HipChat notification messages now say which committers were responsible, e.g.
Job patchelf:trunk:tarball: Failed, probably due to 2 commits by Eelco Dolstra
(my $uri, my $branch, my $deepClone) = split ' ', $value;
$branch = defined $branch ? $branch : "master";
my $timestamp = time;
my $sha256;
my $storePath;
# Clone or update a branch of a repository into our SCM cache.
sub _cloneRepo {
my ($self, $uri, $branch, $deepClone) = @_;
# This command force the update of the local branch to be in the same as
# the remote branch for whatever the repository state is. This command mirror
# This command forces the update of the local branch to be in the same as
# the remote branch for whatever the repository state is. This command mirrors
($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("git", "rev-parse", "$branch"));
die "error getting revision number of Git branch '$branch' at `$uri':\n$stderr" if $res;
my ($revision) = split /\n/, $stdout;
die "error getting a well-formated revision number of Git branch '$branch' at `$uri':\n$stdout"
unless $revision =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/;
my $ref = "refs/heads/$branch";
return $clonePath;
sub _parseValue {
my ($value) = @_;
(my $uri, my $branch, my $deepClone) = split ' ', $value;
$branch = defined $branch ? $branch : "master";
return ($uri, $branch, $deepClone);
sub fetchInput {
my ($self, $type, $name, $value) = @_;
return undef if $type ne "git";
my ($uri, $branch, $deepClone) = _parseValue($value);
my $clonePath = $self->_cloneRepo($uri, $branch, $deepClone);
my $timestamp = time;
my $sha256;
my $storePath;
my ($res, $stdout, $stderr) = captureStdoutStderr(600,
("git", "rev-parse", "$branch"));
die "error getting revision number of Git branch '$branch' at `$uri':\n$stderr" if $res;
my ($revision) = split /\n/, $stdout;
die "error getting a well-formated revision number of Git branch '$branch' at `$uri':\n$stdout"
unless $revision =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/;
sub getCommits {
my ($self, $type, $value, $rev1, $rev2) = @_;
return [] if $type ne "git";
return [] unless $rev1 =~ /^[0-9a-f]+$/;
return [] unless $rev2 =~ /^[0-9a-f]+$/;
my ($uri, $branch, $deepClone) = _parseValue($value);
my $clonePath = $self->_cloneRepo($uri, $branch, $deepClone);
my $out;
IPC::Run::run(["git", "log", "--pretty=format:%H%x09%an%x09%ae%x09%at", "$rev1..$rev2"], \undef, \$out)
or die "cannot get git logs: $?";
my $res = [];
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $out) {
my ($revision, $author, $email, $date) = split "\t", $line;
push @$res, { revision => $revision, author => $author, email => $email };
return $res;
return if scalar keys %rooms == 0;
# Determine who broke/fixed the build.
my $prevBuild = getPreviousBuild($build);
my $nrCommits = 0;
my %authors;
if ($prevBuild) {
foreach my $curInput ($build->buildinputs_builds) {
next unless $curInput->type eq "git";
my $prevInput = $prevBuild->buildinputs_builds->find({ name => $curInput->name });
next unless defined $prevInput;
next if $curInput->type ne $prevInput->type;
next if $curInput->uri ne $prevInput->uri;
my @commits;
foreach my $plugin (@{$self->{plugins}}) {
push @commits, @{$plugin->getCommits($curInput->type, $curInput->uri, $prevInput->revision, $curInput->revision)};
foreach my $commit (@commits) {
print STDERR "$commit->{revision} by $commit->{author}\n";
$authors{$commit->{author}} = $commit->{email};
if (scalar keys %authors > 0) {
# FIXME: HTML escaping
my @x = map { "<a href='mailto:$authors{$_}'>$_</a>" } (sort keys %authors);
$msg .= ", likely due to ";
$msg .= "$nrCommits commits by " if $nrCommits > 1;
$msg .= join(" or ", scalar @x > 1 ? join(", ", @x[0..scalar @x - 2]) : (), $x[-1]);