# cast of characters
standing on the shoulders of [giants](https://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2023/10/20/using-rust/#fnref:3) from [wg-async](https://rust-lang.github.io/wg-async/vision/characters.html)
Alan: the experienced git user, new to pijul
Top priority: conflict resolution -- that's what he is not getting from git
Expectations: absence of hard to resolve conflicts (he gets that now from his git), strong ecosystem, great tooling
Grace: the darcs expert, new to pijul
Top priority: clear mental model -- that's what she was not getting from darcs
Expectations: able to do all the magical things she's used to from darcs
Niklaus: new user from an unconventional background
Top priority: accessibility -- he's learning a lot of new things at once
Expectations: community -- the community enabled him to have early success, and he is excited to have it support him and him grow more
Barbara: the experienced pijul user
Top priority: overall productivity and long-term maintenance -- she loves pijul, and wants to see it extended to new areas; she has an existing pijul repository to maintain
Expectations: elegance and craftsmanship, fits well with pijul