Needed by the NixOS channel scripts since we can no longer get a MANIFEST from Hydra.
# Return the store paths of all succeeded builds of type 'nix-build'
# (i.e. regular packages). Used by the NixOS channel scripts.
sub store_paths : Chained('evalChain') PathPart('store-paths') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my @builds = $c->stash->{eval}->builds
->search_literal("exists (select 1 from buildproducts where build = and type = 'nix-build')")
->search({ finished => 1, buildstatus => 0 },
{ columns => [], join => ["buildoutputs"]
, '+select' => ['buildoutputs.path'], '+as' => ['outpath'] });
entity => [sort map {$_->get_column('outpath')} @builds]