/* Find a machine with a free slot and find a step to run
on it. Once we find such a pair, we restart the outer
loop because the machine sorting will have changed. */
keepGoing = false;
for (auto & mi : machinesSorted) {
// FIXME: can we lose a wakeup if a builder exits concurrently?
if (mi.machine->state->currentJobs >= mi.machine->maxJobs) continue;
//printMsg(lvlDebug, format("%1% runnable builds") % runnable_->size());
/* FIXME: we're holding the runnable lock too long
here. This could be more efficient. */
sort(runnableSorted.begin(), runnableSorted.end(),
[](const Step::ptr & a, const Step::ptr & b)
auto a_(a->state.lock());
auto b_(b->state.lock()); // FIXME: deadlock?
return a_->lowestBuildID < b_->lowestBuildID;
/* Find a machine with a free slot and find a step to run
on it. Once we find such a pair, we restart the outer
loop because the machine sorting will have changed. */
keepGoing = false;
for (auto & mi : machinesSorted) {
if (mi.machine->state->currentJobs >= mi.machine->maxJobs) continue;
for (auto & step : runnableSorted) {
/* Can this machine do this step? */
if (!mi.machine->supportsStep(step)) continue;
/* Let's do this step. Remove it from the runnable
list. FIXME: O(n). */
auto runnable_(runnable.lock());
bool removed = false;
for (auto i = runnable_->begin(); i != runnable_->end(); )
if (i->lock() == step) {
i = runnable_->erase(i);
removed = true;
} else ++i;
void visitDependencies(std::function<void(Step::ptr)> visitor, Step::ptr start)
std::set<Step::ptr> queued;
std::queue<Step::ptr> todo;
while (!todo.empty()) {
auto step = todo.front();
auto state(step->state.lock());
for (auto & dep : state->deps)
if (queued.find(dep) == queued.end()) {
/* Update the lowest build ID field of each dependency. This
is used by the dispatcher to start steps in order of build
ID. */
visitDependencies([&](const Step::ptr & step) {
auto step_(step->state.lock());
step_->lowestBuildID = std::min(step_->lowestBuildID, build->id);
}, build->toplevel);