Allow to configure the timeout value for the GitInput plugin in different places.

  1. From the hydra configuration file.

    The configuration is loaded from the "git-input" block. Currently only the "timeout" variable is been looked up in the file.


    general timeout

    timeout = 400 <input-name> # specific timeout for a particular input name timeout = 400 </input-name>

    use quotes when the input name has spaces

    <"foot with spaces"> # specific timeout for a particular input name timeout = 400 </"foo with spaces"> </git-input>

  2. As an argument in the input value after the repo url and branch (and after the deepClone if is defined) "timeout=<value>"

The preference on which value is used:

  1. input value
  2. Block with the name of the input in the <git-input> block
  3. "timeout" inside the <git-input> block
  4. Default value of 600 seconds. (original hard-coded value)

The code is generalized for more values to be configured, it might be too much for a single value on a single plugin.

Created by  Joel Rivera  on April 13, 2017
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