No more need for a reproduction script! It just says something like
If you have Nix installed, you can reproduce this build on your own machine by running the following command:
<p>You can reproduce this build on your own machine by downloading
<a [% HTML.attributes(href => url) %]>a script</a> that checks out
all inputs of the build and then invokes Nix to perform the build.
This script requires that you have Nix on your system.</p>
<span class="shell-prompt"># </span>nix build [% HTML.escape(eval.flake) %]:hydraJobs.[% HTML.escape( %]
[% ELSE %]
<p>If you have <a href=''>Nix
installed</a>, you can reproduce this build on your own machine by
downloading <a [% HTML.attributes(href => url) %]>a script</a>
that checks out all inputs of the build and then invokes Nix to
perform the build.</p>