Render the jobset page correctly when there are fetch errors

The original code would return standard "Please come back later" page when there are only fetch errors on a newly setup declarative project. The problem is that there are two types of errors: standard errors and fetch errors. Each is acompanied by a corresponding field for time of occurence. Standard errors use 'errortime', while fetch errors have 'lastchecktime' set to the time of the error. Unfortunately, file was only using 'errortime' for displaying the time. This would result in the following errors in logs:

Couldn't render template "date error - bad time/date string:  expects 'h:m:s d:m:y'  got: ''

This change includes using 'lastchecktime' when rendering the error times.

Created by  Nikola Knezevic  on May 20, 2020
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