console.log( "Starting game setup" );
// Setting up player boards
for( var player_id in gamedatas.players )
var player = gamedatas.players[player_id];
// TODO: Setting up players boards if needed
// TODO: Set up your game interface here, according to "gamedatas"
// Player hand; the secret case cards for your left neighbor This
// hand is "not actionable", i.e. read-only, during a whole round.
// It could probably be handled in the template only, without JS.
// this.playerHand = new ebg.stock(); // new stock object for hand
// this.playerHand.create( this, $('myhand'), this.cardwidth, this.cardheight );
// this.playerHand.image_items_per_row = 12;
// The evidence card display
// Set up player hand, i.e. the secret case cards of their left neighbor
this.playerHand = new ebg.stock();
this.playerHand.create(this, $('myhand'), this.cardwidth, this.cardheight);
this.playerHand.setSelectionMode(0); // no selection possible
this.playerHand.image_items_per_row = CARD_ITEMS_PER_ROW;
this.playerHand.item_margin = CARD_ITEM_MARGIN;
// The stocks where evidence cards can live: display, discard, player displays
this.evidenceDisplay.create( this, $('evidence'), this.cardwidth, this.cardheight );
this.evidenceDisplay.image_items_per_row = 9;
this.evidenceDisplay.create(this, $('evidence'), this.cardwidth, this.cardheight);
this.evidenceDisplay.image_items_per_row = CARD_ITEMS_PER_ROW;
this.evidenceDisplay.item_margin = CARD_ITEM_MARGIN;
this.evidenceDiscard.setSelectionMode(0); // max 1 card can be selected
this.evidenceDiscard.setOverlap(2, 0);
this.evidenceDiscard.create( this, $('evidence_discard'), this.cardwidth, this.cardheight );
this.evidenceDiscard.image_items_per_row = 9;
this.evidenceDiscard.setSelectionMode(0); // no selection possible
this.evidenceDiscard.create(this, $('evidence_discard'), this.cardwidth, this.cardheight);
this.evidenceDiscard.image_items_per_row = CARD_ITEMS_PER_ROW;
this.evidenceDiscard.setOverlap(.01, 0); // basically on top of eachother
this.evidenceDiscard.item_margin = 0;
this.addTooltip('evidence_discard', _("Discard pile"), _('View discarded cards.'));
// TODO: onclick expand the discard pile, so it can be inspected
this.playerDisplays = {};
for (var player_id in gamedatas.players) {
var pdstock = new ebg.stock();
this.playerDisplays[player_id] = pdstock;
var node_id = (player_id == this.player_id) ? 'myevidence' : 'playerdisplay_' + player_id;
pdstock.setSelectionMode(0); // no selection possible
pdstock.create(this, $(node_id), this.cardwidth, this.cardheight);
pdstock.setOverlap(66, 0); // basically on top of eachother
pdstock.image_items_per_row = CARD_ITEMS_PER_ROW;
pdstock.item_margin = CARD_ITEM_MARGIN;
this.playerDisplay = this.playerDisplays[this.player_id]; // shortcut for current player
for (var value = 1; value <= 36; value++) {
var pos_in_img = value - 1; // it's zero-based
// weight is 0 for all as they have no inherent value
this.evidenceDisplay.addItemType(value, 0, g_gamethemeurl + 'img/evidencecards.jpg', pos_in_img);
this.evidenceDiscard.addItemType(value, 0, g_gamethemeurl + 'img/evidencecards.jpg', pos_in_img);
for (var i = 1; i <= 36; i++) {
var pos_in_img = i - 1; // it's zero-based
// weight is 0 for all as they have no inherent weight
this.playerHand.addItemType(i + 36, 0, g_gamethemeurl + 'img/casecards.jpg', pos_in_img);
this.evidenceDisplay.addItemType(i, 0, g_gamethemeurl + 'img/evidencecards.jpg', pos_in_img);
this.evidenceDiscard.addItemType(i, 0, g_gamethemeurl + 'img/evidencecards.jpg', pos_in_img);
for (var player_id in gamedatas.players) {
this.playerDisplays[player_id].addItemType(i, 0, g_gamethemeurl + 'img/evidencecards.jpg', pos_in_img);
// // Cards in player's hand
// for ( var i in this.gamedatas.hand) {
// var card = this.gamedatas.hand[i];
// var color = card.type;
// var value = card.type_arg;
// this.playerHand.addToStockWithId(this.getCardUniqueId(color, value),;
// }
// Cards in player's hand
for (i in this.gamedatas.hand) {
var card = this.gamedatas.hand[i];
for (i in this.gamedatas.player_display_cards) {
// All cards have same location 'player_display' with `location_arg` being the player_id
var card = this.gamedatas.player_display_cards[i];
// Preventing default browser reaction
dojo.stopEvent( evt );
// Check that this action is possible (see "possibleactions" in
if( ! this.checkAction( 'myAction' ) )
{ return; }
this.ajaxcall( "/fabiantest/fabiantest/myAction.html", {
lock: true,
myArgument1: arg1,
myArgument2: arg2,
this, function( result ) {
// What to do after the server call if it succeeded
// (most of the time: nothing)
}, function( is_error) {
// What to do after the server call in anyway (success or failure)
// (most of the time: nothing)
} );
if (notif.args.useful) {
this.evidenceDiscard.addToStockWithId(notif.args.card_type, notif.args.card_id, 'evidence');
// this.evidenceDisplay.removeFromStockById(notif.args.card_id, 'evidence_discard');
} else {
// TODO: move to player display
// Useless evidences goes to player display; valueable evidence to discard.
var targetStock = (notif.args.useful) ? this.evidenceDiscard : this.playerDisplays[notif.args.player_id];
targetStock.addToStockWithId(notif.args.card_type, notif.args.card_id, 'evidence');
$this->page->insert_block("player", array ("PLAYER_ID" => $player_id,
"PLAYER_NAME" => $players [$player_id] ['player_name'],
"PLAYER_COLOR" => $players [$player_id] ['player_color'] ));
array (
"PLAYER_ID" => $player_id,
"PLAYER_NAME" => $players[$player_id]['player_name'],
"PLAYER_COLOR" => $players[$player_id]['player_color'],
<div id="evidence_wrap" class="whiteblock">
<div id="evidence"></div>
<div id="evidence_wrap" class="whiteblock" style="float:left; width:950px"><div id="evidence"></div></div>
<div class="whiteblock" style="display:inline-block;background:none; opacity:0.75; width:110px;">
<div class="playertable whiteblock">
<h4 style="color:#{PLAYER_COLOR}">{PLAYER_NAME}</h4>
<div class="playertablecard" id="playertablecard_{PLAYER_ID}">
<div class="whiteblock">
<h4>{EVIDENCE_CARDS_OF_PLAYER} <span style="color:#{PLAYER_COLOR}">{PLAYER_NAME}</span></h4>
<div id="playerdisplay_{PLAYER_ID}"></div>