2.449] → [
die "input type ‘eval’ only supported for Nix-based jobsets\n" unless $exprType eq "nix";
my $s = "{ ";
# FIXME: escape $_. But dots should not be escaped.
$s .= "$_ = builtins.storePath ${\$alt->{jobs}->{$_}}; "
foreach keys %{$alt->{jobs}};
$s .= "}";
push @res, "--arg", $input, $s;
else {
push @res, "--arg", $input, buildInputToString($exprType, $alt);
die "input type ‘eval’ only supported for Nix-based jobsets\n" unless $exprType eq "nix";
my $s = "{ ";
# FIXME: escape $_. But dots should not be escaped.
$s .= "$_ = builtins.storePath ${\$alt->{jobs}->{$_}}; "
foreach keys %{$alt->{jobs}};
$s .= "}";
push @res, "--arg", $input, $s;
else {
push @res, "--arg", $input, buildInputToString($exprType, $alt);