<!-- TODO: twee slides over Plastic, en waarom het niet wat gaat worden. -->
<!-- FINAL: add Plastic logo -->
<https://www.plasticscm.com> <!-- .element: class="attribution" -->
Git has most of these features already.
It just lacks the GUI stuff.
## Focus on artists and designers
* 'Plastic Gluon' is a version control component meant for artists and designers
* Image diffing
* Their references are almost exclusively game studios
## But
#### Plastic is not going to be 'the Git killer'
* not open-source software
* Git users are not switching SCM's just for some *eye candy*
* **not open-source software**
* apparently, the story of BitKeeper has not taught the people of Plastic **anything**
* Git users are not switching SCM's just for some *eye candy*
* most of them are used to using the command-line.
* those who are not are probably using a web-based product, or SourceTree or GitHub Desktop.