Allows callers to choose the locale at runtime, which is necessary to handle arbitrary configuration. There is no locale fallback implemented yet, so any locale that does not directly match the options implemented will be handled by the default locale (hardcoded to en-US for now).
fn to_syn(&self, canonical_locale: String) -> syn::ExprBlock {
let additional_locales = self
.map(|locale| locale.to_string())
.map(|locale_string| syn::LitStr::new(&locale_string, proc_macro2::Span::call_site()));
let additional_messages = self
let canonical_locale = syn::LitStr::new(&canonical_locale, proc_macro2::Span::call_site());
let canonical_message = crate::parse_fluent::message(&self.canonical_message);
parse_quote! {
#(if locale.normalizing_eq(#additional_locales) { return #additional_messages })else*