From the hydra configuration file.
The configuration is loaded from the "git-input" block. Currently only the "timeout" variable is been looked up in the file.
timeout = 400 <input-name> # specific timeout for a particular input name timeout = 400 </input-name>
<"foot with spaces"> # specific timeout for a particular input name timeout = 400 </"foo with spaces"> </git-input>
As an argument in the input value after the repo url and branch (and after the deepClone if is defined) "timeout=<value>"
The preference on which value is used:
The code is generalized for more values to be configured, it might be too much for a single value on a single plugin.
return ($uri, $branch, $deepClone);
my $options = {};
my $start_options = 3;
# if deepClone has "=" then is considered an option
# and not the enabling of deepClone
if (index($deepClone, "=") != -1) {
undef $deepClone;
$start_options = 2;
foreach my $option (@parts[$start_options .. $#parts]) {
(my $key, my $value) = split('=', $option);
$options->{$key} = $value;
return ($uri, $branch, $deepClone, $options);
sub _printIfDebug {
my ($msg) = @_;
print STDERR "GitInput: $msg" if $ENV{'HYDRA_DEBUG'};
=item _pluginConfig($main_config, $input_name)
Read the configuration from the main hydra config file.
The configuration is loaded from the "git-input" block.
Currently only the "timeout" variable is been looked up in the file.
The variables defined directly in the input value will override
the ones on the configuration file, to define the variables
as an input value use: <name>=<value> without spaces and
specify at least he repo url and branch.
# general timeout
timeout = 400
# specific timeout for a particular input name
timeout = 400
# use quotes when the input name has spaces
<"foot with spaces">
# specific timeout for a particular input name
timeout = 400
</"foo with spaces">
sub _pluginConfig {
my ($main_config, $input_name) = @_;
my $cfg = $main_config->{$CONFIG_SECTION};
# default values
my $values = {
timeout => 600,
unless (defined $cfg) {
_printIfDebug "Unable to load $CONFIG_SECTION section\n";
_printIfDebug "Using default values\n";
return $values;
} else {
_printIfDebug "Parsing plugin configuration: ";
_printIfDebug Dumper($cfg);
if (defined $cfg->{$input_name} and %{$cfg->{$input_name}}) {
_printIfDebug "Merging sections for $input_name\n";
$cfg = {%{$cfg}, %{$cfg->{$input_name}}}; # merge with precedense to the input name
if (exists $cfg->{timeout}) {
$values->{timeout} = int($cfg->{timeout});
_printIfDebug "Using custom timeout for $input_name:";
} else {
_printIfDebug "Using default timeout for $input_name:";
_printIfDebug "$values->{timeout}\n";
return $values;
my ($uri, $branch, $deepClone) = _parseValue($value);
my ($uri, $branch, $deepClone, $options) = _parseValue($value);
my $cfg = _pluginConfig($self->{config}, $name);
# give preference to the options from the input value
while (my ($opt_name, $opt_value) = each %{$options}) {
if ($opt_value =~ /\d+/) {
$opt_value = int($opt_value);
$cfg->{$opt_name} = $opt_value;
_printIfDebug "'$name': override '$opt_name' with input value: $opt_value\n";
$res = run(cmd => ["git", "fetch", "-fu", "origin", "+$branch:$localBranch"], dir => $clonePath, timeout => 600);
$res = run(cmd => ["git", "fetch", "-fu", "origin"], dir => $clonePath, timeout => 600) if $res->{status};
$res = run(cmd => ["git", "fetch", "-fu", "origin", "+$branch:$localBranch"], dir => $clonePath,
timeout => $cfg->{timeout});
$res = run(cmd => ["git", "fetch", "-fu", "origin"], dir => $clonePath, timeout => $cfg->{timeout}) if $res->{status};