pijul clone https://nest.pijul.com/pijul/pijul
## Options
- -h, --help
Print a help message and exit.
- -V, --version
Print the version of Pijul and exit.
- --from-branch \<from-branch\>
Clone branch \<from-branch\> from the remote repository, instead of
the default branch (which is "master").
- \<from\>
A URI to clone. At the moment, only local paths, SSH paths (such as
`me@example.com:path/to/repository`) and HTTP(S) URLs are supported.
- --patch \<patch\> …
Pull patch \<patch\> and its dependencies. Can appear multiple times on the command line.
- -p \<port\>, --port \<port\>
If the repository is accessed over SSH, the port of the remote SSH
server, defaulting to 22 (the standard SSH port).
- --to-branch \<branch\>
Store this branch as \<branch\> instead of using the same name as
the remote branch.
- [to]
Path to the local directory where the repository will be cloned,
defaulting to the current directory followed by the basename of the
URI in <from>.