This is necessary because the required system type can become available later (e.g. by being provisioned by the auto-scaler). However, in the future, we may want to fail steps if they have been unsupported for more than a certain amount of time.
buildStatus = step == r ? bsFailed : bsDepFailed;
buildStepStatus = bssFailed;
if (buildStatus == bsSuccess) {
bool supported = false;
auto machines_(machines.lock()); // FIXME: use shared_mutex
for (auto & m : *machines_)
if (m.second->supportsStep(r)) { supported = true; break; }
if (!supported) {
printMsg(lvlError, format("aborting unsupported build %1%") % build->id);
buildStatus = bsUnsupported;
buildStepStatus = bssUnsupported;
if (buildStatus != bsSuccess) {
time_t now = time(0);
("update Builds set finished = 1, busy = 0, buildStatus = $2, startTime = $3, stopTime = $3, isCachedBuild = $4 where id = $1 and finished = 0")
("update Builds set finished = 1, busy = 0, buildStatus = $2, startTime = $3, stopTime = $3, isCachedBuild = 1 where id = $1 and finished = 0")