Manual for Pijul

#41 explanation for key command

Closed on February 22, 2022
joyously on August 18, 2021

From Zulip: pijul key generate creates a key pair for you, stored in .config/pijul if you’re using Linux. Then, pijul key prove (for me, since my login on the Nest is pmeunier) signs a challenge to prove to the Nest that I own the private key.

andrepuel added a change on October 13, 2021
pmeunier on February 22, 2022

Hi! Thanks for the patch. Since I’m super late to review these patches, I’ve already merged #NT22VBIWNZHOCIT4CUYOSC2KKGW5PC6OHPHFQAGQOGS4X5QKUTEQC, which solves the same problem.

pmeunier closed this discussion on February 22, 2022