2.4683] → [
# Add a 30s penalty for each started build. This
# is to account for jobsets that have running
# builds but no build steps yet.
$duration += $jobset->builds->search({ finished => 0, busy => 1 })->count * 30;
if (!defined $timeSpent) {
$timeSpent = $jobset->builds->search(
{ },
{ where => \ ("(finished = 0 or (me.stoptime >= " . (time() - $windowSize) . "))")
, join => 'buildsteps'
, select => \ "sum(coalesce(buildsteps.stoptime, ${\time}) - buildsteps.starttime)"
, as => "sum" })->single->get_column("sum") // 0;
# Add a 30s penalty for each started build. This
# is to account for jobsets that have running
# builds but no build steps yet.
$timeSpent += $jobset->builds->search({ finished => 0, busy => 1 })->count * $costPerBuild;
$timeSpentPerJobset->{$b->get_column('project')}->{$b->get_column('jobset')} = $timeSpent;