Closes #406
Icons provided free by [EmojiOne](
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/checkmark_${size}.png") %]" title="Succeeded" alt="Succeeded" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-check-2714.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Succeeded" alt="Succeeded" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/error_${size}.png") %]" title="Failed" alt="Failed" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Failed" alt="Failed" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/dependency_${size}.png") %]" title="Dependency failed" alt="Dependency failed" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-gray-x-2716.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Dependency failed" alt="Dependency failed" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/warning_${size}.png") %]" title="Aborted" alt="Aborted" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-stopsign-1f6d1.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Aborted" alt="Aborted" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/forbidden_${size}.png") %]" title="Cancelled" alt="Cancelled" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-stopsign-1f6d1.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Cancelled" alt="Cancelled" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/error_${size}.png") %]" title="Failed with output" alt="Failed with output" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Failed with output" alt="Failed with output" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/warning_${size}.png") %]" title="Timed out" alt="Timed out" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Timed out" alt="Timed out" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/warning_${size}.png") %]" title="Log limit exceeded" alt="Log limit exceeded" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Log limit exceeded" alt="Log limit exceeded" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/warning_${size}.png") %]" title="Output size limit exceeded" alt="Output size limit exceeded" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Output size limit exceeded" alt="Output size limit exceeded" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/error_${size}.png") %]" title="Failed" alt="Failed" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Failed" alt="Failed" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/help_${size}.png") %]" title="Queued" alt="Queued" class="build-status" />
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-question-2754.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Queued" alt="Queued" class="build-status" />
<svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64"><path fill="#61B329" d="M55.999 2L18.8 42.909 8 34.729H2L18.8 62 62 2z"/></svg>
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