Lemma rew_bit n w m eq i :
bit (eq_rect n word w m eq) i = bit w (eq_rect m ordinal i n (Logic.eq_sym eq)).
Proof. by move: i; case eq => i. Qed.
Lemma rew_ord n i m eq:
eq_rect n ordinal i m eq =
let '(Ordinal i l) := i in Ordinal (eq_rect n (fun m => i < m) l m eq).
Proof. by move: i; case eq; case=> m' ltn. Qed.
Lemma pushLowK {n} : cancel pushLow (popLow (n := n)).
move=> [b w].
rewrite /popLow; unlock.
apply pair_equal_spec; split.
- rewrite -{2}[b](pushLow_spec1 b w).
rewrite /bool_of_word1 fromBitsK rew_bit; f_equal.
by apply /eqP; rewrite rew_ord /eq_op; simpl.
- apply wordP => i.
rewrite -(pushLow_spec2 b w).
rewrite fromBitsK rew_bit; f_equal.
by apply /eqP; rewrite rew_ord /eq_op; simpl.
Lemma popLowK {n} : cancel popLow (pushLow (n := n)).
move=> w.
rewrite /popLow; unlock.
apply wordP; case /ordLowP.
- rewrite pushLow_spec1 /bool_of_word1 fromBitsK rew_bit; f_equal.
by apply /eqP; rewrite rew_ord /eq_op; simpl.
- move=> i.
rewrite pushLow_spec2 fromBitsK rew_bit; f_equal.
by apply /eqP; rewrite rew_ord /eq_op; simpl.
Lemma ordHighP {n} (i : 'I_n.+1) : ordHigh i.
case i => m pf.
have: (m == n) = (m == n) by []; case: {-1}(m == n) => [eq | neq].
- have->: Ordinal pf = ord_max by apply /eqP; rewrite /eq_op; simpl.
apply ordHigh2.
- move: (pf) => pf'.
rewrite leq_eqVlt eqSS neq -[m.+1]add1n -[n.+1]add1n ltn_add2l in pf.
simpl in pf.
have->: Ordinal pf' = widen_ord (leqnSn _) (Ordinal pf)
by apply /eqP; rewrite /eq_op; simpl.
apply ordHigh1.
Definition popHigh {n} (w : word n.+1) : word n * bool.
apply locked.
refine (let '(w,b) := split _ in (w, bool_of_word1 b)).
by rewrite addn1.
Lemma pushHighK {n} : cancel pushHigh (popHigh (n := n)).
move=> [w b].
rewrite /popHigh; unlock.
apply pair_equal_spec; split.
- apply wordP => i.
rewrite -(pushHigh_spec1 w b).
rewrite fromBitsK rew_bit; f_equal.
by apply /eqP; rewrite rew_ord /eq_op; simpl.
- rewrite -{2}[b](pushHigh_spec2 w b).
rewrite /bool_of_word1 fromBitsK rew_bit; f_equal.
by apply /eqP; rewrite rew_ord /eq_op; simpl; rewrite addn0.
Lemma popHighK {n} : cancel popHigh (pushHigh (n := n)).
move=> w.
rewrite /popHigh; unlock.
apply wordP; case /ordHighP.
- move=> i.
rewrite pushHigh_spec1 fromBitsK rew_bit; f_equal.
by apply /eqP; rewrite rew_ord /eq_op; simpl.
- rewrite pushHigh_spec2 /bool_of_word1 fromBitsK rew_bit; f_equal.
by apply /eqP; rewrite rew_ord /eq_op; simpl; rewrite addn0.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import word memory.
(* The peripherals attached to the processor in the Atari 2600.
These present themselves to the processor via memory addresses.
(* There are four kinds of peripheral inside the Atari 2600.
The Atari has 4096 bytes of read-only memory, used to store the game code.
These present themselves on addresses `...1 xxxx xxxx xxxx`.
(A dot means the bit is ignored.)
I don't know what happens if you try to write to it, so I assume anything is possible.
The Atari has 128 bytes of writable memory, used to store the game state.
These present themselves on addresses `...0 ..0. 1xxx xxxx`.
- TIA and PIA
The Atari has two other peripherals, for stuff like graphics, player input, et cetera.
I don't understand what these do, so I'll assume they can do anything.
The TIA is on adresses `...0 .... 0.xx xxxx`.
The PIA is on addresses `...0 ..1. 1..x xxxx`.
Definition ROM := memory 12 (word 8).
Inductive state (rom : ROM) := fromRAM of (memory 7 (word 8)).
Arguments fromRAM {rom}.
Definition RAM {rom} : state rom -> memory 7 (word 8) := fun '(fromRAM ram) => ram.
Lemma RAMK {rom} : cancel RAM (fromRAM (rom := rom)). by case. Qed.
Lemma fromRAMK {rom} : cancel fromRAM (RAM (rom := rom)). done. Qed.
Definition read {rom} (addr : word 16) (s : state rom) (w : word 8) : Prop.
by refine (
(* ROM *)
if bit addr (Ordinal (m := 12) _)
then w = get rom (split (n := 4) _).1
(* TIA *)
else if ~~ bit addr (Ordinal (m := 7) _)
then True
(* PIA *)
else if bit addr (Ordinal (m := 9) _)
then True
(* RAM *)
else w = get (RAM s) (split (n := 9) _).1
Definition write {rom} (addr : word 16) (s : state rom) (w : word 8) (s' : state rom) : Prop.
by refine (
(* ROM *)
if bit addr (Ordinal (m := 12) _)
then True
(* TIA *)
else if ~~ bit addr (Ordinal (m := 7) _)
then True
(* PIA *)
else if bit addr (Ordinal (m := 9) _)
then True
(* RAM *)
else s' = fromRAM (update (RAM s) (fun=>w) (split (n := 9) _).1)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import word.
(* An efficient implementation of `word n -> V`. *)
Fixpoint memory n (V : Type) : Type := match n with
| 0 => V
| n.+1 => memory n (V * V)
Definition get {n V} : memory n V -> (word n -> V).
move: V; elim: n.
- move=> V v _. exact v.
- move=> n recurse V m /popLow [b w].
move: (recurse (V*V)%type m w) => [x y].
exact (if b then y else x).
Definition fromFun {n V} : (word n -> V) -> memory n V.
move: V; elim: n.
- move=> V f. exact (f trivial_word).
- move=> n recurse V f.
apply recurse.
move=> w.
split; apply f.
+ exact (pushLow (false, w)).
+ exact (pushLow (true, w)).
Lemma fromFun_respect_eq1 {n V f g} : f =1 g -> fromFun f = fromFun (n := n) (V := V) g.
move: V f g; elim: n.
- simpl. done.
- move=> n IH V f g eq. apply IH => w. by rewrite eq eq.
Lemma getK {n V} : cancel get (fromFun (n := n) (V := V)).
move: V; elim: n.
- done.
- move=> n IH V m.
rewrite -{2}(IH _ m).
apply: fromFun_respect_eq1 => w.
rewrite pushLowK pushLowK.
by apply: injective_projections.
Lemma fromFunK {n V} : forall f, get (fromFun (n := n) (V := V) f) =1 f.
move: V; elim: n.
- move=> V f w. by rewrite word0.
- move=> n IH V f w.
have: popLow w = popLow w by []; move: {-1}(popLow w) => [b w'] eq.
rewrite IH.
have: b = b by []; case: {-1}b => <-; move: eq => <-; by rewrite popLowK.
Definition update {n V} : memory n V -> (V -> V) -> word n -> memory n V.
move: V; elim: n.
- move=> V m f _. exact (f m).
- move=> n recurse V m f /popLow [b w].
move: (fun '(x,y) => if b then (x, f y) else (f x, y)) => f'.
exact (recurse (V*V)%type m f' w).
Lemma update_spec {n V} (f : V -> V) (w w' : word n) m
: get (update m f w') w = if w == w' then f (get m w) else get m w.
move: V f w w' m; elim: n.
- move=> V f w w' m. by rewrite word0 word0.
- move=> n IH V f w w' m.
rewrite -{2}[w]popLowK -{2}[w']popLowK.
move: (popLow w) (popLow w'); clear w w'; move=> [b w] [b' w'].
rewrite IH.
have->: (pushLow (b, w) == pushLow (b', w')) = andb (b == b') (w == w')
by rewrite /pushLow; do 3 (rewrite /eq_op; simpl).
move: (get (n := n) m w) => [x y].
by case: (w == w'); case: b; case: b'.