ActiveThorns = "
$nlevels = 1
$rho = 1
$ncells = 64 * $rho
Cactus::cctk_show_schedule = yes
Cactus::terminate = "time"
Cactus::cctk_final_time = 100.0
CarpetX::verbose = no
CarpetX::xmin = 0.0
CarpetX::ymin = 0.0
CarpetX::zmin = 0.0
CarpetX::xmax = 1.0
CarpetX::ymax = 5.0 / $ncells
CarpetX::zmax = 5.0 / $ncells
CarpetX::ncells_x = $ncells
CarpetX::ncells_y = 2
CarpetX::ncells_z = 2
CarpetX::blocking_factor_x = 64
CarpetX::blocking_factor_y = 2
CarpetX::blocking_factor_z = 2
# CarpetX::periodic_x = no
# CarpetX::periodic_y = no
# CarpetX::periodic_z = no
# CarpetX::periodic = no
# CarpetX::reflection_x = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_y = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_z = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_x = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_y = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_z = yes
CarpetX::ghost_size = 2
CarpetX::max_num_levels = $nlevels
CarpetX::regrid_every = 16
CarpetX::regrid_error_threshold = 1.0 / 4.0
ErrorEstimator::region_shape = "cube"
ErrorEstimator::scale_by_resolution = yes
CarpetX::prolongation_type = "ddf"
CarpetX::prolongation_order = 1
ODESolvers::method = "RK2"
CarpetX::dtfac = 1.0 / 2
ADMBase::initial_data = "linear wave"
ADMBase::initial_lapse = "one"
ADMBase::initial_shift = "zero"
ADMBase::linear_wave_amplitude = 1.0e-8
ADMBase::linear_wave_wavelength = 1.0
Z4c::epsdiss = 0.0
IO::out_dir = $parfile
IO::out_every = 1 #TODO 2 * $ncells * 2 ** ($nlevels - 1)
CarpetX::out_plotfile_groups = ""
CarpetX::out_tsv = yes #TODO no
ActiveThorns = "
$nlevels = 3
$ncells = 32
Cactus::cctk_show_schedule = yes
Cactus::terminate = "time"
Cactus::cctk_final_time = 1.0
CarpetX::verbose = yes
CarpetX::xmin = -1.0
CarpetX::ymin = -1.0
CarpetX::zmin = -1.0
CarpetX::xmax = +1.0
CarpetX::ymax = +1.0
CarpetX::zmax = +1.0
CarpetX::ncells_x = $ncells
CarpetX::ncells_y = $ncells
CarpetX::ncells_z = $ncells
# CarpetX::periodic_x = no
# CarpetX::periodic_y = no
# CarpetX::periodic_z = no
# CarpetX::periodic = no
# CarpetX::reflection_x = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_y = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_z = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_x = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_y = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_z = yes
CarpetX::ghost_size = 2
CarpetX::max_num_levels = $nlevels
CarpetX::regrid_every = 16
CarpetX::regrid_error_threshold = 1.0 / 4.0
ErrorEstimator::region_shape = "cube"
ErrorEstimator::scale_by_resolution = yes
CarpetX::prolongation_type = "ddf"
CarpetX::prolongation_order = 1
ODESolvers::method = "RK2"
CarpetX::dtfac = 0.25
ADMBase::initial_data = "Cartesian Minkowski"
ADMBase::initial_lapse = "one"
ADMBase::initial_shift = "zero"
ADMBase::noise_amplitude = 1.0e-10
IO::out_dir = $parfile
IO::out_every = 1 #TODO $ncells * 2 ** ($nlevels - 1) / 32
CarpetX::out_tsv = no
ActiveThorns = "
$nlevels = 1
$rho = 1
$ncells = 64 * $rho
Cactus::cctk_show_schedule = no
Cactus::terminate = "time"
Cactus::cctk_final_time = 100.0
CarpetX::verbose = no
CarpetX::xmin = 0.0
CarpetX::ymin = 0.0
CarpetX::zmin = 0.0
CarpetX::xmax = 1.0
CarpetX::ymax = 5.0 / $ncells
CarpetX::zmax = 5.0 / $ncells
CarpetX::ncells_x = $ncells
CarpetX::ncells_y = 2
CarpetX::ncells_z = 2
CarpetX::blocking_factor_x = 64
CarpetX::blocking_factor_y = 2
CarpetX::blocking_factor_z = 2
# CarpetX::periodic_x = no
# CarpetX::periodic_y = no
# CarpetX::periodic_z = no
# CarpetX::periodic = no
# CarpetX::reflection_x = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_y = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_z = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_x = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_y = yes
# CarpetX::reflection_upper_z = yes
CarpetX::ghost_size = 2
CarpetX::max_num_levels = $nlevels
CarpetX::regrid_every = 16
CarpetX::regrid_error_threshold = 1.0 / 4.0
ErrorEstimator::region_shape = "cube"
ErrorEstimator::scale_by_resolution = yes
CarpetX::prolongation_type = "ddf"
CarpetX::prolongation_order = 1
ODESolvers::method = "RK2"
CarpetX::dtfac = 0.25
ADMBase::initial_data = "Cartesian Minkowski"
ADMBase::initial_lapse = "one"
ADMBase::initial_shift = "zero"
ADMBase::noise_amplitude = 1.0e-10 / ($rho*$rho)
IO::out_dir = $parfile
IO::out_every = $ncells * 2 ** ($nlevels - 1)
CarpetX::out_plotfile_groups = ""
CarpetX::out_tsv = no
CCTK_REAL epsdiss "Dissipation coefficient <arXiv:gr-qc/0610128>" STEERABLE=always
0.0:* :: ""
} 0.32
SCHEDULE Z4c_Initial1 AT initial AFTER ADMBase_PostInitial
# We have 4 schedule groups:
# 1. initial: set up core Z4c variables from ADM variables
# 2. poststep: post-process core Z4c variables and calculate other variables
# 3. analysis: calculate constraints etc.
# 4. rhs: calculate RHS of Z4c variables
SCHEDULE Z4c_Initial1 IN Z4c_Initial
SCHEDULE Z4c_ADM IN Z4c_PostStep AFTER Z4c_Enforce
READS: chi(everywhere)
READS: gamma_tilde(everywhere)
READS: K_hat(everywhere)
READS: A_tilde(everywhere)
READS: Theta(everywhere)
READS: alphaG(everywhere)
READS: betaG(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::metric(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::curv(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::lapse(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::shift(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::dtshift(everywhere)
} "Convert Z4c to ADM variables"
SCHEDULE Z4c_ADM AT poststep
READS: chi(everywhere)
READS: gamma_tilde(everywhere)
READS: K_hat(everywhere)
READS: A_tilde(everywhere)
READS: Theta(everywhere)
READS: alphaG(everywhere)
READS: betaG(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::metric(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::curv(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::lapse(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::shift(everywhere)
WRITES: ADMBase::dtshift(everywhere)
} "Convert Z4c to ADM variables"
} "Calculate Z4c RHS"
WRITES: chi_rhs(boundary)
WRITES: gamma_tilde_rhs(boundary)
WRITES: K_hat_rhs(boundary)
WRITES: A_tilde_rhs(boundary)
WRITES: Gam_tilde_rhs(boundary)
WRITES: Theta_rhs(boundary)
WRITES: alphaG_rhs(boundary)
WRITES: betaG_rhs(boundary)
} "Apply boundary conditions to Z4c RHS variables"
SCHEDULE GROUP Z4c_Initial AT initial AFTER ADMBase_PostInitial
} "Convert ADM to Z4c variables"
SCHEDULE GROUP Z4c_PostStep AT initial AFTER Z4c_Initial
} "Post-process Z4c variables"
SCHEDULE GROUP Z4c_PostStep AT postregrid
} "Post-process Z4c variables"
SCHEDULE GROUP Z4c_Analysis AT analysis
} "Analyse Z4c variables"
SCHEDULE GROUP Z4c_PostStep IN ODESolvers_PostStep
} "Post-process Z4c variables"
SCHEDULE GROUP Z4c_PostSTep AT postrestrict
} "Post-process Z4c variables"
// Load
const CCTK_REAL chi = gf_chi_(p.I);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> gammat(gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxz_,
gf_gammatyy_, gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatzz_, p);
const CCTK_REAL Kh = gf_Kh_(p.I);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> At(gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxz_, gf_Atyy_, gf_Atyz_,
gf_Atzz_, p);
const CCTK_REAL Theta = gf_Theta_(p.I);
const CCTK_REAL alphaG = gf_alphaG_(p.I);
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> betaG(gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_, p);
// Calculate ADM variables
mat3<CCTK_REAL> g;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b)
g(a, b) = chi * gammat(a, b);
const CCTK_REAL K = Kh - 2 * Theta;
mat3<CCTK_REAL> k;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b)
k(a, b) = chi * At(a, b) + K / 3 * g(a, b);
const CCTK_REAL alp = alphaG;
vec3<CCTK_REAL> beta;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
beta(a) = betaG(a);
// Load and calculate
const z4c_vars_noderivs<CCTK_REAL> vars(
kappa1, kappa2, f_mu_L, f_mu_S, eta, //
gf_chi_, gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxz_, gf_gammatyy_,
gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatzz_, gf_Kh_, gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxz_,
gf_Atyy_, gf_Atyz_, gf_Atzz_,
// gf_Gamtx_, gf_Gamty_, gf_Gamtz_,
gf_chi_, gf_chi_, gf_chi_,
gf_Theta_, gf_alphaG_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_, //
p.I);, gf_gxy_, gf_gxz_, gf_gyy_, gf_gyz_, gf_gzz_, p);, gf_kxy_, gf_kxz_, gf_kyy_, gf_kyz_, gf_kzz_, p);
gf_alp_(p.I) = alp;, gf_betay_, gf_betaz_, p);, gf_gxy_, gf_gxz_, gf_gyy_, gf_gyz_, gf_gzz_, p);, gf_kxy_, gf_kxz_, gf_kyy_, gf_kyz_, gf_kzz_, p);
gf_alp_(p.I) = vars.alp;, gf_betay_, gf_betaz_, p);
loop_int<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) {
// Load
const CCTK_REAL chi = gf_chi_(p.I);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> gammat(gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxz_,
gf_gammatyy_, gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatzz_, p);
const CCTK_REAL Kh = gf_Kh_(p.I);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> At(gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxz_, gf_Atyy_, gf_Atyz_,
gf_Atzz_, p);
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> Gamt(gf_Gamtx_, gf_Gamty_, gf_Gamtz_, p);
const CCTK_REAL Theta = gf_Theta_(p.I);
constexpr CCTK_REAL rho = 0;
constexpr vec3<CCTK_REAL> S{0, 0, 0};
// Calculate constraints
// See arXiv:1212.2901 [gr-qc].
const CCTK_REAL chi1 = 1 / chi;
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dchi = deriv(gf_chi_, p.I, dx);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> ddchi = deriv2(gf_chi_, p.I, dx);
mat3<CCTK_REAL> g;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b)
g(a, b) = chi * gammat(a, b);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> gammatu = gammat.inv(1);
mat3<CCTK_REAL> gu;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b)
gu(a, b) = chi1 * gammatu(a, b);
const mat3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dgammat{
deriv(gf_gammatxx_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_gammatxy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatxz_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_gammatyy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatyz_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_gammatzz_, p.I, dx),
const mat3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > ddgammat{
deriv2(gf_gammatxx_, p.I, dx), deriv2(gf_gammatxy_, p.I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatxz_, p.I, dx), deriv2(gf_gammatyy_, p.I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatyz_, p.I, dx), deriv2(gf_gammatzz_, p.I, dx),
const mat3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dgammatu = calc_dgu(gammatu, dgammat);
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dKh = deriv(gf_Kh_, p.I, dx);
mat3<CCTK_REAL> Atu;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
CCTK_REAL s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += gammatu(a, x) * gammatu(b, y) * At(x, y);
Atu(a, b) = s;
const mat3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dAt{
deriv(gf_Atxx_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_Atxy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atxz_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_Atyy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atyz_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_Atzz_, p.I, dx),
const mat3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dAtu = calc_dAu(gammatu, dgammatu, At, dAt);
const vec3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dGamt{
deriv(gf_Gamtx_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_Gamty_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_Gamtz_, p.I, dx),
vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammatdl;
vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammatd;
vec3<CCTK_REAL> Gamtd;
calc_gamma(gammat, gammatu, dgammat, Gammatdl, Gammatd, Gamtd);
mat3<CCTK_REAL> DDchi;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
CCTK_REAL s = ddchi(a, b);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= Gammatd(x)(a, b) * dchi(x);
DDchi(a, b) = s;
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dTheta = deriv(gf_Theta_, p.I, dx);
// (13)
vec3<CCTK_REAL> ZtC;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
ZtC(a) = (Gamt(a) - Gamtd(a)) / 2;
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> R =
calc_ricci(chi, dchi, DDchi, gammat, gammatu, ddgammat, Gammatdl,
Gammatd, Gamtd, dGamt);
CCTK_REAL Rsc = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
Rsc += gu(x, y) * R(x, y);
// (14)
HC += Rsc;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
HC += At(x, y) * Atu(x, y);
HC -= pow2(Kh + 2 * Theta) * 2 / 3;
HC -= 16 * M_PI * rho;
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_allC_(cctkGH, allC);
// (15)
vec3<CCTK_REAL> MtC;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a) {
CCTK_REAL s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += dAtu(a, x)(x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += Gammatd(a)(x, y) * Atu(x, y);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= gammatu(a, x) * (dKh(x) + 2 * dTheta(x)) * 2 / 3;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= Atu(a, x) * dchi(x) / chi * 2 / 3;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= 8 * M_PI * gammatu(a, x) * S(x);
MtC(a) = s;
loop_int<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) {
// Load and calculate
const z4c_vars<CCTK_REAL> vars(
kappa1, kappa2, f_mu_L, f_mu_S, eta, //
gf_chi_, gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxz_, gf_gammatyy_,
gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatzz_, gf_Kh_, gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxz_,
gf_Atyy_, gf_Atyz_, gf_Atzz_, gf_Gamtx_, gf_Gamty_, gf_Gamtz_,
// gf_alphaG_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
gf_chi_, gf_chi_, gf_chi_, gf_chi_,
p.I, dx);, gf_ZtCy_, gf_ZtCz_, p);
gf_HC_(p.I) = HC;, gf_MtCy_, gf_MtCz_, p);, gf_ZtCy_, gf_ZtCz_, p);
gf_HC_(p.I) = vars.HC;, gf_MtCy_, gf_MtCz_, p);
gf_allC_(p.I) = vars.allC;
gammat(a, b) *= psi1;
gammat(a, b) *= chi_new;
const CCTK_REAL detgammat_new = gammat.det();
const CCTK_REAL gammat_norm = gammat.maxabs();
const CCTK_REAL gammat_scale = gammat_norm;
if (!(fabs(detgammat_new - 1) <= 1.0e-12 * gammat_scale)) {
ostringstream buf;
buf << "det gammat is not one: gammat=" << gammat
<< " det(gammat)=" << detgammat_new;
CCTK_VERROR("%s", buf.str().c_str());
assert(fabs(detgammat_new - 1) <= 1.0e-12 * gammat_scale);
At(a, b) -= 1 / 3 * traceAt * gammat(a, b);
At(a, b) -= traceAt / 3 * gammat(a, b);
const CCTK_REAL traceAt_new =
sum2([&](int x, int y) { return gammatu(x, y) * At(x, y); });
const CCTK_REAL gammatu_norm = gammatu.maxabs();
const CCTK_REAL At_norm = At.maxabs();
const CCTK_REAL At_scale = fmax(fmax(gammat_norm, gammatu_norm), At_norm);
if (!(fabs(traceAt_new) <= 1.0e-12 * At_scale)) {
ostringstream buf;
buf << "tr At: At=" << At << " tr(At)=" << traceAt_new;
CCTK_VERROR("%s", buf.str().c_str());
assert(fabs(traceAt_new) <= 1.0e-12 * At_scale);
#ifndef FIELD_HXX
#define FIELD_HXX
#include <loop.hxx>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
namespace Z4c {
using namespace Loop;
using namespace std;
template <typename T> class field {
const GridDescBase &restrict grid;
vect<int, dim> imin, imax;
vect<ptrdiff_t, dim> istr;
vector<T> elts;
constexpr ptrdiff_t idx(const vect<T, dim> &I) const {
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
assert(I[d] >= imin[d] && I[d] < imax[d]);
ptrdiff_t n = 0;
if (dim > 0) {
n += I[0];
for (int d = 1; d < dim; ++d)
n += istr[d] * I[d];
assert(n >= 0 && n < ptrdiff_t(elts.size()));
return n;
field(const GridDescBase &grid) : grid(grid) {
grid.box_all<0, 0, 0>(grid.nghostzones, imin, imax);
ptrdiff_t str = 1;
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
istr[d] = str;
str *= imax[d] - imin[d];
const T &operator()(const vect<T, dim> &I) const { return elts[idx(I)]; }
T &operator()(const vect<T, dim> &I) { return elts[idx(I)]; }
template <int dir>
field deriv(const int order, const vect<T, dim> &dx) const {
static_assert(dir >= 0 && dir < dim, "");
constexpr auto DI = vect<int, dim>::unit(dir);
const auto &f = *this;
field r(grid);
switch (order) {
case 2:
assert(grid.nghostzones[dir] >= 1);
loop_int(grid.nghostzones, [&](const PointDesc &p) {
r(p.I) = -1 / T(2) * (f(p.I - DI) - f(p.I + DI)) / dx[dir];
case 4:
assert(grid.nghostzones[dir] >= 2);
loop_int(grid.nghostzones, [&](const PointDesc &p) {
r(p.I) = (1 / T(12) * (f(p.I - 2 * DI) - f(p.I + 2 * DI)) +
2 / T(3) * (f(p.I - DI) - f(p.I + DI))) /
return r;
} // namespace Z4c
#endif // #ifndef FIELD_HXX
vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammatl;
vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammat;
vec3<CCTK_REAL> Gamt;
calc_gamma(gammat, gammatu, dgammat, Gammatl, Gammat, Gamt);
const vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammatl = calc_gammal(dgammat);
const vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammat = calc_gamma(gammatu, Gammatl);
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> Gamt([&](int a) {
return sum2(
[&](int x, int y) { return gammatu(x, y) * Gammat(a)(x, y); });
mat3<vec3<T> > dgu;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b)
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
T s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s -= gu(a, x) * gu(b, y) * dg(x, y)(c);
dgu(a, b)(c) = s;
return dgu;
return mat3<vec3<T> >([&](int a, int b) {
return vec3<T>([&](int c) {
return sum2(
[&](int x, int y) { return -gu(a, x) * gu(b, y) * dg(x, y)(c); });
mat3<vec3<T> > calc_dAu(const mat3<T> &gu, const mat3<vec3<T> > &dgu,
const mat3<T> &A, const mat3<vec3<T> > &dA) {
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3<vec3<T> >
calc_dAu(const mat3<T> &gu, const mat3<vec3<T> > &dgu, const mat3<T> &A,
const mat3<vec3<T> > &dA) {
mat3<vec3<T> > dAu;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b)
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
T s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += dgu(a, x)(c) * gu(b, y) * A(x, y) +
gu(a, x) * dgu(b, y)(c) * A(x, y) +
gu(a, x) * gu(b, y) * dA(x, y)(c);
dAu(a, b)(c) = s;
return dAu;
return mat3<vec3<T> >([&](int a, int b) {
return vec3<T>([&](int c) {
return sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return dgu(a, x)(c) * gu(b, y) * A(x, y) //
+ gu(a, x) * dgu(b, y)(c) * A(x, y) //
+ gu(a, x) * gu(b, y) * dA(x, y)(c);
void calc_gamma(const mat3<T> &g, const mat3<T> &gu, const mat3<vec3<T> > dg,
vec3<mat3<T> > &restrict Gammal, vec3<mat3<T> > &restrict Gamma,
vec3<T> &restrict Gam) {
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3<mat3<T> >
calc_gammal(const mat3<vec3<T> > dg) {
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < 3; ++b)
for (int c = b; c < 3; ++c)
Gammal(a)(b, c) = (dg(a, b)(c) + dg(a, c)(b) - dg(a, b)(c)) / 2;
// Gamma^a_bc
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < 3; ++b)
for (int c = b; c < 3; ++c) {
T s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += gu(a, x) * Gammal(x)(b, c);
Gamma(a)(b, c) = s;
// Gam^a
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a) {
T s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += gu(x, y) * Gamma(a)(x, y);
Gam(a) = s;
return vec3<mat3<T> >([&](int a) {
return mat3<T>([&](int b, int c) {
return (dg(a, b)(c) + dg(a, c)(b) - dg(b, c)(a)) / 2;
mat3<T> calc_ricci(const T &chi, const vec3<T> &dchi, const mat3<T> &DDchi,
const mat3<T> &gammat, const mat3<T> &gammatu,
const mat3<mat3<T> > &ddgammat,
const vec3<mat3<T> > &Gammatdl,
const vec3<mat3<T> > &Gammatd, const vec3<T> &Gamtd,
const vec3<vec3<T> > &dGamt) {
// (8)
mat3<T> Rchi;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < 3; ++b) {
T s = 0;
s += DDchi(a, b) / (2 * chi);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += gammat(a, b) * gammatu(x, y) * DDchi(x, y);
s -= dchi(a) * dchi(b) / (4 * chi * chi);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s -= gammat(a, b) * gammatu(x, y) * dchi(x) * dchi(y) * 3 /
(4 * chi * chi);
Rchi(a, b) = s;
// (9)
mat3<T> Rt;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < 3; ++b) {
T s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s -= gammatu(x, y) * ddgammat(a, b)(x, y) / 2;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += gammat(x, a) * dGamt(x)(b) + gammat(x, b) * dGamt(x)(a);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += Gamtd(x) * Gammatdl(a)(b, x) + Gamtd(x) * Gammatdl(b)(a, x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
for (int z = 0; z < 3; ++z)
s += gammatu(y, z) * (2 * Gammatd(x)(y, a) * Gammatdl(b)(x, z) +
2 * Gammatd(x)(y, b) * Gammatdl(a)(x, z) +
Gammatd(x)(a, z) * Gammatdl(x)(y, b) +
Gammatd(x)(b, z) * Gammatdl(x)(y, a));
Rt(a, b) = s;
// (7)
mat3<T> R;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < 3; ++b)
R(a, b) = Rchi(a, b) + Rt(a, b);
return R;
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3<mat3<T> >
calc_gamma(const mat3<T> &gu, const vec3<mat3<T> > &Gammal) {
// Gamma^a_bc
return vec3<mat3<T> >([&](int a) {
return mat3<T>([&](int b, int c) {
return sum1([&](int x) { return gu(a, x) * Gammal(x)(b, c); });
template <typename T>
void apply_upwind(const cGH *restrict const cctkGH,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> gf_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> gf_betaGx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> gf_betaGy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> gf_betaGz_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> gf_rhs_) {
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dx{
loop_int<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) {
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> betaG(gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_, p.I);
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dgf_upwind(deriv_upwind(gf_, p.I, betaG, dx));
gf_rhs_(p.I) += sum1([&](int x) { return betaG(x) * dgf_upwind(x); });
template <typename T>
void apply_diss(const cGH *restrict const cctkGH,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> gf_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> gf_rhs_) {
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dx{
loop_int<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) {
gf_rhs_(p.I) += epsdiss * diss(gf_, p.I, dx);
// Load
const CCTK_REAL chi = gf_chi_(p.I);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> gammat(gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxz_,
gf_gammatyy_, gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatzz_, p);
const CCTK_REAL Kh = gf_Kh_(p.I);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> At(gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxz_, gf_Atyy_, gf_Atyz_,
gf_Atzz_, p);
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> Gamt(gf_Gamtx_, gf_Gamty_, gf_Gamtz_, p);
const CCTK_REAL Theta = gf_Theta_(p.I);
// Load and calculate
const z4c_vars<CCTK_REAL> vars(
kappa1, kappa2, f_mu_L, f_mu_S, eta, //
gf_chi_, gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxz_, gf_gammatyy_,
gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatzz_, gf_Kh_, gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxz_,
gf_Atyy_, gf_Atyz_, gf_Atzz_, gf_Gamtx_, gf_Gamty_, gf_Gamtz_,
gf_Theta_, gf_alphaG_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_, //
p.I, dx);
const CCTK_REAL alphaG = gf_alphaG_(p.I);
// Store
gf_chi_rhs_(p.I) = vars.chi_rhs;, gf_gammatxy_rhs_, gf_gammatxz_rhs_,
gf_gammatyy_rhs_, gf_gammatyz_rhs_, gf_gammatzz_rhs_,
gf_Kh_rhs_(p.I) = vars.Kh_rhs;, gf_Atxy_rhs_, gf_Atxz_rhs_, gf_Atyy_rhs_,
gf_Atyz_rhs_, gf_Atzz_rhs_, p);, gf_Gamty_rhs_, gf_Gamtz_rhs_, p);
gf_Theta_rhs_(p.I) = vars.Theta_rhs;
gf_alphaG_rhs_(p.I) = vars.alphaG_rhs;, gf_betaGy_rhs_, gf_betaGz_rhs_, p);
// Calculate RHS
// See arXiv:1212.2901 [gr-qc].
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_gammatxx_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_gammatxy_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_gammatxz_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_gammatyy_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_gammatyz_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_gammatzz_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dchi = deriv(gf_chi_, p.I, dx);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> ddchi = deriv2(gf_chi_, p.I, dx);
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Atxx_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Atxy_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Atxz_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Atyy_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Atyz_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Atzz_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
mat3<CCTK_REAL> g;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b)
g(a, b) = chi * gammat(a, b);
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Gamtx_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Gamty_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_Gamtz_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
const mat3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dgammat{
deriv(gf_gammatxx_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_gammatxy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatxz_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_gammatyy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatyz_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_gammatzz_, p.I, dx),
mat3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dg;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b)
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
dg(a, b)(c) = dchi(c) * g(a, b) + chi * dgammat(a, b)(c);
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_alphaG_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
const mat3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > ddgammat{
deriv2(gf_gammatxx_, p.I, dx), deriv2(gf_gammatxy_, p.I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatxz_, p.I, dx), deriv2(gf_gammatyy_, p.I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatyz_, p.I, dx), deriv2(gf_gammatzz_, p.I, dx),
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
apply_upwind(cctkGH, gf_betaGz_, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_,
mat3<CCTK_REAL> Atu;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
CCTK_REAL s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += gammatu(a, x) * gammatu(b, y) * At(x, y);
Atu(a, b) = s;
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_chi_, gf_chi_rhs_);
const mat3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dAt{
deriv(gf_Atxx_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_Atxy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atxz_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_Atyy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atyz_, p.I, dx), deriv(gf_Atzz_, p.I, dx),
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxx_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxy_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_gammatxz_, gf_gammatxz_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_gammatyy_, gf_gammatyy_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatyz_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_gammatzz_, gf_gammatzz_rhs_);
vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammatl;
vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammat;
vec3<CCTK_REAL> Gamtd;
calc_gamma(gammat, gammatu, dgammat, Gammatl, Gammat, Gamtd);
vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gammal;
vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > Gamma;
vec3<CCTK_REAL> Gam;
calc_gamma(g, gu, dg, Gammal, Gamma, Gam);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Kh_, gf_Kh_rhs_);
mat3<CCTK_REAL> DDchi;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
CCTK_REAL s = ddchi(a, b);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= Gammat(x)(a, b) * dchi(x);
DDchi(a, b) = s;
const vec3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dGamt{
deriv(gf_Gamtx_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_Gamty_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_Gamtz_, p.I, dx),
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> R =
calc_ricci(chi, dchi, DDchi, gammat, gammatu, ddgammat, Gammatl, Gammat,
Gamtd, dGamt);
CCTK_REAL Rsc = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
Rsc += gu(x, y) * R(x, y);
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dalphaG = deriv(gf_alphaG_, p.I, dx);
const mat3<CCTK_REAL> ddalphaG = deriv2(gf_alphaG_, p.I, dx);
const vec3<CCTK_REAL> dTheta = deriv(gf_Theta_, p.I, dx);
mat3<CCTK_REAL> DDalphaG;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
CCTK_REAL s = ddalphaG(a, b);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= Gammat(x)(a, b) * dalphaG(x);
DDalphaG(a, b) = s;
const vec3<vec3<CCTK_REAL> > dbetaG{
deriv(gf_betaGx_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_betaGy_, p.I, dx),
deriv(gf_betaGz_, p.I, dx),
const vec3<mat3<CCTK_REAL> > ddbetaG{
deriv2(gf_betaGx_, p.I, dx),
deriv2(gf_betaGy_, p.I, dx),
deriv2(gf_betaGz_, p.I, dx),
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxx_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxy_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Atxz_, gf_Atxz_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Atyy_, gf_Atyy_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Atyz_, gf_Atyz_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Atzz_, gf_Atzz_rhs_);
// (1)
CCTK_REAL chi_rhs = 0;
chi_rhs += alphaG * (Kh + 2 * Theta);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
chi_rhs -= dbetaG(x)(x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
chi_rhs -= Gamma(x)(x, y) * betaG(y);
chi_rhs *= chi * 2 / 3;
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Gamtx_, gf_Gamtx_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Gamty_, gf_Gamty_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Gamtz_, gf_Gamtz_rhs_);
// (2)
mat3<CCTK_REAL> gammat_rhs;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
CCTK_REAL s = 0;
s += -2 * alphaG * At(a, b);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += betaG(x) * dgammat(a, b)(x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += 2 * (gammat(x, a) * dbetaG(x)(b) + gammat(x, b) * dbetaG(x)(a));
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= gammat(a, b) * dbetaG(x)(x) * 2 / 3;
gammat_rhs(a, b) = s;
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_Theta_, gf_Theta_rhs_);
// (3)
CCTK_REAL Kh_rhs = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
Kh_rhs -= gu(x, y) * DDalphaG(x, y);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
Kh_rhs += alphaG * (At(x, y) * Atu(x, y) + pow2(Kh + 2 * Theta) / 3);
Kh_rhs += 4 * M_PI * alphaG * (traceT + rho);
Kh_rhs += alphaG * kappa1 * (1 - kappa2) * Theta;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
Kh_rhs += betaG(x) * dKh(x);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_alphaG_, gf_alphaG_rhs_);
// (4)
mat3<CCTK_REAL> At_rhs1;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
CCTK_REAL s = 0;
s -= DDalphaG(a, b) + alphaG * (R(a, b) - 8 * M_PI * T(a, b));
At_rhs1(a, b) = s;
CCTK_REAL trace_At_rhs1 = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
trace_At_rhs1 += gammatu(x, y) * At_rhs1(x, y);
mat3<CCTK_REAL> At_rhs;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
CCTK_REAL s = 0;
s += chi * (At_rhs1(a, b) - 1 / 3 * trace_At_rhs1 * gammat(a, b));
s += alphaG * (Kh + 2 * Theta) * At(a, b);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s -= alphaG * 2 * gammatu(x, y) * At(x, a) * At(y, b);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += betaG(x) * dAt(a, b)(x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += 2 * (At(x, a) * dbetaG(x)(b) + At(x, b) * dbetaG(x)(a));
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= At(a, b) * dbetaG(x)(x) * 2 / 3;
At_rhs(a, b) = s;
// (5)
vec3<CCTK_REAL> Gamt_rhs;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a) {
CCTK_REAL s = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= 2 * Atu(a, x) * dalphaG(x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += 2 * alphaG * Gammat(a)(x, y) * Atu(x, y);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= 2 * alphaG * Atu(a, x) * dchi(x) / chi * 3 / 2;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= 2 * alphaG * gammatu(a, x) * (2 * dKh(x) + dTheta(x)) / 3;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= 2 * alphaG * 8 * M_PI * gammatu(a, x) * S(x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += gammatu(x, y) * ddbetaG(a)(x, y);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += gammatu(a, x) * ddbetaG(y)(x, y) / 3;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += betaG(x) * dGamt(a)(x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s -= Gamtd(x) * dbetaG(a)(x);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += Gamtd(a) * dbetaG(x)(x) * 2 / 3;
s -= 2 * alphaG * kappa1 * (Gamt(a) - Gamtd(a));
Gamt_rhs(a) = s;
// (6)
CCTK_REAL Theta_rhs = 0;
Theta_rhs += alphaG * Rsc / 2;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
Theta_rhs -= alphaG * At(x, y) * Atu(x, y) / 2;
Theta_rhs += alphaG * pow2(Kh + 2 * Theta) / 3;
Theta_rhs -= alphaG * 8 * M_PI * rho;
Theta_rhs -= alphaG * kappa1 * (2 + kappa2) * Theta;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
Theta_rhs += betaG(x) * dTheta(x);
const CCTK_REAL mu_L = f_mu_L / alphaG;
CCTK_REAL alphaG_rhs = 0;
alphaG_rhs -= pow2(alphaG) * mu_L * Kh;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
alphaG_rhs += betaG(x) * dalphaG(x);
const CCTK_REAL mu_S = f_mu_S / pow2(alphaG);
vec3<CCTK_REAL> betaG_rhs;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a) {
CCTK_REAL s = 0;
s += pow2(alphaG) * mu_S * Gamt(a) - eta * betaG(a);
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += betaG(x) * dbetaG(a)(x);
betaG_rhs(a) = s;
// Store
gf_chi_rhs_(p.I) = chi_rhs;, gf_gammatxy_rhs_, gf_gammatxz_rhs_,
gf_gammatyy_rhs_, gf_gammatyz_rhs_, gf_gammatzz_rhs_, p);
gf_Kh_rhs_(p.I) = Kh_rhs;, gf_Atxy_rhs_, gf_Atxz_rhs_, gf_Atyy_rhs_,
gf_Atyz_rhs_, gf_Atzz_rhs_, p);, gf_Gamty_rhs_, gf_Gamtz_rhs_, p);
gf_Theta_rhs_(p.I) = Theta_rhs;
gf_alphaG_rhs_(p.I) = alphaG_rhs;, gf_betaGy_rhs_, gf_betaGz_rhs_, p);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGx_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGy_rhs_);
apply_diss(cctkGH, gf_betaGz_, gf_betaGz_rhs_);
#include <loop.hxx>
#include <cctk.h>
#include <cctk_Arguments_Checked.h>
namespace Z4c {
using namespace Loop;
extern "C" void Z4c_RHSBoundaries(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_chi_rhs_(cctkGH, chi_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_gammatxx_rhs_(cctkGH, gammatxx_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_gammatxy_rhs_(cctkGH, gammatxy_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_gammatxz_rhs_(cctkGH, gammatxz_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_gammatyy_rhs_(cctkGH, gammatyy_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_gammatyz_rhs_(cctkGH, gammatyz_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_gammatzz_rhs_(cctkGH, gammatzz_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Kh_rhs_(cctkGH, Kh_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Atxx_rhs_(cctkGH, Atxx_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Atxy_rhs_(cctkGH, Atxy_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Atxz_rhs_(cctkGH, Atxz_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Atyy_rhs_(cctkGH, Atyy_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Atyz_rhs_(cctkGH, Atyz_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Atzz_rhs_(cctkGH, Atzz_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Gamtx_rhs_(cctkGH, Gamtx_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Gamty_rhs_(cctkGH, Gamty_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Gamtz_rhs_(cctkGH, Gamtz_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_Theta_rhs_(cctkGH, Theta_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_alphaG_rhs_(cctkGH, alphaG_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_betaGx_rhs_(cctkGH, betaGx_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_betaGy_rhs_(cctkGH, betaGy_rhs);
const GF3D<CCTK_REAL, 0, 0, 0> gf_betaGz_rhs_(cctkGH, betaGz_rhs);
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_chi_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_gammatxx_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_gammatxy_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_gammatxz_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_gammatyy_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_gammatyz_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_gammatzz_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Kh_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Atxx_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Atxy_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Atxz_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Atyy_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Atyz_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH, [&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Atzz_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Gamtx_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Gamty_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Gamtz_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_Theta_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_alphaG_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_betaGx_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_betaGy_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
loop_bnd<0, 0, 0>(cctkGH,
[&](const PointDesc &p) { gf_betaGz_rhs_(p.I) = 0; });
} // namespace Z4c
template <typename T> constexpr T pow2(const T x) { return x * x; }
template <typename T>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr T pow2(const T x) {
return x * x;
template <typename T>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr T pow3(const T x) {
return pow2(x) * x;
template <typename T>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr T pow4(const T x) {
return pow2(pow2(x));
template <typename T> struct norm1 {
typedef T result_type;
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr result_type
operator()(const T &x) const {
return abs(x);
template <typename T, int D> struct norm1<vect<T, D> > {
typedef typename norm1<T>::result_type result_type;
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr result_type
operator()(const vect<T, D> &xs) const {
typename norm1<T>::result_type r{0};
for (int d = 0; d < D; ++d)
r = max(r, norm1<T>()(xs[d]));
return r;
vec3(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vz_, const PointDesc &p)
: vec3{gf_vx_(p.I), gf_vy_(p.I), gf_vz_(p.I)} {}
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3(initializer_list<T> v)
: elts(v) {}
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ vec3(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vz_,
const vect<int, 3> &I)
: vec3{gf_vx_(I), gf_vy_(I), gf_vz_(I)} {}
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vz_, const PointDesc &p)
: vec3{gf_vx_(p.I), gf_vy_(p.I), gf_vz_(p.I)} {}
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vz_, const vect<int, 3> &I)
: vec3{gf_vx_(I), gf_vy_(I), gf_vz_(I)} {}
template <typename F, typename = result_of_t<F(int)> >
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3(const F &f)
: elts{f(0), f(1), f(2)} {}
void store(const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vx_, const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vy_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vz_, const PointDesc &p) const {
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ void store(const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vx_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vy_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_vz_,
const PointDesc &p) const {
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3<T>
operator+(const vec3<T> &x) {
return {+x.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3<T>
operator-(const vec3<T> &x) {
return {-x.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3<T>
operator+(const vec3<T> &x, const vec3<T> &y) {
return {x.elts + y.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3<T>
operator-(const vec3<T> &x, const vec3<T> &y) {
return {x.elts - y.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3<T>
operator*(const T &a, const vec3<T> &x) {
return {a * x.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr bool
operator==(const vec3<T> &x, const vec3<T> &y) {
return equal_to<vect<T, 3> >()(x.elts, y.elts);
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr bool
operator!=(const vec3<T> &x, const vec3<T> &y) {
return !(x == y);
constexpr vec3<T> operator()() const { return vec3<T>(); }
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr vec3<T> operator()() const {
return vec3<T>();
template <typename T> struct norm1<vec3<T> > {
typedef typename norm1<vect<T, 3> >::result_type result_type;
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr result_type
operator()(const vec3<T> &x) const {
return norm1<vect<T, 3> >()(x.elts);
mat3(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Ayy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Ayz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Azz_, const PointDesc &p)
: mat3{gf_Axx_(p.I), gf_Axy_(p.I), gf_Axz_(p.I),
gf_Ayy_(p.I), gf_Ayz_(p.I), gf_Azz_(p.I)} {}
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3(initializer_list<T> A)
: elts(A) {}
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ mat3(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Ayy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Ayz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Azz_,
const vect<int, 3> &I)
: mat3{gf_Axx_(I), gf_Axy_(I), gf_Axz_(I),
gf_Ayy_(I), gf_Ayz_(I), gf_Azz_(I)} {}
const PointDesc &p)
: mat3{gf_Axx_(p.I), gf_Axy_(p.I), gf_Axz_(p.I),
gf_Ayy_(p.I), gf_Ayz_(p.I), gf_Azz_(p.I)} {}
const vect<int, 3> &I)
: mat3{gf_Axx_(I), gf_Axy_(I), gf_Axz_(I),
gf_Ayy_(I), gf_Ayz_(I), gf_Azz_(I)} {}
template <typename F, typename = result_of_t<F(int, int)> >
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3(const F &f)
: elts{f(0, 0), f(0, 1), f(0, 2), f(1, 1), f(1, 2), f(2, 2)} {
// Check symmetry
const T f10 = f(1, 0);
const T f20 = f(0, 2);
const T f21 = f(1, 2);
const auto is_symmetric{[](const T &fgood, const T &fother) {
return norm1<T>()(fother - fgood) <=
1.0e-12 * (1 + norm1<T>()(fgood) + norm1<T>()(fother));
if (!(is_symmetric(f(0, 1), f10) && is_symmetric(f(0, 2), f20) &&
is_symmetric(f(1, 2), f21))) {
ostringstream buf;
buf << "f(0,1)=" << f(0, 1) << "\n"
<< "f(1,0)=" << f10 << "\n"
<< "f(0,2)=" << f(0, 2) << "\n"
<< "f(2,0)=" << f20 << "\n"
<< "f(1,2)=" << f(1, 2) << "\n"
<< "f(2,1)=" << f21 << "\n";
CCTK_VERROR("symmetric matrix is not symmetric:\n%s", buf.str().c_str());
assert(is_symmetric(f(0, 1), f10));
assert(is_symmetric(f(0, 2), f20));
assert(is_symmetric(f(1, 2), f21));
void store(const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axx_, const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axy_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axz_, const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Ayy_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Ayz_, const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Azz_,
const PointDesc &p) const {
store(const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axx_, const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axy_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Axz_, const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Ayy_,
const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Ayz_, const GF3D<T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Azz_,
const PointDesc &p) const {
const T &operator()(int i, int j) const { return elts[ind(i, j)]; }
// T &operator()(int i, int j) { return elts[symind(i, j)]; }
T &operator()(int i, int j) { return elts[ind(i, j)]; }
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ const T &operator()(int i, int j) const {
return elts[ind(i, j)];
// /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ T &operator()(int i, int j) { return
// elts[symind(i, j)]; }
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ T &operator()(int i, int j) {
return elts[ind(i, j)];
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3<T>
operator+(const mat3<T> &x) {
return {+x.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3<T>
operator-(const mat3<T> &x) {
return {-x.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3<T>
operator+(const mat3<T> &x, const mat3<T> &y) {
return {x.elts + y.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3<T>
operator-(const mat3<T> &x, const mat3<T> &y) {
return {x.elts - y.elts};
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3<T>
operator*(const T &a, const mat3<T> &x) {
return {a * x.elts};
constexpr T det() const {
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr bool
operator==(const mat3<T> &x, const mat3<T> &y) {
return equal_to<vect<T, 6> >()(x.elts, y.elts);
friend /*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr bool
operator!=(const mat3<T> &x, const mat3<T> &y) {
return !(x == y);
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr T maxabs() const {
return elts.maxabs();
friend struct norm1<mat3>;
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr T det() const {
return mat3{detA1 * (A(1, 1) * A(2, 2) - A(2, 1) * A(2, 1)),
detA1 * (A(1, 2) * A(2, 0) - A(2, 2) * A(0, 1)),
detA1 * (A(1, 0) * A(2, 1) - A(2, 0) * A(1, 1)),
detA1 * (A(2, 2) * A(0, 0) - A(0, 2) * A(2, 0)),
detA1 * (A(2, 0) * A(0, 1) - A(0, 0) * A(2, 1)),
return mat3{detA1 * (A(1, 1) * A(2, 2) - A(1, 2) * A(2, 1)),
detA1 * (A(1, 2) * A(2, 0) - A(1, 0) * A(2, 2)),
detA1 * (A(1, 0) * A(2, 1) - A(1, 1) * A(2, 0)),
detA1 * (A(2, 2) * A(0, 0) - A(2, 0) * A(0, 2)),
detA1 * (A(2, 0) * A(0, 1) - A(2, 1) * A(0, 0)),
constexpr T trace() const {
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr T trace(const mat3 &gu) const {
const auto &A = *this;
return sum2([&](int x, int y) { return gu(x, y) * A(x, y); });
trace_free(const mat3 &g, const mat3 &gu) const {
constexpr mat3<T> operator()() const { return mat3<T>(); }
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr mat3<T> operator()() const {
return mat3<T>();
template <typename T> struct norm1<mat3<T> > {
typedef typename norm1<vect<T, 6> >::result_type result_type;
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr result_type
operator()(const mat3<T> &x) const {
return norm1<vect<T, 6> >()(x.elts);
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = a; b < 3; ++b) {
T s = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
s += A(a, c) * B(c, b);
C(a, b) = s;
return C;
return mat3<T>([&](int a, int b) {
return sum1([&](int x) { return A(a, x) * B(x, b); });
template <typename T>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr T add(const T &x) {
return x;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr T add(const T &x, const Ts &... xs) {
return x + add(xs...);
template <typename F>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr result_of_t<F(int)>
sum1(const F &f) {
result_of_t<F(int)> s{0};
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
s += f(x);
return s;
template <typename F>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr result_of_t<F(int, int)>
sum2(const F &f) {
result_of_t<F(int, int)> s{0};
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
s += f(x, y);
return s;
template <typename F>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ constexpr result_of_t<F(int, int, int)>
sum3(const F &f) {
result_of_t<F(int, int, int)> s{0};
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y)
for (int z = 0; z < 3; ++z)
s += f(x, y, z);
return s;
vec3<T> deriv(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_, const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dx) {
return {
deriv(gf_, I, dx, 0),
deriv(gf_, I, dx, 1),
deriv(gf_, I, dx, 2),
deriv_upwind(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_, const vect<int, dim> &I,
const bool sign, const vec3<T> &dx, const int dir) {
constexpr vect<vect<int, dim>, dim> DI{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
// arXiv:1111.2177 [gr-qc], (71)
if (sign)
// + [ 0 -1 +1 0 0]
// + 1/2 [+1 -2 +1 0 0]
// [+1/2 -2 +3/2 0 0]
return (+1 / T(2) * gf_(I - 2 * DI[dir]) //
- 2 * gf_(I - DI[dir]) //
+ 3 / T(2) * gf_(I)) /
// + [ 0 0 -1 +1 0 ]
// - 1/2 [ 0 0 +1 -2 +1 ]
// [ 0 0 -3/2 +2 -1/2]
return (-3 / T(2) * gf_(I) //
+ 2 * gf_(I + DI[dir]) //
- 1 / T(2) * gf_(I + 2 * DI[dir])) /
T deriv2(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_, const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dx, const int dir1, const int dir2) {
deriv2(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_, const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dx, const int dir1, const int dir2) {
mat3<T> deriv2(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_, const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dx) {
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ T deriv4(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_,
const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dx, const int dir) {
constexpr vect<vect<int, dim>, dim> DI{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
return ((gf_(I - 2 * DI[dir]) + gf_(I + 2 * DI[dir])) //
- 4 * (gf_(I - DI[dir]) + gf_(I + DI[dir])) //
+ 6 * gf_(I)) /
template <typename T>
deriv(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_, const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dx) {
return {
deriv(gf_, I, dx, 0),
deriv(gf_, I, dx, 1),
deriv(gf_, I, dx, 2),
template <typename T>
deriv_upwind(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_, const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dir, const vec3<T> &dx) {
return {
deriv_upwind(gf_, I, signbit(dir(0)), dx, 0),
deriv_upwind(gf_, I, signbit(dir(1)), dx, 1),
deriv_upwind(gf_, I, signbit(dir(2)), dx, 2),
template <typename T>
deriv2(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_, const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dx) {
template <typename T>
/*CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE*/ T diss(const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_,
const vect<int, dim> &I,
const vec3<T> &dx) {
// arXiv:gr-qc/0610128, (63), with r=2
return -1 / T(16) *
(pow3(dx(0)) * deriv4(gf_, I, dx, 0) //
+ pow3(dx(1)) * deriv4(gf_, I, dx, 1) //
+ pow3(dx(2)) * deriv4(gf_, I, dx, 2));
#warning "TODO"
#include <iostream>
#include "physics.hxx"
#include "tensor.hxx"
#include <cctk.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <random>
namespace Z4c {
using namespace std;
// TODO: Use GoogleTest instead of assert
extern "C" void Z4c_Test(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
mt19937 engine(42);
uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(-10, 10);
const auto rand10{[&]() { return double(dist(engine)); }};
const auto randmat10{[&]() {
array<array<double, 3>, 3> arr;
for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < 3; ++b)
arr[a][b] = rand10();
return mat3<double>(
[&](int a, int b) { return arr[min(a, b)][max(a, b)]; });
const mat3<double> Z([&](int a, int b) { return double(0); });
const mat3<double> I([&](int a, int b) { return double(a == b); });
assert(I != Z);
for (int n = 0; n < 100; ++n) {
const mat3<double> A = randmat10();
const mat3<double> B = randmat10();
const mat3<double> C = randmat10();
const double a = rand10();
const double b = rand10();
assert((A + B) + C == A + (B + C));
assert(Z + A == A);
assert(A + Z == A);
assert(A + (-A) == Z);
assert((-A) + A == Z);
assert(A - B == A + (-B));
assert(A + B == B + A);
assert(1 * A == A);
assert(0 * A == Z);
assert(-1 * A == -A);
// assert(mul(a * A, B) == a * mul(A, B));
assert((a * b) * A == a * (b * A));
assert(a * (A + B) == a * A + a * B);
assert((a + b) * A == a * A + b * A);
// assert(mul(mul(A, B), C) == mul(A, mul(B, C)));
assert(mul(I, A) == A);
assert(mul(A, I) == A);
assert(mul(Z, A) == Z);
assert(mul(A, Z) == Z);
assert(Z.det() == 0);
assert(I.det() == 1);
assert((a * A).det() == pow3(a) * A.det());
assert(Z.inv(1) == Z);
assert(I.inv(1) == I);
assert(mul(A.inv(1), A) == A.det() * I);
assert(mul(A, A.inv(1)) == A.det() * I);
assert((a * A).inv(1) == pow2(a) * A.inv(1));
} // namespace Z4c
#ifndef Z4C_HXX
#define Z4C_HXX
#include "physics.hxx"
#include "tensor.hxx"
#include <cmath>
namespace Z4c {
// See arXiv:1212.2901 [gr-qc]
// Note: A_(ij) there means 1/2 (A_ij + A_ji)
template <typename T> struct z4c_vars_noderivs {
// Parameters
const T kappa1;
const T kappa2;
const T f_mu_L;
const T f_mu_S;
const T eta;
// Tensor densities: TD = (sqrt detg)^W T
// W[sqrt detg] = +1
// Z4c variables
const T chi; // W = -2/3
const mat3<T> gammat; // W = -2/3
const T Kh; // W = 0
const mat3<T> At; // W = -2/3
const vec3<T> Gamt; // W = +2/3
const T Theta; // W = 0
const T alphaG; // W = 0
const vec3<T> betaG; // W = 0
// Hydro variables
const T rho;
const vec3<T> Si;
const mat3<T> Sij;
// ADM variables
const mat3<T> g; // W = 0
const mat3<T> k; // W = 0
const T alp; // W = 0
const vec3<T> beta; // W = 0
z4c_vars_noderivs(const T &kappa1, const T &kappa2, const T &f_mu_L,
const T &f_mu_S, const T &eta,
const T &chi, const mat3<T> &gammat, const T &Kh,
const mat3<T> &At, const vec3<T> &Gamt, const T &Theta,
const T &alphaG, const vec3<T> &betaG,
const T &rho, const vec3<T> &Si, const mat3<T> &Sij)
: kappa1(kappa1), kappa2(kappa2), f_mu_L(f_mu_L), f_mu_S(f_mu_S),
chi(chi), gammat(gammat), Kh(Kh), At(At), Gamt(Gamt), Theta(Theta),
alphaG(alphaG), betaG(betaG),
rho(rho), Si(Si), Sij(Sij),
// ADM variables
g([&](int a, int b) { return 1 / chi * gammat(a, b); }), //
k([&](int a, int b) {
return 1 / chi * (At(a, b) + (Kh + 2 * Theta) / 3 * gammat(a, b));
}), //
alp(alphaG), //
beta([&](int a) { return betaG(a); })
z4c_vars_noderivs(const T &kappa1, const T &kappa2, const T &f_mu_L,
const T &f_mu_SL, const T &eta,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_chi_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatxx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatxy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatxz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatyy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatyz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatzz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Kh_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atxx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atxy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atxz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atyy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atyz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atzz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Gamtx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Gamty_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Gamtz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Theta_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_alphaG_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_betaGx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_betaGy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_betaGz_,
const vect<int, 3> &I)
: z4c_vars_noderivs<T>(kappa1, kappa2, f_mu_L, f_mu_S, eta,
mat3<T>(gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxz_,
gf_gammatyy_, gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatzz_,
mat3<T>(gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxz_, gf_Atyy_,
gf_Atyz_, gf_Atzz_, I),
vec3<T>(gf_Gamtx_, gf_Gamty_, gf_Gamtz_, I),
vec3<T>(gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_, I),
vec3<T>{0, 0, 0},
mat3<T>{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
template <typename T> struct z4c_vars : z4c_vars_noderivs<T> {
// C++ is tedious:
// Parameters
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::kappa1;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::kappa2;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::f_mu_L;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::f_mu_S;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::eta;
// Z4c variables
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::chi;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::gammat;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::Kh;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::At;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::Gamt;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::Theta;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::alphaG;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::betaG;
// Hydro variables
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::rho;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::Si;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::Sij;
// ADM variables
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::g;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::k;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::alp;
using z4c_vars_noderivs<T>::beta;
// Derivatives of Z4c variables
const vec3<T> dchi;
const mat3<T> ddchi;
const mat3<vec3<T> > dgammat;
const mat3<mat3<T> > ddgammat;
const vec3<T> dKh;
const mat3<vec3<T> > dAt;
const vec3<vec3<T> > dGamt;
const vec3<T> dTheta;
const vec3<T> dalphaG;
const mat3<T> ddalphaG;
const vec3<vec3<T> > dbetaG;
const vec3<mat3<T> > ddbetaG;
// Intermediate variables
const mat3<T> gammatu;
const mat3<vec3<T> > dgammatu;
const vec3<mat3<T> > Gammatl;
const vec3<mat3<T> > Gammat;
const vec3<T> Gamtd;
const mat3<T> DDchi;
const mat3<T> gu;
const mat3<vec3<T> > dg;
const vec3<mat3<T> > Gammal;
const vec3<mat3<T> > Gamma;
const mat3<T> DDalphaG;
const mat3<T> Rchi;
const mat3<T> Rt;
const mat3<T> R;
const T Rsc;
const mat3<T> Atu;
const mat3<vec3<T> > dAtu;
const T traceSij;
// Constraints
const vec3<T> ZtC;
const T HC;
const vec3<T> MtC;
const T allC;
// RHS variables
const T chi_rhs;
const mat3<T> gammat_rhs;
const T Kh_rhs;
const mat3<T> At_rhs;
const vec3<T> Gamt_rhs;
const T Theta_rhs;
const T alphaG_rhs;
const vec3<T> betaG_rhs;
// See arXiv:1212.2901 [gr-qc]
z4c_vars(const T &kappa1, const T &kappa2, const T &f_mu_L, const T &f_mu_S,
const T &eta,
const T &chi, const vec3<T> &dchi, const mat3<T> &ddchi, //
const mat3<T> &gammat, const mat3<vec3<T> > &dgammat,
const mat3<mat3<T> > &ddgammat, //
const T &Kh, const vec3<T> &dKh, //
const mat3<T> &At, const mat3<vec3<T> > &dAt, //
const vec3<T> &Gamt, const vec3<vec3<T> > &dGamt, //
const T &Theta, const vec3<T> &dTheta, //
const T &alphaG, const vec3<T> &dalphaG, const mat3<T> &ddalphaG, //
const vec3<T> &betaG, const vec3<vec3<T> > &dbetaG,
const vec3<mat3<T> > &ddbetaG,
const T &rho, const vec3<T> &Si, const mat3<T> &Sij)
: z4c_vars_noderivs<T>(kappa1, kappa2, f_mu_L, f_mu_S, eta, //
chi, gammat, Kh, At, Gamt, Theta, alphaG, betaG,
rho, Si, Sij),
// Derivatives of Z4c variables
dchi(dchi), ddchi(ddchi), //
dgammat(dgammat), ddgammat(ddgammat), //
dKh(dKh), //
dAt(dAt), //
dGamt(dGamt), //
dTheta(dTheta), //
dalphaG(dalphaG), ddalphaG(ddalphaG), //
dbetaG(dbetaG), ddbetaG(ddbetaG),
// Intermediate variables
gammatu(gammat.inv(1)), //
dgammatu(calc_dgu(gammatu, dgammat)), //
Gammatl(calc_gammal(dgammat)), //
Gammat(calc_gamma(gammatu, Gammatl)), //
Gamtd([&](int a) {
return sum2(
[&](int x, int y) { return gammatu(x, y) * Gammat(a)(x, y); });
}), //
DDchi([&](int a, int b) {
return ddchi(a, b) //
- sum1([&](int x) { return Gammat(x)(a, b) * dchi(x); });
}), //
gu([&](int a, int b) { return chi * gammatu(a, b); }), //
dg([&](int a, int b) {
return vec3<T>([&](int c) {
return -dchi(c) / pow2(chi) * gammat(a, b) //
+ 1 / chi * dgammat(a, b)(c);
}), //
Gammal(calc_gammal(dg)), //
Gamma(calc_gamma(gu, Gammal)), //
DDalphaG([&](int a, int b) {
return ddalphaG(a, b) //
- sum1([&](int x) { return Gamma(x)(a, b) * dalphaG(x); });
// (8)
Rchi([&](int a, int b) {
return 1 / (2 * chi) * DDchi(a, b) //
+ 1 / (2 * chi) * sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return gammat(a, b) * gammatu(x, y) * DDchi(x, y);
}) //
- 1 / (4 * pow2(chi)) * dchi(a) * dchi(b) //
- 3 / (4 * pow2(chi)) * sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return gammat(a, b) * gammatu(x, y) * dchi(x) * dchi(y);
// (9)
Rt([&](int a, int b) {
return sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return -1 / T(2) * gammatu(x, y) * ddgammat(a, b)(x, y);
}) //
+ sum1([&](int x) {
return 1 / T(2) *
(gammat(x, a) * dGamt(x)(b) //
+ gammat(x, b) * dGamt(x)(a));
}) //
+ sum1([&](int x) {
return 1 / T(2) *
(Gamtd(x) * Gammatl(a)(b, x) //
+ Gamtd(x) * Gammatl(b)(a, x));
}) //
+ sum3([&](int x, int y, int z) {
return gammatu(y, z) *
(Gammat(x)(a, y) * Gammatl(b)(x, z) //
+ Gammat(x)(b, y) * Gammatl(a)(x, z) //
+ Gammat(x)(a, y) * Gammatl(x)(b, z));
// (7)
R([&](int a, int b) { return Rchi(a, b) + Rt(a, b); }), //
Rsc(R.trace(gu)), //
Atu([&](int a, int b) {
return sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return gammatu(a, x) * gammatu(b, y) * At(x, y);
}), //
dAtu(calc_dAu(gammatu, dgammatu, At, dAt)), //
// Constraints
// (13)
ZtC([&](int a) { return (Gamt(a) - Gamtd(a)) / 2; }), //
// (14)
HC(Rsc //
+ sum2([&](int x, int y) { return At(x, y) * Atu(x, y); }) //
- 2 / T(3) * pow2(Kh + 2 * Theta) //
- 16 * M_PI * rho),
// (15)
MtC([&](int a) {
return sum1([&](int x) { return dAtu(a, x)(x); }) //
+ sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return Gammat(a)(x, y) * Atu(x, y);
}) //
- sum1([&](int x) {
return 2 / T(3) * gammatu(a, x) * (dKh(x) + 2 * dTheta(x));
}) //
- sum1([&](int x) {
return 2 / T(3) * Atu(a, x) * dchi(x) / chi;
}) //
sum1([&](int x) { return 8 * M_PI * gammatu(a, x) * Si(x); });
// arXiv:1111.2177, (73)
allC(sqrt(pow2(HC) //
+ sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return gammat(x, y) * MtC(x) * MtC(y);
}) //
+ pow2(Theta) //
+ sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return 2 * gammat(x, y) * ZtC(x) * ZtC(y);
// RHS
// (1)
chi_rhs(2 / T(3) * chi *
(alphaG * (Kh + 2 * Theta)
// chi = detg^(-1/3)
// chi^(-3) = detg
// chi^(-3/2) = sqrt detg
// D_i beta^i = 1/sqrt detg d_i sqrt detg beta^i
// = chi^(3/2) d_i chi^(-3/2) beta^i
// = chi^(3/2) (-3/2 chi^(-5/2) chi,i beta^i
// + chi^(-3/2) beta^i,i)
// = beta^i,i - 3/2 1/chi beta^i chi,i
- sum1([&](int x) { return dbetaG(x)(x); }))),
// (2)
gammat_rhs([&](int a, int b) {
return -2 * alphaG * At(a, b) //
+ sum1([&](int x) {
return gammat(x, a) * dbetaG(x)(b) //
+ gammat(x, b) * dbetaG(x)(a);
}) //
- sum1([&](int x) {
return 2 / T(3) * gammat(a, b) * dbetaG(x)(x);
// (3)
Kh_rhs(-sum2([&](int x, int y) { return gu(x, y) * DDalphaG(x, y); }) //
+ alphaG * (sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return At(x, y) * Atu(x, y);
}) //
+ 1 / T(3) * pow2(Kh + 2 * Theta)) //
+ 4 * M_PI * alphaG * (traceSij + rho) //
+ alphaG * kappa1 * (1 - kappa2) * Theta),
// (4)
At_rhs([&](int a, int b) {
return chi * ((-DDalphaG(a, b) //
+ alphaG * (R(a, b) //
- 8 * M_PI * Sij(a, b))) //
- sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return 1 / T(3) * g(a, b) * gu(x, y) *
(-DDalphaG(x, y) //
+ alphaG * (R(x, y) //
- 8 * M_PI * Sij(x, y)));
})) //
+ alphaG * ((Kh + 2 * Theta) * At(a, b) //
- sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return 2 * gammatu(x, y) * At(x, a) * At(y, b);
})) //
+ sum1([&](int x) {
return At(x, a) * dbetaG(x)(b) //
+ At(x, b) * dbetaG(x)(a);
}) //
- sum1([&](int x) {
return 2 / T(3) * At(a, b) * dbetaG(x)(x);
}); //
// (5)
Gamt_rhs([&](int a) {
return -sum1([&](int x) { return 2 * Atu(a, x) * dalphaG(x); }) //
+ 2 * alphaG *
(sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return Gammat(a)(x, y) * Atu(x, y);
}) //
- sum1([&](int x) {
return 3 / T(2) * Atu(a, x) * dchi(x) / chi;
}) //
- sum1([&](int x) {
return 1 / T(3) * gammatu(a, x) *
(2 * dKh(x) + dTheta(x));
}) //
- sum1([&](int x) {
return 8 * M_PI * gammatu(a, x) * Si(x);
})) //
+ sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return gammatu(x, y) * ddbetaG(a)(x, y);
}) //
+ sum2([&](int x, int y) {
return 1 / T(3) * gammatu(a, x) * ddbetaG(y)(x, y);
}) //
- sum1([&](int x) { return Gamtd(x) * dbetaG(a)(x); }) //
+ sum1([&](int x) {
return 2 / T(3) * Gamtd(a) * dbetaG(x)(x);
}) //
- 2 * alphaG * kappa1 * (Gamt(a) - Gamtd(a));
// (6)
1 / T(2) * alphaG *
(Rsc //
- sum2([&](int x, int y) { return At(x, y) * Atu(x, y); }) //
+ 2 / T(3) * pow2(Kh + 2 * Theta)) //
- alphaG * (8 * M_PI * rho //
+ kappa1 * (2 + kappa2) * Theta)),
// (11)
alphaG_rhs([&] {
const T mu_L = f_mu_L / alphaG;
return -pow2(alphaG) * mu_L * Kh;
// (12)
betaG_rhs([&](int a) {
const T mu_S = f_mu_S / pow2(alphaG);
return pow2(alphaG) * mu_S * Gamt(a) //
- eta * betaG(a);
z4c_vars(const T &kappa1, const T &kappa2, const T &f_mu_L, const T &f_mu_SL,
const T &eta,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_chi_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatxx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatxy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatxz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatyy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatyz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_gammatzz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Kh_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atxx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atxy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atxz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atyy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atyz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Atzz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Gamtx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Gamty_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Gamtz_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_Theta_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_alphaG_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_betaGx_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_betaGy_,
const GF3D<const T, 0, 0, 0> &gf_betaGz_,
const vect<int, 3> &I, const vec3<T> &dx)
: z4c_vars(kappa1, kappa2, f_mu_L, f_mu_S, eta,
gf_chi_(I), deriv(gf_chi_, I, dx), deriv2(gf_chi_, I, dx),
mat3<T>(gf_gammatxx_, gf_gammatxy_, gf_gammatxz_, gf_gammatyy_,
gf_gammatyz_, gf_gammatzz_, I),
mat3<vec3<T> >{
deriv(gf_gammatxx_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatxy_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatxz_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatyy_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatyz_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_gammatzz_, I, dx),
mat3<mat3<T> >{
deriv2(gf_gammatxx_, I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatxy_, I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatxz_, I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatyy_, I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatyz_, I, dx),
deriv2(gf_gammatzz_, I, dx),
gf_Kh_(I), deriv(gf_Kh_, I, dx),
mat3<T>(gf_Atxx_, gf_Atxy_, gf_Atxz_, gf_Atyy_, gf_Atyz_,
gf_Atzz_, I),
mat3<vec3<T> >{
deriv(gf_Atxx_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atxy_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atxz_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atyy_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atyz_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_Atzz_, I, dx),
vec3<T>(gf_Gamtx_, gf_Gamty_, gf_Gamtz_, I),
vec3<vec3<T> >{
deriv(gf_Gamtx_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_Gamty_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_Gamtz_, I, dx),
gf_Theta_(I), deriv(gf_Theta_, I, dx),
gf_alphaG_(I), deriv(gf_alphaG_, I, dx),
deriv2(gf_alphaG_, I, dx),
vec3<T>(gf_betaGx_, gf_betaGy_, gf_betaGz_, I),
vec3<vec3<T> >{
deriv(gf_betaGx_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_betaGy_, I, dx),
deriv(gf_betaGz_, I, dx),
vec3<mat3<T> >{
deriv2(gf_betaGx_, I, dx),
deriv2(gf_betaGy_, I, dx),
deriv2(gf_betaGz_, I, dx),
vec3<T>{0, 0, 0},
mat3<T>{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
}; // namespace Z4c
} // namespace Z4c
#endif // #ifndef Z4C_HXX