l + 1)) * alm(l, m)));
assert(count == nmodes * nmodes);
} // namespace AHFinder
assert(fabs(, m)) - a) <= 1.0e-12);
assert(abs(, m)) - a) <= 1.0e-12);
#if 0
// Check phase convention
vector<complex<double> > blm(npoints, NAN);
ssht_core_mw_forward_sov_conv_sym(,, nmodes, -spin,
method, verbosity);
for (int l = abs(spin); l <= lmax; ++l) {
for (int m = -l; m <= l; ++m) {
// const complex<double> b =
// double(bitsign(spin + m)) * conj(, -m)));
const complex<double> b =
double(bitsign(spin + 1)) * conj(, -m)));
const complex<double> a = l == ll && m == -mm ? 1 : 0;
if (!(abs(b - a) <= 1.0e-12))
CCTK_VINFO("spin=%d,ll=%d,mm=%d l=%d,m=%d "
"b=(%.17g,%.17g) a=(%.17g,%.17g)",
spin, ll, mm, l, m, real(b), imag(b), real(a),
assert(abs(b - a) <= 1.0e-12);
// A note on derivatives: (see
// <>:
// \Delta = \dh \bar\dh = \bar\dh \dh
// \dh sYlm = + \sqrt{ (l-s) (l+s+1) (s+1)Ylm
// \bar\dh sYlm = - \sqrt{ (l+s) (l-s+1) (s-1)Ylm
// Test gradient of real spherical harmonic functions
for (const int spin : {-1, 1}) {
for (int ll = abs(spin); ll <= sYlm_lmax; ++ll) {
for (int mm = -ll; mm <= ll; ++mm) {
for (int i = 0; i < ntheta; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < nphi; ++j) {
const double theta = coord_theta(i, j);
const double phi = coord_phi(i, j);
// ds =[\partial_theta, 1/\sin\theta \partial_\phi]
const array<complex<double>, 2> ds = dsYlm(0, ll, mm, theta, phi);
const complex<double> sc = -double(spin) /
sqrt(double(ll * (ll + 1))) *
(ds[0] + double(spin) * 1i * ds[1]);
// const complex<double> ac =, j));
const complex<double> ac = sYlm(spin, ll, mm, theta, phi);
if (!(abs(ac - sc) <= 1.0e-12))
CCTK_VINFO("spin=%d,ll=%d,mm=%d i=%d,j=%d,theta=%f,phi=%f "
"sc=(%.17g,%.17g) ac=(%.17g,%.17g)",
spin, ll, mm, i, j, theta, phi, real(sc), imag(sc),
real(ac), imag(ac));
assert(abs(ac - sc) <= 1.0e-12);