If the root flake is a github: one, github status notifications are sent to it. The githubstatus->inputs configuration isn't used for flakes.
foreach my $input (@inputs) {
my $i = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => $input, altnr => 0 });
next unless defined $i;
my $uri = $i->uri;
my $rev = $i->revision;
my $key = $uri . "-" . $rev;
next if exists $seen{$input}->{$key};
my $sendStatus = sub {
my ($input, $owner, $repo, $rev) = @_;
my $key = $owner . "-" . $repo . "-" . $rev;
return if exists $seen{$input}->{$key};
if (defined $eval->flake) {
my $fl = $eval->flake;
print STDERR "Flake is $fl\n";
$eval->flake =~ m!github:([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.+)$!;
$sendStatus->("src", $1, $2, $3);
} else {
foreach my $input (@inputs) {
my $i = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => $input, altnr => 0 });
if (! defined $i) {
print STDERR "Evaluation $eval doesn't have input $input\n";
next unless defined $i;
my $uri = $i->uri;
my $rev = $i->revision;
$uri =~ m![:/]([^/]+)/([^/]+?)(?:.git)?$!;
$sendStatus->($input, $1, $2, $rev);