<title> Serving behind reverse proxy </title>
To serve hydra web server behind reverse proxy like
<emphasis>nginx</emphasis> or <emphasis>httpd</emphasis> some
additional configuration must be made.
Edit your <literal>hydra.conf</literal> file in a similar way to
this example:
using_frontend_proxy 1
base_uri example.com</screen>
<literal>base_uri</literal> should be your hydra servers proxied URL.
If you are using Hydra nixos module then setting <literal>hydraURL</literal>
option should be enough.
If you want to serve Hydra with a prefix path, for example
<ulink>http://example.com/hydra</ulink> then you need to configure your
reverse proxy to pass <literal>X-Request-Base</literal> to hydra, with
prefix path as value.
For example if you are using nginx, then use configuration similar to following:
server {
listen 433 ssl;
server_name example.com;
.. other configuration ..
location /hydra/ {