Nothing fancy, just using automation as an excuse to play around with nushell scripting.
#!/usr/bin/env nu
# Learning nushell by writing a simple updater script
# Mostly just testing out all the different language features
use std assert;
const required_paths = [".pijul" "flake.nix"];
# Helper function to make sure all necessary paths are present
def assert_path_exists [candidate] {
assert ($candidate | path exists) $"(ansi red) Failed to find required file: (ansi red_bold)($candidate)(ansi reset)"
# If not root, need to elevate permissions
let script_location = $env.CURRENT_FILE;
let parent_dir = $script_location | path dirname;
echo $"(ansi purple)Attempting update in (ansi green_bold)($parent_dir)(ansi reset)";
cd $parent_dir;
# Check all the required paths are here
$required_paths | each {|required_path| assert_path_exists $required_path}
# Make sure to record changes, even if trivial
pijul record
nix flake update;
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade-all --impure;
# Upgrade all the other package managers
topgrade --disable nix --disable system --yes --no-retry