{{!-- render album description if we can find a ImageDescription --}}
{{#each album.files~}}
{{#each album.files~}}
{{#compare meta.exif.ImageDescription.length '&&' @first}}
{{!-- skip this because this is the cover item --}}
{{#compare album.files.length '==' 1}}
{{!-- cover item found --}}
{{> galleryHeader}}
{{#compare album.files.length '!=' 1}}
{{#compare album.title '==' 'Home'}}
{{!-- no cover item found and home --}}
{{> galleryHeader-home}}
{{#compare album.title '!=' 'Home'}}
{{!-- not home so render the cover header --}}
{{> galleryHeader}}
<div id="container">
{{#if (cover album)}}
{{> galleryHeader-home}}
{{> galleryHeader}}
<div id="container" {{#if (cover album)}}class="default"{{/if}}>
* check the type for the cover
* cover album
"use strict";
module.exports = album => {
if (album.title == 'Home' && album.files.length == 0) {
// home and no cover found
return true;
} else {
// render the cover foto
return false;