public export
Monad LinkedList where
bind Nil _ = Nil
bind (x::xs) f = f x <> (xs `bind` f)
proofLeftIdentity x f = rewrite concatNil (f x) in Refl
proofRightIdentity Nil = Refl
proofRightIdentity (x::xs) with (Monad.proofRightIdentity xs)
proofRightIdentity (_::_) | prf = rewrite prf in Refl
proofAssociativity Nil f g = Refl
proofAssociativity (x::xs) f g with (f x)
proofAssociativity (x::xs) f g | Nil = rewrite proofAssociativity xs f g in Refl
proofAssociativity (x::xs) f g | (r::rs) = ?holeAssociativity